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[Xbone, NA] New Guild, The Fellowship of Ebonheart!

Hello all,

Me along with 3-4 other close friends have created a guild called "The Fellowship of Ebonheart" {FoE}.
We are recruiting all members from all walks life.

Help us start to bring Ebonheart Pact up there again with our rival factions (PvP-wise). We are located on the Xbox One console and our exact guild name in game should be "Fellowship of Ebonheart".
I am currently Guild Master and my GT is: o Cedi o, Cedryk being my actual name. The reason I say currently is because we may be having a friend of ours from PC help run it later on, he was apart of one the top EP guilds, and ranked very high so he may know a bit more than us.

This guild isn't your typical hardcore group, granted all of us can play in a hardcore environment, I however wanted to create this guild as more of a good starting guild you can join no matter your level and still have fun. We currently are siting around 20 or so members and are working for 50 and beyond, we are working (me and my close group of friends) to hit level 50 both to help in PvP but also so players joining can see that we put some effort in and aren't just going to become another "dead-end" guild.
I am hoping that with enough members, with a positive constructive mindset, that we as a guild can help each other out without everyone feeling like they need to ask me or my friends just because we "rank" higher in the guild. I personally don't know EVERYTHING, same goes with my friends so any and all constructive input is welcomed.

- If you are more PvE oriented no worries, we will be working on setting up large group dungeons as well but for the moment we are on the Level 50 grind. Since the Xbone NA servers are starting to get better we are finally consistently leveling up (28 being our highest so far).

- If you are more of a PvP player (myself included, quite addicting) then we are currently finding a good Campaign we can play consistently. "Chillrend" being our top pick at the moment. I talk mostly with my close group but if we end up in the same campaign we will definitely try and switch to Area-chat or Group-chat.

- If you don't really want to do dungeons or PvP campaigns that's absolutely fine! If you just want to be apart of our expanding community, or just want to represent EP then join our guild! Crafters/Role Players/Recruiters they are all welcome! If you already have a guild and want to join that is fine as well!

If you have more questions about the guild let me know shoot me a message in-game, if you want to join you can send me a message to my gamer profile, preferably in-game though. If you don't plan on joining then I wish all of you the best, and thank you for taking the time to read this block of text :)


GT: o Cedi o
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