You won't be able to kill their stamina because they won't be using it to block significantly or roll.
david.haypreub18_ESO wrote: »Does the spell penetration really make that much difference? The bug is fixed, no?
equally skilled nightblades, other sorcs, and stamina build DKs with 2hander/bow mass weapon damage burst. I've had some magicka templars come very close to killing me (those shields freaking hurt!) but haven't been killed by one in 1.6 yet in a straight 1 v 1. Ebonheart templar may be able to manage it if I keep trying to fight him while he permarolls around a tree haha but he plays NB now.
A better question to ask is why are all the best players switching to NB!??
Joy_Division wrote: »From what you posted it sounds like to me the biggest problem you have is that you insist on fighting opponents in situations that favor them rather than you.
For all the complaining about DKs, that class has always been third in classes I have died to. If the forumites can be believed and "everyone" rolled a DK, the fact that they still were third says something about their lack of burst damage, their ability to be kited, their ability to not die as opposed to kill. If they were the class that killed you most, the only way I can see that is possible is if you willingly went toe-to-toe with them and thus fought them in a situation that they are at their best.
Now in your post, you took the bait "several times" against sorcerers on the periphery; now you are admitting you repeatedly engage in such behavior. When a nightblade enters stealth, do you just stand there and look at the map waiting for her to ambush you? No? Then why engage the other classes on terms of their choosing?
Play on a campaign long enough and eventually you learn the names of those solo sorcs who just bait players to come and chase them. Just don't it. Right now on NA Chillrend, this AD sorc Van Exile (I think that is the name) I just hate seeing because that dude just doesn't die and has learned the class well enough that he/she can kite pursuers forever. So every time I see that name, I always make it a point to annoy him/her as much as possible (by starting off with eclipse or a hard CC charge) because: 1) it's fun, 2) it *might* create a situation in which a kill is possible (only realistically possible if other players are around...sux being a magicka templar with no burst DPS), if Van Exile has a moment where the ego gets the better of him/her and fights instead of bolts, the terms of the engagement are at that moment favorable to me. What invariably happens is Van Exile disengages and smartly attempts to lure me away. I don't fall for it. Only if my 6th sense tells me their resources are low and a quick kill is possible and even then if the kill doesn't happen in 5 or 6 seconds, then that is a queue to reassess my incorrect assumption on desperation of fleeing sorc.
So short of it is, maybe Van Exile is just as annoyed to see me because that means an eclipse is comingand we refuse to fight on the other's terms. Think about it, players like Van Exile, Ezareth, Quelle, Arcane Requim, Teargrants, etc., have specifically designed their build and have much gameplay experience at solo-roaming. Unless you also have a dedicated anti-sorc build and acquire just as much experience hunting down solo-sorcs, they are going to have the advantage in material and experience on top of a class the is ideally suited for this sort of gameplay.
Joy_Division wrote: »When a nightblade enters stealth, do you just stand there and look at the map waiting for her to ambush you? No? Then why engage the other classes on terms of their choosing?
Pretty sure they're all on sorcs from my experience - I have a friend who plays eu ad sorc. I consider him to be one of the top 3 sorcs eu. He freely admits he has only lost 1 1v1 since 1.6 was released and it was agaisnt a dk. Unfortunately they fought 3 times and he won the other 2.
Since sorcs have figured out that they can have enough stam regen to never run out they are op fact.
@Joy_Division Grrrr. Stop eclipsing me and let me kill the weaker ones around you.
When I see the Eclipse I immediately look for the templar casting it. How strong of a templar are they? What are the numbers and composition around them? If it is Joy Division I know I have to tread on a light foot since he/she knows how to refresh CC 's. That means I have three cc breaks and four rolls until OOS. That means 20 seconds to burst someone. But knowing Joy Division is a good healer, 20 seconds is not very likely. Hence the need to bait, stretch groups apart, Bolt to the flanks, and pull the numbers away from their templar. Good on Joy Division for recognizing that and keeping those around her close and tight. Can't kill numbers without burst. Can't burst against great heals and constant cc.
Germtrocity wrote: »
Actually, I usually do /read to try and get them to come out
Then they see why attacking me when you don't have at least 2 friends around is a bad idea