Guild store: how do I change the listing price on items I want to sell? (PS4)

I click banker > I click guild store > I click R1 to get to sell tab > I click x to create listing for the item I want to sell > my only option at this point is to confirm the listing??

How do I change the listing price? The current default is selling a blue necklace I have for 23 gold??? This necklace is definitely worth more than that. How do I change the listing price?
[Arcane] is recruiting! Daggerfall PS4 NA PvP/PvE - 400+ active members ~ Main recruitment thread ~
  • JediRift
    Figured it out, hitting x instead of the square to confirm allows you to change the numeric values. Very unintuitive. Not explained properly in the ui. Well, it actually does not explain it at all lol. Just says select back or confirm...but it gives no indication WHAT you are selecting or why.

    Anyway, figured it out by randomly clicking. Noticed a lot of people missing this as I see lots of items being sold for vendor prices in guilds.
    [Arcane] is recruiting! Daggerfall PS4 NA PvP/PvE - 400+ active members ~ Main recruitment thread ~
  • RandomOne81
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for this precisely. This UI makes me feel dumb.
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