Please Zeni, stop giving me a heart attack!
The timing of the Guild Trader bids in conjunction with the servers coming down for maintenance is not good! Most of the time you actually get to see if your guild was successful or not, othertimes, you have to wait for the patch to complete.
This leads to some inequity issues because if you have to do a run around to see if you can locate an alternative trader, those with the fastest internet connections are the winners. If your guild happens to be based somewhere like Australia, with internet connections enviable only by those from the dark ages, it could be a good hour (half a day) after everyone else before you can even get online - by which time it is all somewhat of a moot point.
It would be fairer to all if this turn over happened an hour or two prior to patch...or better still, on a different day all together.
Thanks (rant over) ;p
Vallaris Hawkwing