Official Discussion Thread for "Crown Store Showcase, May 1st, 2015"

Maintenance for the week of March 10:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
  • Lazrael
    Baconlad wrote: »
    Yeah I'm little disappointed...i don't think anyone going to be ZOMG! over the giar and horse. The costumes look cool, I glad they did three different versions, but....what about priest robes? Or ANY light armor for human races? Most of the costumes are based on stupid elves....also, what the HELL is with the stupid draugr polymorph? Does that mean ill never see the draugrs heritage set in a costume? Cause that is the slickest set...that I can't wear because it sucks...

    Personally I don't care at all about either mount. I like the fox though, and have always loved the look of the ordinators.
    SO... I'd give this a 50% over all. Half awesome/Half irreverent.
    Artists and Theives...
  • Crimli
    PLEASE, Can we get the XP/CP boost pots already?

    The fluff items are cool for those that like that sort of thing.. but let's keep it real... the #1 seller will be the XP/CP boosters.

    So.. can we just get on with it?

    Thanks in advance!
  • warlock_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I swear its like some of you have never played a frigging MMO before. They all sell pets, mounts, costumes, etc

    get over it.
  • PKMN12
    you guys FINALLY have something i am completely going to get, the Ordinator Armor is easily one of, if not my, favorite armors in Elder Scrolls.
  • Daenerys
    Whole lotta meh right there. Looks like my crowns are still staying in my pocket...
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    warpax_ESO wrote: »
    you guys are really gonna have to go big and grand with the costumes for me to be interested in buying them. If they arent Unique and awesome and not just recycled regular armor then i prefer to stick with being able to dye my armor. can you add a way to dye costumes , maybe?

    thats what it comes down to really. Many people, myself included, just dont give a damn unless its unique or original. Just selling costumes that we could get from crafting isnt gonna cut it
  • JderrasAlchemist
    Soul Shriven
    Yes! Finally a pet that I actually want. So getting the Fennec Fox.
  • Rosveen
    Name change and barber shop, [snip]

    [edited for profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on November 12, 2023 7:55PM
  • KarlijnCrepsley
    Soul Shriven
    Getting the Fennec Fox :3 ... the rest doesn't look impressive to me... :( A Rideable direwolf would be awesome?!
    Orin ko dinok, aal hi kos zindaa
  • Karminathevamp
    I was going to suggest ZOS to offer the Fennec Fox in the crown store. Ha! They read my mind. Thank you for that foxy little beast. <3
    Master Angler
  • Sunver
    Nice picks Zenimax. We appreciate the effort(so say our Crown Points).

    But we need new items(not pets, mounts or costumes). We need backpacks, barber, dyes, XP potions, change appearance(race/gender/looks) potions.

    But what we need most is more attention to the performance problems some of us are experiencing, especially in Cyrodiil.

    When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
    What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
    For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
    O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!
  • GindralesDemnevanni
    I still waiting for netch mount. :(
  • Faenwyn
    Mercutio wrote: »
    I like these items and the CS in general, but really want me to fork over some cash?

    Actual Things I Would Buy

    * More storage options

    * Dyes - I don't want to be a vampire but I want the color

    * Faster run speed upgrades (disabled in PvP)

    * Character appearance reset

    * Ability to turn current armor into a costume (one time use, could cost roughly what a costume in the CS costs now)

    * Weapon and armor FX

    * White Dire Wolf Pet (natch)

    * Baby Dragon Pet

    I agree with the bag/storage for sure, that will be the thing that does me in again, had to quit before because I spent half my play time just shuffling invo between mules. It would be nice to actually be able to play those characters instead of just use them for storage.
  • markredeagleb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Mercutio wrote: »
    I did notice one typo. Where it says "Fennec Fox" I believe you meant "White Dire Wolf". Also, the picture is wrong. Should look more like this:


    Give them a break it's very easy to mis-spell Wolf
  • Raizin
    more items to the crown store, but game still broken yeeeeey :)
    HellSeesYou = v16/AD/Rank 37-Former emp/EU TB-AZura(Old Auriels Bow badass) ___ Vampire Templar/Resto/Destro staff user from Banana squad
    HellSeesAll - v16/EP/Rank 19 Magicka NB/Necrotic Lag member
    HellSeesUs - v16/AD/Rank 18 Stamina Templar
  • NovaMarx
    Hey ZOS,

    Out of curiosity, how much will you be selling the Palomino horse for?
    I am asking, because I bought the Palimino horse back when it was first released (paying quite a chunk for it). I am just hoping that the price will be similar in Crowns as it was in actual currency - it's only fair. (I am also slightly bummed that I thought my Palimino mount was "unique", because so few had it... oh well...)

    Other than that I think the Crown Store items are awesome, and I am sooo looking forward to getting a fox :smiley:
    "Feet are for walking. Hands are for hitting. Or shaking. Or waving. Sometimes for clapping."
    - M'aiq the Liar
  • SlappyThePoptart
    MehmetCan wrote: »
    We want camel mounts.
    We know they'll be available sooner or later.
    So, please make them available soon ^^,
    Tan, white & brown color selections might be a good start.

    I wanted this since I saw them at an Undaunted place..... Camels are slow though.
    For the Aldmeri Pact of Daggerfall!
  • Threemoons
    Lots of good points here. Let me add though:

    --Yes yes YES to a cosmetic change ability/hairstyle/etc
    --More "overlays" for outfits--think like a cross between dye kits and costumes; keeps your current gear but adds more flair?
    --Please please PLEASE will pay hard cash for more storage options. Currently, it's a grind and what's available isn't enough. Something like just a crafting box would be great and wouldn't break game balance. Make it shareable across toons and a major problem will be fixed.
    --DO continue to research, HARD, what is causing all these new crashes for us PC folks.
    Playing on PC/NA---UserID=Threemoons--usually on nights, weekends
  • SlappyThePoptart
    We need a scroll or something that lets us re-create our character, change the appearance and name. Also, please make it so that Khajiit vampires are not completely albino. Make the normal skins lighter or change them slightly. I spent hours (OK not really) making my character, then became a vampire and it was ruined. :(
    For the Aldmeri Pact of Daggerfall!
  • Smaxx
    maryriv wrote: »
    Why was it never written about in history that you could right cats? None of the previous TES cames could you ride cats!

    It's been mentioned in previous games. You never saw them, but they've been there in the books.
  • ArcVelarian
    Forget guar and horses, I want a Wamasu mount!
    Murphy's Law of PvP : If it can be abused and or exploited, it will be abused and or exploited.
  • Gizzarduk
    I think being a WW should grant a pet/WW Mount either or would be nice really.
  • MercyKilling
    Still see nothing I'd want to spend money on.
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • Gidorick
    Thanks for adding the Palomino Horse!
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Drawberrry
    Crimli wrote: »
    PLEASE, Can we get the XP/CP boost pots already?

    The fluff items are cool for those that like that sort of thing.. but let's keep it real... the #1 seller will be the XP/CP boosters.

    So.. can we just get on with it?

    Thanks in advance!

    They've said many times that they will not be providing 'game changing' items in the crown store but sticking with cosmetic and 'convince' items such as the pots and noms already out.
  • Prizax
    Drawberrry wrote: »

    They've said many times that they will not be providing 'game changing' items in the crown store but sticking with cosmetic and 'convince' items such as the pots and noms already out.

    lol do you even read the forums? they already said so many times they will sell them, the problem is when.
  • Slylok
    Mercutio wrote: »
    I like these items and the CS in general, but really want me to fork over some cash?

    Actual Things I Would Buy

    * More storage options - Maybe. Just not overly expensive like other games that offer it.

    * Dyes - I don't want to be a vampire but I want the color - No.

    * Faster run speed upgrades (disabled in PvP) - No.

    * Character appearance reset - Maybe. Just not overly expensive like other games.

    * Ability to turn current armor into a costume (one time use, could cost roughly what a costume in the CS costs now) - No.

    * Weapon and armor FX - No.

    * White Dire Wolf Pet (natch) - Maybe.

    * Baby Dragon Pet - No. Dragons are not around during the time period that ESO takes place.

    Youtube ESO First Person Gameplay -

    Twitter - SlylokYoutube

    Google+ - Slylok
  • Ritzey01
    Will we ever be able to dye the costumes?
  • Kirameki
    Things I would like to see added soon (and that would make people use their crowns)

    Change appearance
    New hairstyles
    Change gender
    Change character name

    and on a special note :wink:

    Some more cats
    Huge cats
    Small cats
    Did I mention cats ?

    Edited by Kirameki on May 4, 2015 3:33PM
    "Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear."
  • CombatBeard
    MehmetCan wrote: »
    We want camel mounts.

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