
So I've been getting this ERROR 209 ALL DAY since the patch.
I've been able to play a few times/ get past the error by repairing or something...

Game would crash.

I would bring up the patcher and FRIGGIN ERROR 209 comes back.


ERROR all FRIGGIN day long

REPAIRED this game SEVERAL times today

I use to be an IT...

When you have an issue like this...





Your review on the ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE... 100% correct.
They really should call this game buggy mc bug house instead of the Elder Scrolls Online.

  • qsnoopyjr
    Edited, took out all my rage and just posting Francis face of what his expression of the game when I looked at his review of it in consideration of trying out the game.
    If anything, 3 things. Everytime I loadup the game through patcher, I have to REPAIR (BUG), I cannot look at my recipes (BUG), I crash more since patch (BUG).

    His facial expression is pretty similar to mine right now, I'm getting really fed up.
    All I gotta say.
    Edited by qsnoopyjr on June 16, 2015 9:10AM
  • charezonrwb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Exact same issue... endless repairs.

    Exact same scenarios as OP :(
    Soul Shriven
    I'm having the same issue, as well. Currently, I'm re-installing ESO in hopes that it will fix the issue. I'll post back later if it did.
  • wrlifeboil
    Be sure you are running the launcher as Administrator.
  • danno8
    This happens all the time on patch day.

    Launch directly from the ESO.exe file, or alternatively relaunching the launcher will make it go away...for a while.
    Edited by danno8 on June 16, 2015 12:20PM
    Soul Shriven
    danno8 wrote: »
    This happens all the time on patch day.

    Launch directly from the ESO.exe file, or alternatively relaunching the launcher will make it go away...for a while.

    Unfortunately, these suggestions didn't work for me. But, as you've said, things like this happens on patch day. No biggie. It is what it is.

  • teabelly
    yep, repaired 3 times, work around used to be the technical Close Launcher, Open Launcher.. that doesnt work now :/
    Soul Shriven
    I've got it to work again. Unfortunately, you'll need to re-download the game itself to avoid these repair issues. Once downloaded, I input my credentials needed to get online, and it worked!
    Edited by TOYBOXX on June 16, 2015 2:54PM
  • teabelly
    well, finally, it working, just had to keep closing the launcher & opening it until it let me Play.

    I've already had to download the game 3 times, at 60 gb a pop, it no fun.
  • Elderscrollian
    I got this too but I can start game direct from the .exe or via repairing and then starting, BUT the moment I log out the error comes up again. Seems like todays patch broke as much as it fixed lol
  • [Deleted User]
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  • MissyMad
    So yesterday obviously I couldn't do anything because accidentally mousing over a recipe or god forbid trying to cook something would blow up the game. I am also stuck in the endless repair loop now. I've done all the fixes that have been posted before and for me usually work but, no such luck this time around.
    You stink of death my friend, I salute you.
  • Red_Olander
    Do not repair, just close the dialog box and click Play.
    You may have to do this a few times but it will go away.
  • MissyMad
    Do not repair, just close the dialog box and click Play.
    You may have to do this a few times but it will go away.

    I finally got it to work, although it crashed itself for a few seconds and recovered. Now stuck in the endless load screen, but the game is still responsive so all there is to do is wait now. Large patches always give the same result I've found, at least for myself anyway.
    You stink of death my friend, I salute you.
  • Seravi
    I had the 209 again after the patch. Upper level CS replied and had me delete the numbered host files. So far the 209 error has been gone.

    My game is installed on D but the directions from CS are for the game being installed on C:

    Please head to the following folder :
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\Launcher
    And delete all the host.developer.X.log files (where X is a number) and keep the one with no number.

    Make sure you keep the file called host.developer.log. The other files will be something like host.developer.9.log. Those are the ones to delete.
  • Jimboo84
    qsnoopyjr wrote: »

    So I've been getting this ERROR 209 ALL DAY since the patch.
    I've been able to play a few times/ get past the error by repairing or something...

    Game would crash.

    I would bring up the patcher and FRIGGIN ERROR 209 comes back.


    ERROR all FRIGGIN day long

    REPAIRED this game SEVERAL times today

    I use to be an IT...

    When you have an issue like this...





    Your review on the ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE... 100% correct.
    They really should call this game buggy mc bug house instead of the Elder Scrolls Online.


    Same issue here, as with all other previous patches.
    They don't know what the exact issue is in my opinion.

    Uninstalled, reboot and downloaded the "new launcher" from ESO account some weeks ago, everything went well with launcher, even no lags in Cyrodiil and graphics were fine.
    Now patch and Repair is back again, now repairing for the 4th time...

    Jimerio / Magicka Sorcerer / PvP & PvE / Master Crafter(Woodworking, Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Provisioning, Enchanting, Clothing) / DD & Heal / CP560+ / Aldmeri Dominion / PC / EU
  • Seravi
    Did you remove the host files as noted above in my other post? The last time I had the 209 I uninstalled and reinstalled four times, installed on another system and even used another ISP and still had the 209. After removing the numbered host files the 209 goes away...well at least it did for me. Don't bother with multiple repairs. You are wasting your time repairing every time the 209 shows up. The game will run fine from eso.exe so there is no need to repair. Its a bug with the host files that they can't seem to fix.
    Edited by Seravi on June 17, 2015 10:16AM
  • qsnoopyjr
    Seravi wrote: »
    Did you remove the host files as noted above in my other post? The last time I had the 209 I uninstalled and reinstalled four times, installed on another system and even used another ISP and still had the 209. After removing the numbered host files the 209 goes away...well at least it did for me. Don't bother with multiple repairs. You are wasting your time repairing every time the 209 shows up. The game will run fine from eso.exe so there is no need to repair. Its a bug with the host files that they can't seem to fix.

    No I didn't
    A lot of people are having this error.
    Some people don't bother with the forums and just quit the game right then and there.

    I've never had this issue until this patch. And if I'm suppose to go fiddle with some files every now and then because of a bad patch (seems like on occasion due to people saying "its back"), then they really need to do those external loopback tests and test those patches on themselves before releasing a bad patch to the public. It's common IT networking practice.

    Internal loopback good?
    External loopback good?
    Lets release it now.

    Heck I got all this advertisement "you can be a game tester and make 80,000 a year".... Well utilize those game testers you have ZOS.
    Don't they have a test server too??

    I didn't buy this game to read up on "this is how you remove host files", "host files are these files"...
    Bought this game to play and have fun, and not frustrate the heck out of myself.
    Some people don't even have enough computer knowledge and have no idea what to do but keep on repairing and eventually quit.

    Seems like BAD practice from ZOS, has lead from LOGGING OUT LOGGING IN.... Constantly for bugs you find in game. Like guild trader bought stuff not appearing in mailbox until you ZONE OUT ZONE IN or LOG OUT and LOG OUT. Some NPCs not showing (glenumbra banker)... Only thing you do is LOG OUT LOG IN or ZONE OUT and ZONE IN....

    Those bad practices lead to if you get ERROR 209... CLOSE THE PATCHER. OPEN PATCHER BACK UP.. It appears again? CLOSE PATCHER OPEN IT BACK UP. Now you can play the game.


    Oh I just bought an item from a guild trader... That means I gotta log out and log in. I need to goto the banker. Banker isn't appearing. That means I gotta log out and log in. Woops I moused over a recipe. That means I gotta close the game. Ooooh no I got ERROR 209.. That means I gotta close the patcher and open it back up.


    Oooh no, what's this? I'm in the future now. Patcher is highly corrupt...
    That means I gotta SHUT DOWN my computer and BOOT it back up.

    Corruption going too far!

    From in game... IGNORING bug fixes. Leads to Patcher bugs.... "oooh its everyones computer".... Wouldn't be surprised if that got WORSE and lead to blue screens of death.

    All I have in my head is Francis WARNING ME THAT GAME IS PRETTY MUCH UNPLAYABLE "because of crash bugs, because of quest bugs, because of dupe bugs, because of bank bugs, bugs bugs bug bug bugs".... ONE WHOLE YEAR AGO
    Francis, your review is 100% SPOT ON... Lemme tell you something Francis. They've added a NEW BUG. PATCHER BUG.

    If anything, this game just teaches you to be a GOOD IT.
    Did you try turning it off and on again?
    Did you try logging out and logging in?
    Did you try closing and reopening?

    Other games....
    You just play the dang game. no annoying bugs, no annoying logging out logging in, no annoying closing reopening.
    Edited by qsnoopyjr on June 17, 2015 8:25PM
  • Robbmrp
    This is what I do when I see that ridiculous error. Follow these steps and it will work for you as well. I see this error almost after EVER patch. Why? Because the ESO Launcher is a joke.

    When you see this error do the below.

    1- Double click the game and get the error, Play does not show.
    2- Close the launcher and reopen.
    3- If you receive the error again follow Step #2 until you get a launcher with Play.

    I NEVER REPAIR. It's not the game files, it's the Launcher. You don't need to run as Administrator, you do not need to launch from the ESO.EXE file as I've never logged on that way.

    That's all I do to log on the NA server for PC. Keep closing and reopening the launcher until the error goes away.

    This Error has been reported to ZOS many times and like the Cyrodil and PVE Lag, they've done nothing about it.
    Edited by Robbmrp on June 17, 2015 9:19PM
    NA Server - Kildair
  • BigM
    @Robbmrp You are right we shouldn't need to keep running repairs or run as admin like I did yesterday and then I went ahead after error came back I did the next step where you delete all three version files and then you need to put up with over 2 hours of reinstalling files. In fact it really isn't doing anything, in fact all it does is check every single file (we already know there is nothing wrong with all the files) then it downloads all 3 files at the end and guess what? You get the exact same error after maybe 2 or 3 times of running launcher.

    Now if we look back in other games, pick any MMO you like all have updated their launchers after at least 3 or 4 patches a year. ZoS has never updated it and tried to make it better and compatible with game. I see no excuse for this and yes we can bypass launcher and I still can't believe anyone connected to ZoS would think this is acceptable in any way. Other MMO's have frowned on this for many reasons and there is one main one which I will not get into right now but would like to see this put to a stop and have players never have to bypass the launcher.

    1. it advertises what is going on in game.
    2. It has links to current patch notes and support.
    3. A lot of players would have trouble finding the right file to run it.

    I beg you after a year ZoS to get a better and updated launcher for this game. Granted I understand you guys have major problems you are working on for consoles and yes they deserve to play the game without these major issues. But we also deserve at least one bug with our side fixed and I hope you pick this one and bring us a new launcher and finally nips this in the butt.

    Thank you,

    From the old man!
    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
    Soul Shriven
    Having the same issue. Not much to tell that that...tried all fixes and nothing has helped, even tried something from 2014 when this error was taking place..that did not work either.
  • qsnoopyjr
    Guys, this error shows up immediately or after you wait like 5-15 mins before clicking play it'll pop up.

    All you do is close and reopen it.
    Yes very annoying, just like buying an item from a guild trader, all you do is log out and login to get your item.

    Very annoying
    Very annoying

    Need to get your blood pressure up? Just play this game that should do the trick.
  • Valen_Byte
    ONLY use the launcher to patch. Otherwise just launch the eso.exe as other have stated.
    ***Dixon Kay MagDK FORMER EMPEROR***Deca Dix MagDK FORMER EMPORER***Valonious MagPlar FORMER EMPEROR***
    GM of BYTE
    And alien tears will fill for him, Pity’s long-broken urn, For his mourners will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn
  • Silverforte
    Been having 209 myself. Thing is, I got ESO from greenmangaming so I don't have the same directories steam users do. I looked for all the .version files everyone says to delete, only had one. I deleted it, relaunched the launcher and now it's redownloading 5.8 gigs of data I already have. That .version file was 9kb. According to this forum, reddit and other places, this issue has been around for a long time.
    Edited by Silverforte on June 18, 2015 3:40AM
  • BigM
    Been having 209 myself. Thing is, I got ESO from greenmangaming so I don't have the same directories steam users do. I looked for all the .version files everyone says to delete, only had one. I deleted it, relaunched the launcher and now it's redownloading 5.8 gigs of data I already have. That .version file was 9kb. According to this forum, reddit and other places, this issue has been around for a long time.

    They are in:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online\vo_en
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online\game
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online\depot

    But like I said did no good, only wasted over 2 hours re-downloading game where all it really did was install the version files again, unlike beta when we did it it didn't fix it this time. Some people say make sure version files aren't read protected but that doesn't work either.

    Sooner or later they are going to have to update launcher, seems to be the core problem.

    But that is OK, just found a Perfect Roe and is up on AH! Thank You ESOTU! :smiley:
    Edited by BigM on June 18, 2015 5:23AM
    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
  • Tandor
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    This is what I do when I see that ridiculous error. Follow these steps and it will work for you as well. I see this error almost after EVER patch. Why? Because the ESO Launcher is a joke.

    When you see this error do the below.

    1- Double click the game and get the error, Play does not show.
    2- Close the launcher and reopen.
    3- If you receive the error again follow Step #2 until you get a launcher with Play.

    I NEVER REPAIR. It's not the game files, it's the Launcher. You don't need to run as Administrator, you do not need to launch from the ESO.EXE file as I've never logged on that way.

    That's all I do to log on the NA server for PC. Keep closing and reopening the launcher until the error goes away.

    This Error has been reported to ZOS many times and like the Cyrodil and PVE Lag, they've done nothing about it.

    Your workaround is correct, your comment about ZOS doing nothing about it is not. They responded to a question from me on ESO Live about it - the one before last as I recall - confirming that they are aware of the problem, that they are aware also that the Knowledge Base advice doesn't work for most people, and that they are working on it.

    Meanwhile it is not a big issue once you know that closing/re-opening the launcher or running direct from eso.exe is all that you need to do each time the game is patched. The biggest frustration comes from those running the repair function because of the time taken and its failure to resolve the issue, which is totally understandable and I'd very much like a fixed note on the launcher giving correct advice on the workaround until they have fixed the problem completely. It is extensively reported and discussed on the forums every patch day but it needs also to be covered on the launcher.
  • Robbmrp
    Tandor wrote: »
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    This is what I do when I see that ridiculous error. Follow these steps and it will work for you as well. I see this error almost after EVER patch. Why? Because the ESO Launcher is a joke.

    When you see this error do the below.

    1- Double click the game and get the error, Play does not show.
    2- Close the launcher and reopen.
    3- If you receive the error again follow Step #2 until you get a launcher with Play.

    I NEVER REPAIR. It's not the game files, it's the Launcher. You don't need to run as Administrator, you do not need to launch from the ESO.EXE file as I've never logged on that way.

    That's all I do to log on the NA server for PC. Keep closing and reopening the launcher until the error goes away.

    This Error has been reported to ZOS many times and like the Cyrodil and PVE Lag, they've done nothing about it.

    Your workaround is correct, your comment about ZOS doing nothing about it is not. They responded to a question from me on ESO Live about it - the one before last as I recall - confirming that they are aware of the problem, that they are aware also that the Knowledge Base advice doesn't work for most people, and that they are working on it.

    Meanwhile it is not a big issue once you know that closing/re-opening the launcher or running direct from eso.exe is all that you need to do each time the game is patched. The biggest frustration comes from those running the repair function because of the time taken and its failure to resolve the issue, which is totally understandable and I'd very much like a fixed note on the launcher giving correct advice on the workaround until they have fixed the problem completely. It is extensively reported and discussed on the forums every patch day but it needs also to be covered on the launcher.

    That's great to hear!
    NA Server - Kildair
  • BigM
    Today they told me to go to launcher folder and delete it. Then to download the eso installer again so thinking they may have updated it I went for it. Deleted Launcher folder , reinstalled with install file from account download. Guess what didn't work.

    At least they tried something have to give them props for that. But I think a total rebuild of launcher is in order and I hope they do it soon. One bug am really getting sick of.
    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
  • Seravi
    Well deleting the host files hasn't helped. It worked for a few days and the 209 is now back....esh!!!!!
  • Tandor
    Seravi wrote: »
    Well deleting the host files hasn't helped. It worked for a few days and the 209 is now back....esh!!!!!

    There is no solution right now except to not do the prompted repair but instead to close and re-open the launcher a few times for a few days after each patch, then the problem eventually fixes itself. Alternatively, once the patch has installed satisfactorily just run the game direct from the eso.exe file in the game folder. If that fails then either the patch isn't cleanly installed or there is a different problem altogether.
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