pecheckler wrote: »If you won't join large active trade guilds, then you're going to be poor.
liammozzb16_ESO wrote: »pecheckler wrote: »If you won't join large active trade guilds, then you're going to be poor.
Let me translate this for everyone.
If you're not willing to pay a player who was lucky enough to get a good trader spot and follow their stupid converluded rules then your going to be poor.
Steal stuff and sell the stuff you stole.
its much more profitable then hunt mobs, But thats not my playstile. I really dislike that but its my major money income.
Hi, im having some money issues on the game.
My money income its way too low and many essential things to the gameplay, as repairing armor or buying inventory and bank space are way to expensive.
Ive seen here and on youtube a lot of tips to make money, but they all need a good trading guild. And i dont have good ones.
I know that many want to say: change your guilds. But i like my guilds, they just arent focused on merchant.
I never had so many money issues before in a game.
In GW2 i can easely sell stuff using the huge ingame store. In SWTOR i can do it too, and its much much older game. They have gamewide stores that you can easely see the item prices, and sell yours. Here my guilds are small, the interface its clunky and many items that i have i just dont know the prices to sell, and the ones that put to sell, even by very little price, just don sell. And i really dont like to spam on game chat to sell items, its just old and time demanding/boring and i feel like im poluting the chat. Oh god, how bad can be have a better store??
But im having a very hard time here on ESO. My armor melts when i fight mobs (something weird since the tooltip says it breaks when you DIE but even just fighting it diminish durability) and many people say to me "dont repair" or "fight naked" but this supose to be like this? Im playing a game where its so harsh to keep the armor up that its easer to make another one or fight naked?!?
What im doing to increase my money income its steal stuff in cities, its much more profitable then hunt mobs, But thats not my playstile. I really dislike that but its my major money income.
I really apreciate any help in a way to increase my gold that dont use a trade guild store.
Any help will be apreciated.
Ps: sorry for bad grammar. Im not english country native language.
- Sell all of your white looted items to a vendor
- Deconstruct green or better items, or if you don't have a craft to focus on, vendor those too
- Steal items and sell them to a Fence
liammozzb16_ESO wrote: »pecheckler wrote: »If you won't join large active trade guilds, then you're going to be poor.
Let me translate this for everyone.
If you're not willing to pay a player who was lucky enough to get a good trader spot and follow their stupid converluded rules then your going to be poor.
That's completely false. I belong to two merchant guilds that manage to maintain their spot through donations made by the 500 members. It is not a requirement to pay anything to the guild, it's just encouraged that if you make gold off their store that you share a little to help pay for the vendor. Both also host raffles every week that help the guild's income to manage to pay for the spot.
Just like active abilities, you have 5 guild slots. You need to think about what you want to do, and then choose accordingly. If you don't want a simple way to make money from selling things, then there is no need to join a merchant guild. If you do, well then sorry, you have to give one of the others up.
heroofnoneb14_ESO wrote: »Some trade guilds are actually a bit of a rip off to casual players IMO. Some have heavy taxes, require you sell a lot, and some have required price fixing so you don't compete with guild members. A lot of them are just relics from the days guild traders weren't there. if you join a big enough pve, pvp, or rp guild now they will have a guild store now, and a majority won't care what you list a price as. So I'd say don't bother with the trade guilds.
As for money, stealing stuff can be a quick cash fix. 50 items x 250 gold each can be 12,500 gold; if you take the time to get them. Even 50 green items at 100 gold each is 5000. Not a bad spread.
Also, if you really need gold, sell your drops and don't craft, it's simple to make gold if you keep selling those items at 25 to 90 gold a drop Each time you quest. You just won't skill up.
Some trade guilds do practice price fixing, and minimum sales numbers, and I'm decidedly not a fan of rules like these. However, some rules for trade guilds can be necessary these days.
I've got a few trade guilds that require at least one sale or participation in a raffle, and weekly activity. If you can't make at least one sale, won't participate in the raffle and/or are going to be gone for a week or more, usually an email to the guildmaster can and will prevent being dropped from the guild. These requirements are simply there to ensure that a spot in the guild is actually going to someone who will actively want to at least use the guild store.
But im having a very hard time here on ESO. My armor melts when i fight mobs (something weird since the tooltip says it breaks when you DIE but even just fighting it diminish durability) and many people say to me "dont repair" or "fight naked" but this supose to be like this? Im playing a game where its so harsh to keep the armor up that its easer to make another one or fight naked?!?