I've decided to share my thoughts on ESO after playing it for awhile and recently trying it out with friends.
Firstly, I like the game, that's why I recommended it to my friends and wanted to play with them.
But it is not straightforward and experience is not something I'd expect from a MMO game.
The problems you need to sort out are as follows:
1) All players need to create character in the same faction to be able to play together
Yes, there is explorer pack, but look at it this way. I've just convinced my friend to play this game with me. He goes on about creating character. Then he is he can't create Orc Wizard female, because that race is not available in my faction. So he is told, just after dumping £50 on the game that he needs to PAY again £10 to unlock races in all factions and PAY again £20 if he wants to play Imperial. No matter how great your game is, my friends won't give it a chance past the character creation screen if you do cashgrab d*ck moves like this. Especially since race choice matters AND it is not possible to change race later AND you can't teleport to a friend in different faction. Reconsider what first impressions you want to give to people starting to play your game.
2) We need to be same level to play together - there is no player level sync in dungeons
I want to play some dungeons with my friend. I'm lv46, he's lv10. I do not want to power level his dungeon runs one-shotting everything in sight, I want to play TOGETHER with him. Sync my stats, skills and weapon/armor values to match the group leader's level. I don't care if I won't be getting xp and loot, but I care for the experience to be fun and challenging for both me and my friend(s). You could tell me to create another character of course, but I already have character, class and race I like to play, why should I be forced to make another? Also, I'm not going to create a new character every time my friend starts to play, or if I meet someone cool and want to play together. That's insane.
Add player level scaling for dungeons. Hell, if you feel generous, make it so that groups can scale their level even in open world.
3) No race change, no appearance change
If races were just aesthetics and looks, I wouldn't mind. But since racial passives actually matter and you might end up regretting your choice later. When you realise that actually everyone does magicka route unless you want to be really special and try hard and your Orc/Argonian/whatever has nothing cool compared to Breton/Imperial/Redguard/whatever you feel disappointed. I don't think anyone wants to feel bad about making a character choice they end up regretting. I don't play games to feel disappointment and regret. What about you?
I've read you even went as far as changing some racial passives without letting everyone to respec. Not a cool move.
4) Dungeon Finder is a joke
a) So I can queue for a single dungeon or All dungeons. That's lacking. Why there are no tick boxes to let me choose which exactly dungeons I want to do? For daily I just need to select specific dungeon, I give you that. But what if there are 3 dungeons in my level range and I prefer to play 2 of them, but not the third because I don't like it? Or maybe there are few dungeons across all levels from which I need clear to get my skill point? There is no indication how long will my queue be, what roles are saturated and what roles need filling.
b) Shouting for people when you want to make a group for specific thing is old school. I suggest you guys check out Final Fantasy XIV and their
Duty Finder (dungeon finder, you can pick exactly the dungeons you want, you see level range, possible rewards etc) and Party Finder(bulletin board) You can advertise if you're selling something, you can advertise if you're buying something, if you're making farm group for a dungeon, for PvP, for quest, if you're looking for guild/offering guild. All across server and without spamming everyone's chat window. If you're making a dungeon party, you can specify what roles you want, your minimum level and item level
Dungeon finder, auction house and bulletin board can be made better.
5) Friends from different factions can't play the game together from start
Just because someone likes volcano decor and someone likes forests shouldn't mean they can't meet and play together from start when both are online.
6) Your auction house model sucks
I get it, you wanted to be innovative, support guild competition and give guilds some means to gain prestige in PvE and maybe provide some gold sinks. You've probably succeeded in making the market more granular, fluid and to give opportunities for good profit from speculation. But for a normal player starting the game buying and selling sucks. You have to run around checking a bunch of NPCs for item you want. If you're lucky there are 5 guild store NPCs in your current zone. If it is some backwater zone, there's 0-2 guild store NPC, they have hardly any stock, so you have to teleport around the continent, checking a dozen of NPCs in every zone without even knowing if you'll even find item you want. And then you have to join guilds you don't care about just to sell stuff.
Congratulations on making a system that lets people in good trading guild make more money, but FINDING merchandise is horrible experience. If someone doesn't have addons installed with extra filters, it's even more unbearable.
When you want to buy a pair of your favourite shoes, do you go out in New York and walk from shop to shop all day asking if they have your brand? Or do you go online, search who sells your stuff, for what price, who's closest to you, opening hours etc. Then you can go straight to that store instead of wasting your time sifting through garbage. Or, as many people do it these days, you shop online and get stuff delivered to you.
I understand you wanted to do a different auction house system, and I can tell you it is amusing for about five first minutes. For the remainder of the hours I play your game I keep wondering if you know what you're doing and why you try to shove this system down my throat, when it isn't good.
7) Lack of gamepad support on PC.
I hope you at least realise it needs to be done. Soon.
So again, awesome single player game, but if you want to play with friends, it is lacking.
To end, things I like: your quests are actually interesting and fun, voiceovers everywhere, exploration feels rewarding, freedom to play any class any way you want. Good graphics (altho it's a bit hard to make a cute character, most of the time you end up with something that looks permanently hangover, undead or in bad mood). Addons. Vampires and werewolves (werewolf is actually bad, you take it for passives and never transform tho)
Looking forward to where you take this game, I think it has a lot of potential. I hope you'll be able to capitalise on that.