lol...maybe. Getting smashed with 2 or 3 in a row was pretty annoying, and I often questioned how the peeps doing it triggered it so well. Just glad to see it gone so I don't have to.
Even though I guess it was possible, I rarely got an insta-frag procced by another insta-frag. If there was some trick to making this happen, I didn't use it and won't miss it.
So you won't be able to taste my tears on that count. However, if this "fix" manages to screw up the proc rate in some other unforeseen way, then there will be tears.
Edited by Yolokin_Swagonborn on May 11, 2015 11:35PM
Even though I guess it was possible, I rarely got an insta-frag procced by another insta-frag. If there was some trick to making this happen, I didn't use it and won't miss it.
Some players definitely knew how to trigger / time it. Weren't many but the few that did, it was obvious.
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