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[HELP] L8 Breton Nightblade - point allocations.

After a year leave, I'm getting back into ESO with a character profile I've had in mind since prior to release. During those first two months, I played as if I were still in beta. Setting aside the game due to the bot invasion and spam. A lot has changed and I seek the wisdom of seasoned players.

My current character is L8 and has yet to put points into anything. I generally start out rather conservative. Out of sheer habit, I bank points until I feel I need them. Even now, I'm just entering Davon's Watch against enemies a level lower. He's used Soul Trap and DW attacks. We have 7 attribute points and 11 skill points.

I'm looking to build upon his Magicka pool to utilize his racials but how do I predetermine the threshold of enough and too much?
Attributes have changed, it seems. No longer is it advantageous to put it all into health?

He is a solo type of character... for now, at least.
I can see him using abilities that slow the enemy and buff his speed.
He would use abilities that absorb enemies M/H/S.
Shadows and cloaks are of interest.
He wields weapons in both hands.

What effects stack?
Do non stacking effects cancel the previous one out?

Any and all advice, tips, skills... thank you.

Edited by SeñorCinco on May 12, 2015 11:13PM
Words contained in posts, at which point I stop reading and will not respond...
Toon / Mana / WoW or any acronym following "In ___" /
Pets (when referring to summoned Daedra) / Any verbiage to express slang (ie, ending in uz,az,..) / Soul Stone
... to be continued.

Now, get off my lawn.

  • Fleshreaper
    Being a night blade you are best off being a DPS class (from a min/max stand point. Yes, night blades can heal and tank, they just aren't the best class for it.) Now, you need to figure out if you are going magica or stamina. You will want to put most if not all of your point into that stat. If you are not sure what way you want to go, play with a few different weapons and see which ones feel better, to you. Melee weapons use stamina and staffs use magica. Some of your damage will get figured from your available resource pool (stamina/magica). Bows (stamina) are a good starting choice as are dual swords (my choice). Once you hit level 15 you can have two different weapons. Bows for pulling and starting a fight, switch to swords once the add has closed in and finish them. This option has a very high survivability. Hope this helps.
  • Nestor
    My current character is L8 and has yet to put points into anything. I generally start out rather conservative. Out of sheer habit, I bank points until I feel I need them. Even now, I'm just entering Davon's Watch against enemies a level lower. He's used Soul Trap and DW attacks. We have 7 attribute points and 11 skill points.

    Hybrids are out now, go all in on Stamina or Magic. Even to the point of not putting any points into Health. Although, during leveling, you can go hybrid and be successful, to an extent.

    NBs still need magic even if you go DW or other Stamina weapon. But, the magic you will use does not scale for the most part, so you just have a smaller pool if you go Stamina focused. Nice that you also don't use these skills all the time, just for set up really.

    Anyway, you are not doing your self any favors by not having any skill points in your Class Skills. You need at least one class skill on your bar at all times to get them to level somewhat equally. And, to take advantage of all the passives that you get from having class skills slotted.

    I would have at least one skill from each line, then one or two weapon skills slotted as I play. Your not to the point where you are unlocking support skills like Mark Target or Shades or something like that.

    Also, you need to put points into passives when you can. By L20, you want to be unlocking a passive every other skill point, or so. Unless you have a cool Morph or skill that just became available.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Rosveen
    Nestor wrote: »

    Anyway, you are not doing your self any favors by not having any skill points in your Class Skills. You need at least one class skill on your bar at all times to get them to level somewhat equally. And, to take advantage of all the passives that you get from having class skills slotted.
    Agreed. What you want to do is unlock the first skill in every class tree and your primary weapon right away and put them on your bar for levelling. I always unlock a second weapon as well, for the same reason (I keep it in the fifth slot whenever I can even before I'm able to swap weapons). I also get Intimidate/Persuade (preferably both), but it's just flavor, not having them won't lock you out of quests or anything.

    I haven't levelled a nightblade after 1.6, but I had good results earlier with just cloaking and Surprise Attack, it worked fine for lone targets and small groups. I had Impale as my finisher, but Killer's Blade is the stamina option now, so you may want to take that instead since you are up close with dual weapons anyway.

    As for effect stacking, different buffs can be active at the same time, but the same buffs can't. For example, if you inflict Major Fracture on an enemy with your Surprise Attack, your friend's Puncture won't have this effect anymore. However, it will still taunt the enemy (Puncture's other effect) and you can also still inflict Minor Fracture or Major Maim.
    Similarly, the same buffs from skills and potions don't stack. Which beautifully crippled alchemy... But who cares, right? :|
    Edited by Rosveen on May 13, 2015 6:29PM
  • SeñorCinco
    @Rosveen Kitty Cat! I hardly recognized you!

    TY and everyone for the valued information.

    Being Breton, I intended to push a Magic base in Light Armor. I wasn't sure how the attribute mechanics changed. I'm now reassured and confident that an all out Magicka investment is advised.

    I realize the slotted skills are needed to level the associated class. However, I just didn't know what direction I wanted to take him. Better yet... HE hasn't told me what he want's to do. Until I had a better understanding of how things have changed, I remained reluctant in any investment until I felt he needed it. Time and leveling speed is irrelevant to my playstyle. I play ESO no differently than any other installment.. ie, ridiculously lethargic.

    I still have all of my crafting alts. As such, I will have no problem starting a new main at any time. I will play him out until I grow tired of him or he finishes telling me his story.

    I'm not really looking at a "tank" per se. Nonetheless, he still needs to be viable on his own.

    Thank all of you, once again.
    Words contained in posts, at which point I stop reading and will not respond...
    Toon / Mana / WoW or any acronym following "In ___" /
    Pets (when referring to summoned Daedra) / Any verbiage to express slang (ie, ending in uz,az,..) / Soul Stone
    ... to be continued.

    Now, get off my lawn.

  • Nestor

    I realize the slotted skills are needed to level the associated class. However, I just didn't know what direction I wanted to take him. Better yet... HE hasn't told me what he want's to do. Until I had a better understanding of how things have changed,

    Thing is, some of the cooler skills for the NB, like Shades and Fear and Mark Target don't unlock until the higher levels. So, get those skills slotted so your character has some choices to make. Then he can tell you how he wants to play.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Rosveen
    A year passed and they still don't allow me to wear my cat face here. :disappointed: But welcome back, Señor.

    Whatever direction you eventually choose, you will almost certainly want to use class skills. I still recommend training them, even if only passively. You don't have to use skills you put on your bar, after all, but you're preparing for the future.
  • leeux
    Welcome back @SeñorCinco!

    Not much to add to what people said above... not much experienced on Nightblade myself. I have one baby NB L4 that I expect to level up soon! It's the only class that I'm yet to play.

    Best wishes!
    Edited by leeux on May 13, 2015 10:10PM
    PC/NA - Proud old member of the Antique Ordinatus Populus

    My chars
    Liana Amnell (AD mSorc L50+, ex EP) =x= Lehnnan Klennett (AD mTemplar L50+ Healer/Support ) =x= Ethim Amnell (AD mDK L50+, ex DC)
    Leinwyn Valaene (AD mSorc L50+) =x= Levus Artorias (AD mDK-for-now L50+) =x= Madril Ulessen (AD mNB L50+) =x= Lyra Amnis (AD not-Stamplar-yet L50+)
    I only PvP on AD chars

    ~~ «And blossoms anew beneath tomorrow's sun >>»
    ~~ «I am forever swimming around, amidst this ocean world we call home... >>»
    ~~ "Let strength be granted so the world might be mended... so the world might be mended."
    ~~ "Slash the silver chain that binds thee to life"
    ~~ Our cries will shrill, the air will moan and crash into the dawn. >>
    ~~ The sands of time were eroded by the river of constant change >>
  • SeñorCinco
    Nestor wrote: »
    Thing is, some of the cooler skills for the NB, like Shades and Fear and Mark Target don't unlock until the higher levels. So, get those skills slotted so your character has some choices to make. Then he can tell you how he wants to play.
    Rosveen wrote: »
    Whatever direction you eventually choose, you will almost certainly want to use class skills. I still recommend training them, even if only passively. You don't have to use skills you put on your bar, after all, but you're preparing for the future.

    TBH, while conservative at first, I intended to start using skills but was taking out two at a time with Soul Trap and basic swings to the point I thought... let's see just how far he can go without any. Alas, you are all correct. There is no reason to not be slotted, at least.
    leeux wrote: »
    Best wishes!

    Your welcomes are warm and appreciated.
    Edited by SeñorCinco on May 14, 2015 12:16AM
    Words contained in posts, at which point I stop reading and will not respond...
    Toon / Mana / WoW or any acronym following "In ___" /
    Pets (when referring to summoned Daedra) / Any verbiage to express slang (ie, ending in uz,az,..) / Soul Stone
    ... to be continued.

    Now, get off my lawn.

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