At the moment it seems guild traders are broken, but as soon as it's fixed, to raise funding I'll start doing a donation based raffle to help fund weekly traders. I'll also be looking for dedicated and trusted officers to help out with procurement of traders, managing funds, and over all guild maintenance. Anyone who joins and is interested, and has a good track record will be considered for leadership roles.
I've been throwing a lot of my extras up in the guild bank for anyone to take. Also I've noticed a few stacks of raw mats being sold in the guildstore.
I noticed that the guild back wont let be withdraw anything from it??? also, the guild store wont let me change the prices on my items I want to sell...can someone please help me on this issue...
Could you toss me an inv.. ? My mom is currently playing, we're both active but she has to work ofc. (:
GT: Rayna77