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Game Too Easy?

Lately I have witnessed many streamers alike defeat mobs in their lower levels, and everyone seem to have the same reaction - mobs die too quickly. I have to agree, as the mobs you fight in the open world and during quests are simply too easy, and no challenge equals no fun. The one to fifty leveling experience is a big part of the game and it should be challenging in terms of stronger enemies.

Group dungeons and veteran content is difficult, so I feel it makes sense that the monsters in the open world should be toned up to not seem like such a grind when you do quests even. Also, the loot from quest related bosses are bad, and if the difficulty was to increase the loot should definitely also be improved.
Edited by SanderBuraas on June 2, 2018 10:11AM
  • Gidorick
    Difficulty slider would be nice.
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  • Syntse
    This discussion again...

    Firstly I wonder are these streamers totally new players or are they running some alt through the low levels again? In case it's alt then champion points should be taken into consideration and also they actually know what they are doing. Totally new players are still figuring out what skills to use while they go through the content and it is not as easy.

    Then we are talking about over world trash mobs that you come across while questing. This was big discussion back in time when people wanted veteran zones nerfed. Where to some people pack of 3 of these trash mobs was similar to boss fight. And we are talking about trash mobs which could be compared to henchmen in movies or so that just drop down with one hit when the hero comes and boss is then the real challenge.

    Yes the game has been toned down a lot since launch and for some more experienced people the difficulty may be too low but then there are people for who it is just right and people who have difficulties.
    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
    Ra'Syntse Dominion Khajiit Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
    Syntselle Dominion Dark Elf Dragonknight Magica DPS [50]
    Syntseus Dominion Imperial Templar Healer [50]
    Syntsetar Dominion High Elf Sorcerer Magica DPS [50]
    Friar Tuktuk Daggerfall Brenton Templar Healer [50]
    Syntseyn Ebonheart Brenton Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
  • Bashev
    14 months ago the game was challenging and interesting, especially in veteran levels. A lot of people cried that it was difficult and now the game is boring. I guess it will become even easier with the console release.
    Because I can!
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    This game is so hard for low levels who don't read on forums or google what skills to use, how to play etc. I have tought quite a few lowlies how to play, and the game became much easier for them. I also crafted them armor that boosted their playstyle, which also helped them a lot....

    I remember when I started out, before I reached v12 I struggled with solo questing... where now, I rush through stuff, and I got my sorcerer to silver at level 45 without trouble.
  • aco5712
    too many casuals in this game for them to bump the difficulty which is annoying but thats the way it is. Best thing you can do if it feels too easy to do play outleveled or solo things designed for group play.
    Banned for Naming and Shaming exploiters. Great ideology ZOS.

    Main: Vir Cor | Dragonknight
    Alt: Leo Cor | Nightblade
    Alt: Leonidas Cor | Templar

    Guild: K-Hole
    Youtube: CorESO
    DK PvP Tank/DPS Hybrid Build (2.1+): Cor Leonis
  • NovaMarx
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Difficulty slider would be nice.

    I don't see how a difficulty slider would work in an MMO?
    It would give an unfair advantage to those who choose too play easy, and just rush through the game, while those who choose normal/hard would take considerably longer. The only thing that would make it fair would be if those who choose easy get less experience than those on normal, and those on hard get considerably more experience than the others. :wink:
    This game is so hard for low levels who don't read on forums or google what skills to use, how to play etc. I have tought quite a few lowlies how to play, and the game became much easier for them. I also crafted them armor that boosted their playstyle, which also helped them a lot....

    I remember when I started out, before I reached v12 I struggled with solo questing... where now, I rush through stuff, and I got my sorcerer to silver at level 45 without trouble.

    I think it's very different from person to person. Some find the game easy, some find ti hard, and some find it just right. I think it also depends a lot on the person's past experience, if they are an avid gamer or not. Those who play a lot (not just ESO) may find the game easier, as they have more experience with what works well and what play style fits you.

    Personally, I find this game on the easy side, and have done since being low level. Ergo, it differs from person to person. :smile:
    Edited by NovaMarx on May 27, 2015 9:46AM
    "Feet are for walking. Hands are for hitting. Or shaking. Or waving. Sometimes for clapping."
    - M'aiq the Liar
  • Milktray
    Play easy, less reward
    Play tough guy modes and better rewards, more xp

    is generally how mmo's handle it (those that give that option anyway)
    ZoS please understand everyone thinks and pronounces things differently, so please add to your 'rules' that things get removed if the Mod doesn't actually quite understand phrasing
  • Daemons_Bane
    Having a slider would be fine, though I don't think it should change xp pr. mob as changing the difficulty is the players own choice.. Changing it would make for longer, more challenging fights, which is fine sometimes.. But a lot of the players enjoy the laid back difficulty of the game because they play mostly to relax and calm down after a long day, which can be hard if you feel like even the mobs are more difficult than they should be.. So long story short, +1 for the slider :smile:
  • Valymer
    Not sure how ESO would implement harder modes, but I can tell you that it has been very refreshing playing through Witcher 3 on the "Blood and Broken Bones" difficulty. I die constantly and have to actually prepare for fights and really figure out strategies to beat bosses. And when I finally beat a challenge I feel a huge sense of accomplishment...something which I haven't felt for quite some time in ESO.
  • Milktray
    Valymer wrote: »
    Not sure how ESO would implement harder modes, but I can tell you that it has been very refreshing playing through Witcher 3 on the "Blood and Broken Bones" difficulty. I die constantly and have to actually prepare for fights and really figure out strategies to beat bosses. And when I finally beat a challenge I feel a huge sense of accomplishment...something which I haven't felt for quite some time in ESO.

    Problem is if you die in an mmo, you generally end up a distance away upon revival. SP game however, just make sure to save.

    DDO:EU has a difficulty option upon entering that instance but ESO is everyone bundling around together so they would have to add in (future) some where you can enter solo or group but select difficulty
    ZoS please understand everyone thinks and pronounces things differently, so please add to your 'rules' that things get removed if the Mod doesn't actually quite understand phrasing
  • Powtreeman
    Yeah I had a rough time at first. Id wander into an area too difficult and my chosen skill set didn't quite cut it.
    Died a lot. Spent a lot of time getting nowhere.
    Quit the game for a while.
    Came back figured things out got a better build.
    Now I have an ok time killing things.
  • Zsymon
    It's difficult enough for new players, world bosses are also quite challenging, normal world content does not need to have its difficulty increased. If you want a challenge you can solo Craglorn, and there are veteran dungeons, trials and veteran arena. That's why it's called "veteran".. non veteran players need content on which they don't break their teeth and get disheartened.
    Edited by Zsymon on May 27, 2015 10:07AM
  • Milktray
    If you need more difficulty, play a class, skill, morph build you are not adept at

    I like Templar but i'm better with a NB Siphon build, so for me I play a NB, I tried DK and my god do i suck at melee lol

    So if i wanted to make my life difficult i would use a DK
    ZoS please understand everyone thinks and pronounces things differently, so please add to your 'rules' that things get removed if the Mod doesn't actually quite understand phrasing
  • Gandrhulf_Harbard
    Syntse wrote: »
    This discussion again...

    Firstly I wonder are these streamers totally new players or are they running some alt through the low levels again? In case it's alt then champion points should be taken into consideration and also they actually know what they are doing. Totally new players are still figuring out what skills to use while they go through the content and it is not as easy.

    ^ This.

    I came to ESO a month before it went TU.

    On my first toon I was constantly overwhelmed by mobs, and IIRC I died something like 20 times in the first 10 levels.

    That first toon has seen several re-skills and is now VR2, and I have a small number of CP.

    The new toon I made 2 days ago almost face-rolls the content that killed me 20 times on my first toon.

    I now understand the game mechanics better, a new toon has access to crafted gear from my main, and the CP make a HUGE difference - especially at low levels when you haven't got a lot of Attribute and Skill points to spend.

    But this is nothing new, when Beornings were released for LotRO I started one, it was my 8th toon, and it made it to half way through Moria (level 50ish) before it finally experienced its first death.

    However, it is not just the player experience that affects this, as a game ages and new content is added - invariably at End-Game - the game designers often flatten the XP curve a bit, or nerf mobs a bit so new players can get to the New End Game sooner.

    Game companies do not like investing in new content unless the vast majority of players are playing it - that means making levelling faster - and in MMORPGs faster = easier when it comes to levelling.

    All The Best
    Those memories come back to haunt me, they haunt me like a curse.
    Is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse.
  • LameoveR
    It's all whiners' fault.
    First you cry "omg i've got killed by mudcrab, game too difficult!". Now you cry "boooooooriiing".
    I assure you all - there will be so many opinions as many people plays.
    So, put that acronym "IMHO" in your thread's title.
  • SantaOrc
    When i started playing the game right after release, i found the game to easy right from the beginning.
    Once my crystal Shard is in the air, the mob will be down in about a second, maybe two.
    I've seen players dying during questing, yes. Like, once a month. So there are some lonely boons, which most probably struggle crossing the street in fromt of their house. Thanks to these guys, we all have to be bored.

    Making the mobs tougher as an option and giving me more gold would be absolutely fine.
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    When I started the game I played a Khajiit Sorcerer using Dual Wield with a mix of Dark Magic and Storm Calling. Beside World Bosses and some of the Vet end story bosses (like Magistris Vox) the game wasn't that challenging but ennemies were a threat. Those power attacks could realy punish you when you didn't block or dodge those.

    I think the issue many people were having came from the fact lvl 1-49 content was a faceroll, you could litteraly spam 1 skill and win every fights and when they got to vet lvls and realy needed to start using all game mechanics they just got squashed because they couldn't faceroll anymore.

    When I still see players taking a freaking Uppercut from a single ennemy NPCs while they just have to click one button the counter it I can't blame the game for beeing difficult but players for just beeing bad.
  • KerinKor
    Smepic wrote: »
    The one to fifty leveling experience is a big part of the game and it should be challenging in terms of stronger enemies.
    Yes it is an no it shouldn't .. challenging content doesn't belong in the main-line leveling game, it belongs as optional side content for those that crave it: as you say, group dungeons are where it exists and as far as I'm concerned where it belongs.
    Edited by KerinKor on May 27, 2015 11:22AM
  • KerinKor
    Why do people not use Search to find the umpteen threads where this has already been thrashed worse than a dead horse?
    Edited by KerinKor on May 27, 2015 11:22AM
  • LameoveR
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Why do people not use Search to find the umpteen threads where this has already been thrashed worse than a dead horse?
    Ordinary people don't use Search.
    Search is for Gurus. :p
  • Razzak
    The question is who will be bigger crowd? New players, complete newbs with little to no knowledge of the game or alt-ers, experienced players with knowledge of classes, skills, NPCs and the way combat works.
    Do new players expect learning curve to be flat and game mechanics easy to learn? Do experienced players expect alt-ing to be fast, with little to no challenge or something that is challenging no matter how many alts you make?
  • MCMancub
    So many people in this thread get it!

    This game is very difficult for new players. I've had so many friends not understand that they should be using their skills in combat and not just light/heavy attacks. I've even had a friend's son (12 year old) quit at level 20 because he just died so much. He wasn't even a novice to gaming, just MMOs.

    Then there's the aspect that, in order to level correctly, you need to explore the world and find quests. If you don't you fall behind in level and it just gets harder and harder.
    Edited by MCMancub on May 27, 2015 1:17PM
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Bashev wrote: »
    14 months ago the game was challenging and interesting, especially in veteran levels. A lot of people cried that it was difficult and now the game is boring. I guess it will become even easier with the console release.

    hahaha....yeah funny how thins have changed.

    I'm actually hoping console will adjust to be harder in the long-run compared to PC.
    less crying and whine since zone text chat isn't there for ppl to cry and whine into.

    BUT the forums will still be here...
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • reften
    And, many of the newbies are twinked out. When I started, I had blue and green gear, green food buff, and my weapon/spell damage was pathetic. And sets? What are those? Took me forever to figure that out.

    Now if I started over, i'd be way too tempted to just mail my new toon all the equipment, potions, and food buffs he could handle, would just be too tempting.

    I'll never start over though. Classes are all too similar, never understand the point of starting over. My starting over is going from a stam build DW/2H WW to a magicka build, light armor wearing vamp.

    Anyway, want a challenge? Go pvp.

    Edited by reften on May 27, 2015 3:08PM
    Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    Moonlight Crew (RIP), Misfitz (RIP), Victorem Guild

    VR16 NB, Stam build, Max all crafts.

    Azuras & Trueflame. Mostly PvP, No alts.

    Semi-retired till the lag is fixed.

    Love the Packers, Bourbon, and of those will eventually kill me.
  • jkemmery
    If a player finds the game too easy, there are several ways to increase the difficulty. Don't craft or buy any armor, or weapons. If you can make it past Molog Bol wearing your soul shriven clothes and cast off iron sword then you are a gaming God.
  • Razzak
    jkemmery wrote: »
    If a player finds the game too easy, there are several ways to increase the difficulty. Don't craft or buy any armor, or weapons. If you can make it past Molog Bol wearing your soul shriven clothes and cast off iron sword then you are a gaming God.

    If you find a game to hard, there is a solution. Try harder and have more fun doing so.
  • Shunravi
    jkemmery wrote: »
    If a player finds the game too easy, there are several ways to increase the difficulty. Don't craft or buy any armor, or weapons. If you can make it past Molog Bol wearing your soul shriven clothes and cast off iron sword then you are a gaming God.

    Oh look, it's the 'don't play the game to play the game' argument.
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • AngersRevenge
    Back in the day, before Craglorn, it was actually a challenging game.I think, just like any game, now that it's been out a while people have figured out the better build or way to do stuff which makes it easier. But, yes, it has gotten a lot easier since launch. I remember never being able to solo a dolmen. Now, I run in with guns blazing not worrying about death.
    A true warrior never reveals his heart. Until the axe rips it from his chest.
  • Dre4dwolfb14_ESO
    Nothing wrong with mobs that die in 3 ~ 4 hits.

    But there should be more world bosses/group stuff and completing those activities/killing those world bosses should provide the group with added reward.

    Not enough stuff like that in this game.

    There really isn't much incentive to group at all in this game, and more often than not you are punished by grouping with slower progression.

  • Lirkin
    Game is fine. If you think it is to easy than put on crappy armor and weapons. You probably have a character that has equipment that is better than most people use. Also if you have already leveled through the game it should be easy for you.
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