Hi my name Robert I have been enjoying ESO since alpha as im an avid ES fan, but recently its come to my attention and the attention of my bank that ZOS and ESO have been pulling multiple sub fees out of my debit card, when I called customer service they told me about the charges linked to my card and account but the representative wouldnt search to see if my card was linked to other accounts and further more he continued by saying ZOS/ESO wasnt responsible for these charges, even though the charges are from them directly but linked to another account. Today I talked to Chase (my bank) and they essentially said that they werent responsible for the charges either, even though thats what the bank system is for, to insure my moneys safety otherwise why do I keep my money there? Anyways to keep myself from rambling more and throwing my god damn computer out my window I'll simply ask this, has this happened to anyone else? If so was it resolved? And how was it resolved? Im down close to $300 that has been charged and Chase itself will only reimburse a measly $30. Thank you in advance for any helpful answers and please if this happened to you whether the outcome was bad or good please share what you went through so that I may try and fight this tooth and nail just as we do in Cyrodiil!!
Edited by ZigZagZorzi on April 9, 2015 8:31PM