Can we also delete the champion passive "unchained" before more people unlock it and stamina builds become Demi-Gods? - Current Stamina Nightblade, up and coming Demi-God.
Can we also delete the champion passive "unchained" before more people unlock it and stamina builds become Demi-Gods? - Current Stamina Nightblade, up and coming Demi-God.
olemanwinter wrote: »All you need is another stamina NB to chase him down.
As long as the cost of rolldodge is greater than the cost of the ability I'm trying to hit him's just delaying the inevitable.
I just give chase + detect pot = Dead rolldodger.
Vigor I had no issue with overall (But I have seen some people get crazy healing with it but I assume magicka builds can do the same so im 50/50 on it but if its alliance rank 5 it prob needs a nerf)
Without skills going through dodge we can NOT KILL stamina rollers, AOE attacks arent gonna be enough damage vigor nerfed or not probably.
I hope zenimax reads this and honestly thinks about this decision.
Vigor + momentum (as an example) + roll dodging with massive amounts of stam recovery.
Now do the math on how much damage a single AOE does, and how much you will be healing...
Im fine with you making this change if it comes along with a patch to balance rolling to not make people untouchable.
Well it reduces skill cost only and that for 3 seconds, but no stamina builds runs out of stamina while using skills only.
The passive is good, but is it that good?
Whichever way you look at it, whether it's a small buff or big buff. You're essentially buffing a very powerful play style. This isn't the only powerful play style, but it's one of the top and doesn't need any more help.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Sry, i miss it. Where is something official about whip not going through dodge?
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
last fridays eso live
Whip, conceled/jesus and other similar skills should stay as they are.. Nirn perma dodger freak is the worst possible encounter for any magicka build..
Whip, conceled/jesus and other similar skills should stay as they are.. Nirn perma dodger freak is the worst possible encounter for any magicka build..
While I don't think it should be changed, it's pointless to discuss it right now because we don't know other changes, then again last time I brought up an ability that made no sense, twin slashes dot not applying to someone blocking, I used venom arrow as an example of dots that ignored block, ZoS turned around and was like "on venom arrow should be block able as well" even though no other dots in the game work that way when the target is blocking, and even if you assumed it was just ya know bleeds, venom arrow isn't a bleed
Rust_in_Peace wrote: »Nirn is going to get nerfed eventually, and so will damage shields. Soon the time to kill will be even shorter. This is what you guys asked for.
How do we counter the infinite roll dodge builds? It will be almost impossible to kill some of them without this (Yes there were many other ways but that mainly meant outnumbered the roll dodger or using AOE)
Jabs also goes through roll dodge I hear, so does NB conceal and DK lava whip and last I heard (not 100% sure) sorc has a way to also go through dodge attacks but not as good as the other classes.
mixed with the fact that vigor will be alliance war 15 and can heal ALOT if you build it right (Which is you say vigor is a small heal you are wrong) only having AOES go through dodge will not be enough damage to kill them.
What do you guys think? Serious feedback...I honestly feel this will hurt PVP badly and this is a (PVP change) Stamina builds are already very very strong.
-If you honestly think this should be fixed please also provide the counter to kill stamina builds without using attacks that go through dodge-