henryabelarwb17_ESO wrote: »
Read this and explain it then...
What happened to me was I had a bar with 10%xp and 90% enlightment status (If i stayed here i would have had enlightment till i reached cp point), I switched on another alt it had like 50%XP 20% Enlightment and 30% black. Both ar v14 and nothing happened between switches...
Those images would seem to suggest that Enlightenment is not account-wide.
Or, the enlightenment pool shaded indicator is not displaying its information correctly (a more likely scenario).
onlinegamer1 wrote: »
And we're telling you there is no bug.
Get an addOn which PRINTS THE EPOOL. Or write one. Then:
- Log into Toon A. See that the pool says "100,000"
- Log into Toon B. See that the pool says "100,000"
At best you may have found out that ESO's UI is horrible, or maybe even bugged. Your fundamental problem is relying on the default UI for information.
But can we even store enlightenment before hitting VR1?
onlinegamer1 wrote: »
And we're telling you there is no bug.
Get an addOn which PRINTS THE EPOOL. Or write one. Then:
- Log into Toon A. See that the pool says "100,000"
- Log into Toon B. See that the pool says "100,000"
At best you may have found out that ESO's UI is horrible, or maybe even bugged. Your fundamental problem is relying on the default UI for information.
henryabelarwb17_ESO wrote: »
Look at this and explain it...
And I do not think the UI is bugged... it has to do with the character xp gain as its account specific and it seems to be interfering with the enlightment, or system is tracking them separatly
onlinegamer1 wrote: »Get an addOn which PRINTS THE EPOOL. Or write one. Then:
- Log into Toon A. See that the pool says "100,000"
- Log into Toon B. See that the pool says "100,000"
At best you may have found out that ESO's UI is horrible, or maybe even bugged. Your fundamental problem is relying on the default UI for information.
function FooAddon.OnAddOnLoaded(event, addonName) -- The event fires each time *any* addon loads -- but we only care about when this one loads if addonName == "FooAddon" then d (GetEnlightenedPool()) end end EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("FooAddon", EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, FooAddon.OnAddOnLoaded)
onlinegamer1 wrote: »
I have written my OWN addOn. I know how it works, and which ESO APIs it uses. There is NO BUG in the ACTUAL ENLIGHTENED POOL. I have proven this to myself. You can prove it to yourself. The function is "GetEnlightenedPool()".
To make the most basic addon, just print this, for example:
"d (GetEnlightenedPool())"
Do this when your addon loads, and no other time (so it prints only once). Here is a full example addon called "FooAddon":function FooAddon.OnAddOnLoaded(event, addonName) -- The event fires each time *any* addon loads -- but we only care about when this one loads if addonName == "FooAddon" then d (GetEnlightenedPool()) end end EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("FooAddon", EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, FooAddon.OnAddOnLoaded)
I'm still an exception
4 days ago now In hit VR1 on my FIRST CHARACTER
Enlightenment is given each 24 hours to accounts with atleast 1 VR character
So I had NO enlightenment soteed up 4 days ago
Explain that pls.
Because you start with enough Enlightment to earn 4 CPs on the first day. If you earn less than that, the time you during which you earn them at an accelerate rate is carried over. The only times I have been unenlightened is when I get 4 CPs in one day, or after a few days when I get 3 CPs a day. In fact, I have rarely been Unenlightened since 1.6 dropped, but I usually only get 2 to 3 CPs a day, and a number of days when I only get 1.
If you had earned 18 CPs in those 4 days, then you would have something that is a bug.
onlinegamer1 wrote: »Example of an AddOn which prints the actual Enlightened Pool per my instructions:
No bug.
Again, is a visual UI bug not a bug?
onlinegamer1 wrote: »
There is no definitive proof that it's a bug. Its just some random shading on your Champ XP bar. If you think its a bug, /bug it. But for all you know, its working as intended... and we have no idea what's intended.
onlinegamer1 wrote: »Example of an AddOn which prints the actual Enlightened Pool per my instructions:
No bug.
onlinegamer1 wrote: »
There is no definitive proof that it's a bug. Its just some random shading on your Champ XP bar. If you think its a bug, /bug it. But for all you know, its working as intended... and we have no idea what's intended.
But what you are calling "random shading" is definitely supposed to indicate an account's current enlightenment pool.
henryabelarwb17_ESO wrote: »and again its not random shading... It is a bar that shows the portion of the pool which has the value of 1 CP point
onlinegamer1 wrote: »
Both of you HAVE NO PROOF of your claims. You are ASSUMING that is what the shading is, because its REASONABLE to assume that. But remember, this is ZoS. There is a strong chance that the shading means SOMETHING ELSE ENTIRELY. We have no way to know, because ZoS DOESN'T DOCUMENT THEIR GAME WELL.
While I side with you both that the shading SHOULD mean what you're saying it means, I have been playing ESO long enough to know not to assume ANYTHING anymore.
Fact: Enlightened Pool is NOT ACTUALLY bugged.
Fact: the UI may or may not be bugged, and its good that @henryabelarwb17_ESO reporrted it, since he can reproduce the problem in his UI/account.
I'm still an exception
4 days ago now In hit VR1 on my FIRST CHARACTER
Enlightenment is given each 24 hours to accounts with atleast 1 VR character
So I had NO enlightenment soteed up 4 days ago
Explain that pls.
onlinegamer1 wrote: »
Both of you HAVE NO PROOF of your claims. You are ASSUMING that is what the shading is, because its REASONABLE to assume that. But remember, this is ZoS. There is a strong chance that the shading means SOMETHING ELSE ENTIRELY. We have no way to know, because ZoS DOESN'T DOCUMENT THEIR GAME WELL.
While I side with you both that the shading SHOULD mean what you're saying it means, I have been playing ESO long enough to know not to assume ANYTHING anymore.
Fact: Enlightened Pool is NOT ACTUALLY bugged.
Fact: the UI may or may not be bugged, and its good that @henryabelarwb17_ESO reporrted it, since he can reproduce the problem in his UI/account.
henryabelarwb17_ESO wrote: »
Oh geez... We are not assuming anything, if something acts the way it does it is what it does... I have been paying attention to this stuff because I know how buggy things can be with ZOS, and the behaviour is always the same:
1 When you get enlightened the shaded bar appears
2 When the Xp reaches the end of the shaded bar, enlightenement ends.
3 The length of the bar can span over 2 cp points if you have already XP in the bar it gets carried over into the next CP point.
Regarding your addon please stop... your addon might be reading a fixed value (400,000) and not the variable of the actual pool... because from what I saw the 400,000 stays the same and its the xp gained that is a variable... when the problem is that 400,000....
onlinegamer1 wrote: »
First off, my addOn is flawless. I've tested it.
Second, it shows the pool which is "100,000" not 400,000.
Third, it proves there is no bug in the actual Enlightenment Pool. Again, I've tested this. There is no bug. I can use up 75k of the pool on Character A, and when I log onto Character B, there is 25k left, and when B uses it up, the pool is empty on both characters.
Lastly, you can tell us all about your OBSERVATION of that shaded bar and how you think it SHOULD work, and maybe we all agree with you, but you CANNOT tell us how its supposed to work, only ZoS can do that.
onlinegamer1 wrote: »First off, my addOn is flawless. I've tested it.
Second, it shows the pool which is "100,000" not 400,000.
Third, it proves there is no bug in the actual Enlightenment Pool. Again, I've tested this. There is no bug. I can use up 75k of the pool on Character A, and when I log onto Character B, there is 25k left, and when B uses it up, the pool is empty on both characters.
Lastly, you can tell us all about your OBSERVATION of that shaded bar and how you think it SHOULD work, and maybe we all agree with you, but you CANNOT tell us how its supposed to work, only ZoS can do that.
Paulington wrote: »
Now, I am unsure of whether the XP earned in the CP bar is account wide, in the sense that if you are 25% through a CP on one char you will be 25% through on another char, my knowledge of the system says it should be but who knows? Enlightenment however is definitely account wide, so the pool remaining should not change between characters.