Sadly RNG loot grinding is pretty much a staple of MMOs. ESO is not the worst or last game to use it.
Psychobunni wrote: »I 100% agree. My husband and I were discussing this very thing among others as to why so many people have simply quit the game yesterday. The rewards aren't worth the time invested/pots & gold used to get them.
I don't have any of the "best" drops and never will under this system lol
Why aren't we allowed to trade pieces within the group that completed the dungeon or trial, or DSA together? Why aren't we rewarded some token every time we complete hard content, so even if we don't get something we need, eventually we can build up to buy what we need??
I do think future end game content needs to look at the Prismatic Weapon for inspiration. Getting a choice between 3-4 different reward items each time would definitely help both with collecting sets and just making a player feel empowered.
Otherwise it starts to feel like a lottery, and statistically the solution to losing a lottery is not to play it more often.
Why aren't we allowed to trade pieces within the group that completed the dungeon or trial, or DSA together? Why aren't we rewarded some token every time we complete hard content, so even if we don't get something we need, eventually we can build up to buy what we need??
I do think future end game content needs to look at the Prismatic Weapon for inspiration. Getting a choice between 3-4 different reward items each time would definitely help both with collecting sets and just making a player feel empowered.
Otherwise it starts to feel like a lottery, and statistically the solution to losing a lottery is not to play it more often.
Item diversity, gear chase.
For example - Artifact Gear in another MMORPG.
There will be various classes such as;
- Bard
- Beastmaster
- Black Mage
- Blue Mage
- Corsair
- Dancer
- Dark Knight
- Dragoon
- Geomancer
- Monk
- Ninja
- Paladin
- Puppetmaster
- Ranger
- Red Mage
- Rune Fencer
- Samurai
- Scholar
- Summoner
- Thief
- Warrior
- White Mage
What do all these have in common?
Every-single class has their own artifact gear.
What is artifact gear?
It is gear unique to each class.
But TESO:TU doesn't have class gear!
So then what?
Role gear, as it stands TESO:TU artifact gear has the following;
One not for each role - but for each armor type. There is gear rewarded for trials, of course - but that should be acknowledged as "raid gear", we're referring to "artifact gear" or something close for comparison.
There are no class quests that reward unique gear either. So, upon hitting level cap, you're not given a quest to get your first piece of unique gear for a specific role.
Moonshadow66 wrote: »As a single PvE player such as myself, you get nothing at all. It ends at green VR10 jewelry (only if you're very lucky!) and the standard crafted armor/weapon sets. 8 characters, always the same, over and over again.
Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »I think he is more upset that his friend got his weapon on his first clear. After all, a dsa clear guarantees a set bonus or master weapon. Most MMO don't guarantee you will get a thing. Usually only 1/4 the party gets anything. Here we all win.
KhajitFurTrader wrote: »Late RoR "raid" loot system was worse, hands down. Even after hundreds of runs, the fabled gold quality items did not drop for some, while others had several only after a dozen runs or so.
But such are the whims of the PRNG, which makes for a poor loot officer everywhere.
Hi there, here to share a little personal tale of my adventures in ESO today!
I am wondering how many here have similar tales to tell, something tells me quite a few of us share similar experience. I've been running DSA and Vet DSA for at least 3 months now. I run it almost every day, sometimes two or three times a day! Why, you might ask? I am after one of the fabled Master weapons, of course!
Right now I have all of them! Well, correction, I have all the ones I DON'T NEED! And so I am forced to say, ESO has the worse loot system ever released for an MMO. Completely reliant on RNG, does not reward the players effort as doing content time and time again doesn't you will get the gear you need! NO, most times it means you will get some useless green crap and watch as your friend (running the content for the first time ever) gets the gear you;ve been farming for months!
It is super fair! And it is not happening only in DSA! NO! We also have the Undaunted sets to farm! And those are just as bad if not worse than the Master Weapons because even when you manage to get the Helmet or Shoulder piece to drop, you have 66% chance of it not being in Armor Weight you need and the chance gets even worse if you take into account you can get a useless well-fitted, exploration or sturdy piece! (and before you say ZoS removed Sturdy from the loot table, they only did so for shoulders. Helmets can still drop sturdy, even though ZOS already admitted the trait is pure crap!)
So, raise your hands those of you that share a similar tale to mine! Raise your hands if you agree this game has the worse ever released reward system in MMO history! Right now we have 2 of the 3 trials out there that don't drop a singular useful piece! We have quests giving gear so bad that using it should be a ban-worthy offense! We have DSA that can reward you completely useless greens and soul gems for completion! (YES, it can happen! I completed DSA yesterday with a few friends, two of them got the Master I desperately need, I got to *** greens and a soul gem!!!! It was super fun!)
psicorpb16_ESO wrote: »Just don't make it like the 'Hasla' grind in Archeage....
Sorry I know it's not likely but the word 'token' just makes me have nightmares ...
Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »Why aren't we allowed to trade pieces within the group that completed the dungeon or trial, or DSA together? Why aren't we rewarded some token every time we complete hard content, so even if we don't get something we need, eventually we can build up to buy what we need??
Because far too many game developers think that "deliberate, unrewarding grind" = "replayability".
It doesn't; but most of them are afraid to think outside the box.
I don't do "end game grinds", when a game starts to feel too grindy I go find something else to play.
For a while LotRO had a token system, you'd be guaranteed a token for every dungeon run etc, then you could trade x tokens in for a piece of gear, if you did it on hard-mode you got a special token that allowed you to trade a bit of gear in, and the token, and get an improved bit of gear (I'm sure you are familiar with what I mean) - it had the effect of every single run feeling like you were achieving something, rather than wasting time for your number to come up on the RNG lottery.
I really am at a loss as to why new (alleged) AAA titles still need to go through this learning curve of seeing players fall away, before they fix the loot reward system. Why not just do it right first time.
All The Best
Psychobunni wrote: »Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »Why aren't we allowed to trade pieces within the group that completed the dungeon or trial, or DSA together? Why aren't we rewarded some token every time we complete hard content, so even if we don't get something we need, eventually we can build up to buy what we need??
Because far too many game developers think that "deliberate, unrewarding grind" = "replayability".
It doesn't; but most of them are afraid to think outside the box.
I don't do "end game grinds", when a game starts to feel too grindy I go find something else to play.
For a while LotRO had a token system, you'd be guaranteed a token for every dungeon run etc, then you could trade x tokens in for a piece of gear, if you did it on hard-mode you got a special token that allowed you to trade a bit of gear in, and the token, and get an improved bit of gear (I'm sure you are familiar with what I mean) - it had the effect of every single run feeling like you were achieving something, rather than wasting time for your number to come up on the RNG lottery.
I really am at a loss as to why new (alleged) AAA titles still need to go through this learning curve of seeing players fall away, before they fix the loot reward system. Why not just do it right first time.
All The Best
Yes! LOTRO at this point is still my fav MMO. The argument against tokens is that people won't replay the content once having received the necessary tokens....well hello! this RNG system has people simply quitting, not even bothering at all, and still those that have what they wanted not repeating the 50x they had to do it to get it. So how is is RNG better?
Right now I have all of them! Well, correction, I have all the ones I DON'T NEED! And so I am forced to say, ESO has the worse loot system ever released for an MMO. Completely reliant on RNG, does not reward the players effort as doing content time and time again doesn't you will get the gear you need! NO, most times it means you will get some useless green crap and watch as your friend (running the content for the first time ever) gets the gear you;ve been farming for months!
Right now I have all of them! Well, correction, I have all the ones I DON'T NEED! And so I am forced to say, ESO has the worse loot system ever released for an MMO. Completely reliant on RNG, does not reward the players effort as doing content time and time again doesn't you will get the gear you need! NO, most times it means you will get some useless green crap and watch as your friend (running the content for the first time ever) gets the gear you;ve been farming for months!
If you think this system is bad, try playing a game like Destiny where you can't even trade gear.