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Covenant Assassins - Daggerfell - recruiting 19+ preferably

Covenant Assassins are recruiting mature members. All members are 19+ prefer to keep it that way. We are 10+ strong and growing.
Come join the fight and kill all who oppose the Daggerfell Covenant. Work together to do PvE and PvP.
Leave gamer tag below or msg : x4thIDx JBlaze
Look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.
Edited by JBlaze on June 15, 2015 3:14PM
  • JesseEugeneBaker
    I would be interested in forming a Partnership with you

    If you will hear me out real quick, I feel as if you and your Guild should join us the Deadra Bandits. We plan to focus on RP and PvP, but will enjoy all aspects of ESO. Plus nothing will be mandatory, so for example if you do not wish to RP, you do not have to. The main purpose of our Guild is to make friends, play ESO, and have fun doing so.

    If you join us I will join yours. I cannot promise all my members will, but I will suggest it and post you as a Partner Guild. I've already contacted a lot of smaller Guilds and all the ones I have contacted want to join us. I honestly have no idea how many members we have now, but it's well over 20. If you join forces we can make it past 50 tonight probably.

    I say that I do not know how many we have currently due to the fact I cant add people into the Guild until around 1pm EST which is when I will be logging into ESO. (I work night shift and have to go to sleep like now lol) I'm off on Tuesday and Wednesday this week and will be on CONSTANTLY those days.

    Let me explain why I think we should combine real quick. Our Alliance, Daggerfall Covenant, is vastly outnumbered already compared to the others two Alliances. Plus there are already a couple large Guilds in Daggerfall, so it will be hard for us smaller Guilds just starting out to gain members. Rather than competing we should work together.

    The reason I say we focus on RP and PvP is a couple reasons. First off I love RP. I love to feel like I am my character and come up with a backstory. Which is why the Deadra Bandits are an RP Guild. The Guild itself will have a backstory and our story will continue to grow as long as we have members willing to participate in RP.

    Now the reason I say that we are also PvP based is that our Guilds vision is to see one of our members rise and be crowned Emperor. But like I stated earlier we will focus on ALL aspects of ESO.

    If you're willing to combine with us then I will make you a higher rank than most people who are just starting in the Guild. Not only that, but I will grant you an even greater position than the people who had a Guild of 2 - 3 or whatever that I have combining with us. Basically I will make you an officer, but with that position will come GREAT responsibility.

    If you are not willing to combine with us then I'm willing to form a partnership with you and consider your Guild an ally. :smile:

    I probably wont be able to reply until later today around the time when I'm gonna log into ESO (1pm EST) as I am dead tired and about to pass out..

    I hope to hear back from you and look forward to gaming with you!

    My GT: Luc Ray Mee

  • JBlaze
    I would certainly be interested in a partnership! I agree with a lot of your points and would like to keep my guild alive and growing. Plan to mostly focus on PvP but also to include every aspect of ESO. We can be the tip of the spear, in a sense, that shows our prowess on the battlefield. Together I believe we could make a good team. I won't be on until later this evening as I work out of town. But can send you an invite when I do get on later. Shall also suggest that my other members join you as a secondary guild. My gamer tag is posted above feel free to add me as a friend.
    For the Covenant!
  • JBlaze
    Just so it continues to show up foremost and recent here is clan information :)

    Covenant Assassins are recruiting mature members. All members are 19+ prefer to keep it that way.
    We are 10+ strong and growing.
    Come join the fight and kill all who oppose the Daggerfell Covenant. Work together to do PvE and PvP.
    Leave gamer tag below or msg : x4thIDx JBlaze
    Look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.
  • JBlaze
    Join the assassins today!
  • TheBeastFromTheEast
    Soul Shriven
    Inv me pls, im lvl 22 GT- Veteranb0mb786
  • JBlaze
    Will do! Won't be on for a few hours yet but shall see if I can get another member to send invite sooner.
  • drbpsymons
    Soul Shriven
    21+ mature casual gamer Xbox NA server Daggerfall covenant. Gamertag: MrBigMeat69 (I inherited this from my son...not my idea of a gamertag).
  • JBlaze
    Very classy gamer tag lol shall get an invite out to you asap.
    Welcome to the Assassins
  • JBlaze
    We are rapidly growing should break 20 tonight. Still open recruiting no plans on caping it off.
    Come fight for the Covenant!
  • e_sanchez
    GT E Sanchez 8912
  • JBlaze
    Invite should be sent to you soon. I am not on for an hour or two yet but have a member sending some out shortly.
  • JBlaze
    Welcome to the Assassins everyone. Looking forward to bolstering our ranks even further.
  • LordZeroh
    Soul Shriven
    Inv ToonXJuggernaut plz.
  • JBlaze
    Will send invite momentarily. About to sign on
  • benthesoundguy
    Can you add me. My gt is Benthesoundguy thanks.
  • JBlaze
    Invite being sent now. Welcome to the Assassins
  • JBlaze
    Join covenant assassins today! 15+ members and counting
  • JBlaze
    All members are currently 20+ so focusing on adult/mature recruitment.
  • UTG_Zilla
    I'll join, I'm level 23 khajit nightblade dw/now in daggerfall cov. Gt is "UTG zilla".

    As of right now I'm mainly in pve but will do pvp when at that point. And can't say I'm not a RPer when I named my khajit Q'iam the Seer (Mai'q's truth telling brother lol...)
    Edited by UTG_Zilla on June 16, 2015 4:16PM
  • JBlaze
    Great to have you! Will get and invite to you asap. I will be on around 4-5 est.
    Will see if I can get a member to send one your way before then though.
  • UTG_Zilla
    Cool cool, glad to join.

    For the covenant! (Sorry, I had to)
  • JBlaze
    Dont be, I agree with that statement! Lol
    For the Covenant!
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