Becoming a vampire/werewolf, NPC bite vs player bite

Okay, so I haven't come across this bit of info in the forums (might be here some where, never know), so I decided to share.

Common knowledge says that once you're infected by either Vamp or Were you have 7 days to complete the transformation quest before losing the infection and needing to get bit/scratched again. Very true.... if you've been if you've been infected by another player, that is. But I've discovered that it's not necessarily so with NPC infection.
I have several vamps/ww, and noticed that when I got infected by doing the blood ritual with another player who's already a vamp/ww, the count down timer started immediately. However, when infected by NPC, the timer didn't start until I spoke to the quest giver in Reaper's March/Bangkorai/The Rift. I was infected with sanies lupines (werewolf) for a month, and vampirism for a month and a half before I spoke to the quest giver and started the quest line, thus initiating the timer. No ill or adverse effects on running the quest what so ever.
This might be useful info for someone with a low lvl toon (like, say, lvl 3) who wants to become a vamp/ww but isn't able to complete the quest yet. Regardless, still an interesting tidbit.

links to more helpful info for becoming vamp/ww
"Anything worth having is worth working for. Anything worth working for is worth sacrificing for. Anything worth sacrificing for is worth dying for."
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