luckybush56 wrote: »my psn is "tk9724tk"plz inv,thx a lot!
Hey there. Sounds fun -- hope recruitment is still open.
Long-time MMO healer (WoW, GW2) and generally a fan of crafting, but new to ESO and playing it exclusively as my new MMO of choice -- lvl 19 and rising quickly. Happy to sign on, if you'll have me.
eso - adamheid
psn - adamheid27
Hey there. Sounds fun -- hope recruitment is still open.
Long-time MMO healer (WoW, GW2) and generally a fan of crafting, but new to ESO and playing it exclusively as my new MMO of choice -- lvl 19 and rising quickly. Happy to sign on, if you'll have me.
eso - adamheid
psn - adamheid27
happy to have ya bud!! inv inc soon!
dahousto989ub17_ESO wrote: »Hey there!
I just hit vet rank 1 but still feel like I am playing a single player game!! Looking for a home.
Templar healer ready to group and have fun. 26yrs old, mic ready. Played with my guild in WoW for 6 years since vanilla. Loyal and ambitious.
PSN - SlaveZero7
kirkguldinub17_ESO wrote: »Would you like to join a large alliance of AD guilds? We already have 12 and counting, including some of the biggest names. I am GM of Capital Punishment. My psn is DevotedServant. If you're interested, shoot me a message through psn!
I recently achieved veteran level 1. I am a templar healer for PVP and dungeon questing but I can also be an offensive spell caster when needed. I would be greatly honored to be accepted into this guild! I have a mic but I don't exactly talk to much only other MMORPG I'v played is guild wars as a healer.
My schedule is mostly open but the most I can play are on weekends.
PSN - Kirito980
olivaresdonjuan wrote: »AD in pvp? Lol it's fun watching them team up with the DC just to survive.
FarDarocha wrote: »Add Fardarocha in game or Far_Darocha psn
active player with 200k+ bank and very active trader and donator