Weapon Swap in Xbox One

I'm level 16 and had seen the quick tutorial about weapon swapping. Yet now it seems as if I don't have it. I can't assign a new weapon or ability bar. The option is nowhere to be seen. It just acts like weapon swap isn't in the game. And in the tutorial section I can't find anything about it in game. How do I weapon swap or put new abilities on a new bar like PC. Left d pad does nothing. Obviously when I hold it, it wields and sheathes. While lookin at my abilities how I assign them to my 2nd rotation?
From Morrowind to MMO. My adventure carries on.
  • taypad
    Soul Shriven
    I also can't figure it out! Somebody help!
  • Hlaadriel
    You need to equip your character second weapon slot with a weapon. It can be the same as weapon 1 or different
  • SURxR3AL
    go to your inventory there it will say "main hand" and "off hand" your main hand is the of course may hand and off hand is your weapon swap. then if you go to your abilities and press Y or Triangle it will switch to the weapon swap for abilities
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  • jeremycgoodb14_ESO
    Yeah the most recent maintenance fixed my issue. The Y button "Weapon Switch" was not appearing for me. Nor was the backup weapon slots. So thanks much!
    From Morrowind to MMO. My adventure carries on.
  • BruceAndre
    Xbox one here, looks like it added two more options under MAIN HAND & OFF HAND, MAIN HAND BACKUP & OFF-HAND BACKUP. Check those :smile:
  • MrSuplex
    Devs also need to allow us to use the same weapon in both "main" and "backup" function, for those of us who have no desire to actually swap weapons but want to utilize the second skill bar.
  • Infinite12
    MrSuplex wrote: »
    Devs also need to allow us to use the same weapon in both "main" and "backup" function, for those of us who have no desire to actually swap weapons but want to utilize the second skill bar.

    Why would you limit yourself so much? If you're going to do something like that then why not use a weapon with a different enchantment at least. Like one fire damage weapon and one frost damage weapon? Then you can have the same weapon just with different enchantments. Also, you can switch to your other weapon, use abilities there and switch back to your main weapon and the abilities will still be in effect.

    I mean, I guess they could make it so that you can use the same weapon in both slots but it just seems to me like you're limiting yourself so much by doing that. You're making yourself a COMPLETELY one dimensional character. Doesn't make any sense.
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  • jeremycgoodb14_ESO
    Infinite12 wrote: »

    Why would you limit yourself so much? If you're going to do something like that then why not use a weapon with a different enchantment at least. Like one fire damage weapon and one frost damage weapon? Then you can have the same weapon just with different enchantments. Also, you can switch to your other weapon, use abilities there and switch back to your main weapon and the abilities will still be in effect.

    I mean, I guess they could make it so that you can use the same weapon in both slots but it just seems to me like you're limiting yourself so much by doing that. You're making yourself a COMPLETELY one dimensional character. Doesn't make any sense.

    I agree with you. I think that's why they wouldn't let us make the same weapon for both bars. Nothing to do with coding or inability to allow us, it's just simply telling us to expand a little bit more. Whether even if you're using the same skill line, but at least different enchantment weapons for the different resistances of enemies.
    From Morrowind to MMO. My adventure carries on.
  • irmensul13
    Soul Shriven
    I can't even find it,I have tried going back up weapon but theres no option,no sign of a second ability bar..pressing d pad right as the game said does nothing except open emotes menu
    Can anyone help?
  • Dephyrius
    It showed up for me with a quick tutorial after hitting level 15, on each of my characters. You should receive a set of weapon slots in your inventory that says "main hand backup" and "off hand backup". Put your new weapons there. When you're in skills and looking at your ability bar, press Y (xbox one) to show the second ability bar. In combat, press the D Pad Left, (not right, that brings up emotes) to weapon swap.
  • Philip_Allen
    Soul Shriven
    I believe you should be able to keep the exact same weapon set up on both bars and hitting the left directional button only switches between a different configuration of skills because you may want to keep your buffs and ranged in one skill bar, rush in and conduct your combat with the other bar. Unnecessarily flip-flopping between weapons just feels... obtrusive.
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