Overall I'm very happy with the armor styles in this game and by no means I want to criticize ZOS or the texture/mesh armor team as I'm sure it is/was a lot of work to provide what we got already but there are a few things that absolutely bug me! And I'm sure many other players have too. So I would like to dedicate a thread to point out flaws oddities in armor or weapons (please be civil and constructive)
My main is a Nord wearing well... Nord heavy armor. While I love the over all look of the armor some things about it are just plain 'off'.
Girdle - WAY TOO BIG! not only it's so big it draws most of the focus away from the rest of the armor, the textures on it look almost as if they were stretched. Thus the textures on the dragon emblem, fur and even just the metal looks very low resolution. For comparison look at the Orcish metal Nord style girdle, not only it's smaller and looks proportional to the rest of the armor the textures on it are a lot clearer and seem higher res. (also I provided the concept art for reference and size/proportion).
Now on top of that you will notice that the
chest dragon emblem looks "smooshed" mainly because of 1) its over all size and more importantly, 2) it's position on the lower portion of the chest instead like the concept art which starts at the bottom 'line' (?) and finishes at the top right before the collar.
Another oddity is the
spiked elbow guards and knee guards. they are also very poorly textured and are quite 'flat' and seem very out of "sync' with the rest of the armor's quite detailed textures. For comparison look at the Shoulder guard spike they have depth and are textured nicely.
I'm sure I am not the only player to notice these and many other texture/detail problems please provide your own observations so the ZOS team can hopefully take a stab at fixing them.
Edited by Muzumush on May 5, 2015 1:38AM "Who will ride fiery, ahead of the legions, Nag for a steed, and crusts for meal, Temper his sword in the heat and in ice storms, Sleep on straw pallets, labor 'til dawn, Bring down the armies of Molag-Bal, the walls of the Imperial City and tear down the Dark Anchors that plague the land? Who can do this task, with but only a handful of brave men with courage in their hearts..."