Cool tips but lay off the particle stuff in the back of the videoYou had those great tips but I had to pause the video to read them since the screen was so busy.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »#nerfsorcbuffnb
Thanks for this info. As a streak user I immediately switched over to BoL to test this. It seems that the ball will only reliably work if NO other balls exist. I was already making BoL sorcs chase me in an effort to position them between me and their ball, which almost always worked.Only your oldest ball of light works
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »Nice video, but I have a question >>>> During the PvP sequence, you jump up and down a lot... is there any tactical benefit to doing this? I've seen many PvP videos where players do this, but nobody ever mentions why!
He's charging up his bolt escape. It works better when fully chargedEmma_Eunjung wrote: »Nice video, but I have a question >>>> During the PvP sequence, you jump up and down a lot... is there any tactical benefit to doing this? I've seen many PvP videos where players do this, but nobody ever mentions why!
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »Ha ha - I knew people were going to joke about my question, but I have a good reason for asking. You used to be able to dodge the horrendous damage from slaughterfish attacks by jumping up and down on the water, so I figured something like that might be going on here.
It's just something that happens. It might be because we're so used to moving around that standing still while fighting doesn't seem right. I've also noticed a few issues where I cannot target someone without jumping due to terrain.Emma_Eunjung wrote: »Ha ha - I knew people were going to joke about my question, but I have a good reason for asking. You used to be able to dodge the horrendous damage from slaughterfish attacks by jumping up and down on the water, so I figured something like that might be going on here.
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »Nice video, but I have a question >>>> During the PvP sequence, you jump up and down a lot... is there any tactical benefit to doing this? I've seen many PvP videos where players do this, but nobody ever mentions why!
this is my problem im pretty sure. old habitsEmma_Eunjung wrote: »Nice video, but I have a question >>>> During the PvP sequence, you jump up and down a lot... is there any tactical benefit to doing this? I've seen many PvP videos where players do this, but nobody ever mentions why!
I can't speak for others but:[*] It is useful in some other mmo's and fps games. Habits carry over.
Interesting Vid. Your thoughts on Ball of Lightning are only partially correct however. If you cast 2 BoL in a row a couple seconds apart the first BoL will absorb projectiles fine. When that one fades, the second one doesn't begin absorbing it is useless.
When you cast 3 or more BoL this appears to reapply the BoL absorb buff.
There are other ways to actually Bug BoL so that all Magickal attacks go through it, not relating to this though.
Didn't know about the lightning splash, that's pretty interesting although probably only for PvE in my case.
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »Nice video, but I have a question >>>> During the PvP sequence, you jump up and down a lot... is there any tactical benefit to doing this? I've seen many PvP videos where players do this, but nobody ever mentions why!
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »Nice video, but I have a question >>>> During the PvP sequence, you jump up and down a lot... is there any tactical benefit to doing this? I've seen many PvP videos where players do this, but nobody ever mentions why!
I can't speak for others but:
- Less likely to get caught up on little terrain stuff if you are often airborne.
- Sometimes animation cancelling will slow down your movement (especially if using block to animation cancel.) Doing the animation cancel mid-jump/while airborne helps avoid that.
- It is useful in some other mmo's and fps games. Habits carry over.
- They say the rhythm method is not very good but maybe in ESO...?
- Can take fingers off movement keys (WASD) to hit skill keys but also maintain movement.
Gotta love all the nub sorcs I see now spamming lightning splash like their lives depended on it.
Restro/Destro heavy attacks break it. I think the first tick isnt counted as a dot but as a light attack.david.haypreub18_ESO wrote: »If Mines and Resto/Destro lightning heavy attacks are DoTs, does that meant they do not break Rune Prison (and its morphs)?
david.haypreub18_ESO wrote: »If Mines and Resto/Destro lightning heavy attacks are DoTs, does that meant they do not break Rune Prison (and its morphs)?
david.haypreub18_ESO wrote: »If Mines and Resto/Destro lightning heavy attacks are DoTs, does that meant they do not break Rune Prison (and its morphs)?
cozmon3c_ESO wrote: »I jump around a lot too, i guess its just a sorc thing.
i do it to taunt people, like hey look at me, am i just out of range of you, well yes i am hahahahhah.
i jump to gain distance while casting
i jump going down hills because it will give you a speed boost if you time it right
i dismount jump because you can use the speed from the horse to get extra distance while casting and not be slowed down.
i have also stopped jumping so much anymore because if youre falling you cannot cast anything and ever since 1.6 you can be jumping on a level plane and the game will think you are falling sometimes and keep you from using abilities or weapon swap.