Maintenance for the week of October 21:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 21
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 21, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Warriors of Truth is recruiting members,We are christian guild

All are welcome to join , no rules but to play at your own pace. I personally very active and likes to compete ! Aldmeri Dominion , server North American. message me xLOCxx is my gamertag for invite or more info.
  • xLOCxx
    Come join , We are always recruiting! Looking for members to group up with complete questand stuff.
  • Daevyn
    I'm a leader of a guild in EP, but just wanted to say I like what you are doing. Good luck and God bless.
    Packmaster Daevyn Fenris GT: Daevyn,
    XB1 Guild: Wolves of Wraithwinter.
    We have werewolves and vampires
    Looking for more, honest ones.
    Wolves of Wraitwinter also in GW2, Neverwinter, and Destiny.
  • xLOCxx
    Theres no condemnation under Christ Jesus! :) Blessings my friend:)
  • ICEMAN6902VT3

    I am new to the game but not to MMO's. I'm interested in joining your guild
    to trade items and support each other in our journeys. Thank you and
    please consider sending me an invite. My first character's name is NIYOL which is Navaho for Wind.
    My xbox live gamer tag is ICEMAN6902VT3 as seen to the left. Thanks
  • xLOCxx
    kool, Invite has been sent.
  • Pizzonage
    Do you accept heathens?
  • xLOCxx
    We take anybody who is willing to join. So if you want to game with believers come on over!
  • ICEMAN6902VT3
    Very friendly crew. Fun to play with so far!
  • xLOCxx
    Warriors of Truth is looking for members.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Server : North American
    Add me on xbox live xLOCxx for invite too.
  • xLOCxx
    Come and join , We are trying to hit 50 members, we are about halfway there.
  • xLOCxx
    Still looking for more members to join.
  • Aquestor
    Soul Shriven
    I'd be interested in joining but my main character is Ebonheart Pact. Does that matter? I'm not too familiar with the alliances yet.
    Xbox GT: Aquestor
  • xLOCxx
    Thats ok, we have members on all servers, plus with multiple accounts. join us
  • xLOCxx
    Warriors Of Truth looking for members still come join us
  • Herelacfreahelm
    I would like to join the guild and get a invite please and am a Christian to play the game with my gamer tag is erich68cs.
  • xLOCxx
    Ok, i wil send you invite!
    Anyone else looking for invite or add me gamertag xLOCxx
  • ritmoon
    I'm interested

    Casual (Primarily because of work and the fact I am married and would like to stay that way)

    Class: Templar (16 ATM)
    Role: Healer
    Timezone: CST - Texas
    Age: 39
    Exp: WoW (since launch and quit in the middle of Panda land), been playing RPGs since Phantasy Star and MMOs since EQ
    GamerTag: RITMoon
    Edited by ritmoon on August 24, 2015 6:34PM
    GT RITMoon
  • xLOCxx
    Anyone else looking to join ? Message me or add me on xboxone gamertag xLOCxx
  • Rectifier77
    Soul Shriven
    Invite me to your clan. My gamertag is: Rectifier77
  • holyhitter777
    Soul Shriven
    Are you guys still active? If so, send me an invite please. GT same as UserID. Thanks and God bless.
  • Ammogirl1119
    If you are still active, I would be interested in joining. Ammogirl 1119.
  • Solidevolution923
    I'm interested AD Templar 11
  • lakota95
    Soul Shriven
    Very interested in joining if you guys (like everyone has posted) are still an active guild. I know I would be a noob and need plenty of help but I would love to have some friends in the game. My GT - lakota95
    Things not to do today, join a christian guild.
  • Aquestor
    Soul Shriven
    I dropped out of the game for a while and just got back in. Can you send me another invite? I think I saw it about a week ago and canceled because I forgot what it was for. :pensive:
    Xbox GT: Aquestor
  • xLOCxx
    I have invited all who responded , with intrest in joining.
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