Great video! What I really liked was your ability to use them so offensively. I'm sitting here trying to think of ways to get around your pets but with the wards, great resummon timing, and you keeping the pressure on; it would be pointless trying to keep those pets down. I might try killing your twilight, but I would have to keep the pressure on you and even if I were to find the paper to this rock, I don't think it would be an easy kill. So, some questions:
1) Does the Templar's eclipse work on the twilight's zap?
2) Are you using necropotence for this? (Only because the magicka pool would be ridiculously sustainable if you did.)
3) add me for super fun time gaming @Felgod? ()
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »Interesting build. Are you using both pet versions of curse and empowered ward?
Doesn't the pet curse last for 6 seconds instead of 3? Does that make it harder to time?
Why is your Magicka and Stamina a "Secret" through half the video?
Samuel_Bantien wrote: »I knew a video would surface eventually with a good PvP pet build with some instructions. Good thing it isn't my live build - yet. Would make vids, but my graphics are a train wreck and the criticism would be harsh.
All in all, very nice build, looks exactly like my 1.6 PTS build except I had the summon daedroth set equipped for the lightning staff heavy attacks and Bound Aegis instead of Armaments. Since then I have changed it to my own variation and many have cried. Many have been stumped as how my wittle Zendro (DC NA) could run a pet build with great success in 1vXs with such insults as: Pet build master, or togglemancer, or the good phrases such as, "1v1 me noob" (pets count as players too now) or "1v1 me no pets". Sadly, I have yet to get any compliments as you did in your video.-- Besides one from Xinthisis and it was on the forums - not in-game.
Many have tried pet builds before and failed. Its nice to see another sorcerer running a pet build successfully and have been an advocate on how strong pets are when built right. Props to you as many players do not know how to use the command pet key correctly or at all!
Feel free to duel me, @Higler (NA) or post on the forums. It would be fun fighting another pet build, or anyone on that matter! I have only lost 1 duel - during EU's character transfer with my build since 1.6 beta due to a bug - spanning 150+ duels during the PTS cycles when playing Pet Sorcerer. I guess I wanted to be the very best with pet builds like no other sorcerer. Now i'm searching far and wide for other sorcerer's running pet builds, and dare challenge them (and accepting any challenges). It would be fun.
Joy_Division wrote: »Awesome video! Love it when good players run builds that are totally against the meta. I was not aware you could get the familiar pet to "explode." Do you just desummon it?
Hypertionb14_ESO wrote: »oooh look, a pet build, exactly like i called them to potentially be in a post just 4 days ago.
Kater_Murr wrote: »And just 2 days ago someone on PvP forum said: "...Deadric Summoning skill line. Curse is great, Ward is incredible... The rest of the skill line could just be removed from the game." Looks like that someone was terribly mistakenNice work, nice build, BOLTERITY! It really encourages to look for something new even in skill lines that you think you know like the palm of your hand.
I'm surprised you use bound armor, with how many toggles you're already stuck with, but I'm wondering if you're using the stam one for the heavy attack increase.
anyway, good vid.
Kater_Murr wrote: »And just 2 days ago someone on PvP forum said: "...Deadric Summoning skill line. Curse is great, Ward is incredible... The rest of the skill line could just be removed from the game." Looks like that someone was terribly mistakenNice work, nice build, BOLTERITY! It really encourages to look for something new even in skill lines that you think you know like the palm of your hand.
I'm surprised you use bound armor, with how many toggles you're already stuck with, but I'm wondering if you're using the stam one for the heavy attack increase.
anyway, good vid.
MaximillianDiE wrote: »Nice vid Bolt. Always a pleasure to run with you. Pets or no pets!
I'm still not convinced pets are viable against good players. Catching pugs off guard is fun but I suspect there's a reason no one else in PVP runs them.
I'm still not convinced pets are viable against good players. Catching pugs off guard is fun but I suspect there's a reason no one else in PVP runs them.
Samuel_Bantien wrote: »I knew a video would surface eventually with a good PvP pet build with some instructions. Good thing it isn't my live build - yet. Would make vids, but my graphics are a train wreck and the criticism would be harsh.
All in all, very nice build, looks exactly like my 1.6 PTS build except I had the summon daedroth set equipped for the lightning staff heavy attacks and Bound Aegis instead of Armaments. Since then I have changed it to my own variation and many have cried. Many have been stumped as how my wittle Zendro (DC NA) could run a pet build with great success in 1vXs with such insults as: Pet build master, or togglemancer, or the good phrases such as, "1v1 me noob" (pets count as players too now) or "1v1 me no pets". Sadly, I have yet to get any compliments as you did in your video.-- Besides one from Xinthisis and it was on the forums - not in-game.
Many have tried pet builds before and failed. Its nice to see another sorcerer running a pet build successfully and have been an advocate on how strong pets are when built right. Props to you as many players do not know how to use the command pet key correctly or at all!
Feel free to duel me, @Higler (NA) or post on the forums. It would be fun fighting another pet build, or anyone on that matter! I have only lost 1 duel - during EU's character transfer with my build since 1.6 beta due to a bug - spanning 150+ duels during the PTS cycles when playing Pet Sorcerer. I guess I wanted to be the very best with pet builds like no other sorcerer. Now i'm searching far and wide for other sorcerer's running pet builds, and dare challenge them (and accepting any challenges). It would be fun.
I'm still not convinced pets are viable against good players. Catching pugs off guard is fun but I suspect there's a reason no one else in PVP runs them.
ive tested this build on a huge lot of pro players, imma give u a list here, these r good players in my opinion: 1- Velcon(stam nightblade) - Pain in the axe(magika DK) - Qaevir avi Morilye(his EP magika DK) - Enchanten(Sorc) -King Richard(sorc) -Killer wizard(Sorc) -Xylena(Stam DK) -Fusilero(Sorc) -Kolioo(magika nightblade)...many more, sry for forgetting them
anyways, ive tested the build on all these ppl, feel free to ask them how it was and what they though, u will get a clear answer from them, on how strong this build is....
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »Yet another video tutorial (can't you just WRITE ??) with the screen full on add-ons and horrible music background.
Thanks but no, thanks !
Pity, information inside was certainly useful.
Please guys, stop doing videos and give us some written tutorials...
I'm still not convinced pets are viable against good players. Catching pugs off guard is fun but I suspect there's a reason no one else in PVP runs them.
Pets have always been good as a dueling build, now in 1.6 more so than ever, but in open world it would cost too much diversity, at least if you use 2 of them, imo.