^^ This, he made a few posts about it too... think we might have even brought it up in a meeting. Just glad its getting resolved.
This bug has been reported since 1.6 PTS. I guess I assumed it had been fixed. Obviously I was wrong.
For ZoS reading:
It would really help the community -- and y'all -- if you published the formulas for all skill cost, damage, armor, mitigation, resist, penetration, &c. We will gladly help you find where they are not implemented correctly or are bugged since this will help us improve our builds. Second, anyone with half a brain would have been able to tell you that the Nirnhoned trait change to +24% or total was ridiculous even if it is working as the tooltip states.
This bug has been reported since 1.6 PTS. I guess I assumed it had been fixed. Obviously I was wrong.
For ZoS reading:
It would really help the community -- and y'all -- if you published the formulas for all skill cost, damage, armor, mitigation, resist, penetration, &c. We will gladly help you find where they are not implemented correctly or are bugged since this will help us improve our builds. Second, anyone with half a brain would have been able to tell you that the Nirnhoned trait change to +24% or total was ridiculous even if it is working as the tooltip states.
They won't do that because it would be bad PR right before console launch. Who wants to buy a game that is being picked apart by the community who is finding huge bugs faster than they can fix it? It already has a reputation for bugs being discovered by the community and never being fixed.
I'm seriously feeling the urge to set up a community run bug tracker so we can see how much they actually fix. Every time I start prepping the environment and setting it up I'm reminded how pointless it would be. ZOS is held accountable already by the community yet nothing gets done except add more pets to the crown store, neglect adding new content, repurpose exclusives to cash grab and plaster ugly advertisements all over our screens.