onlinegamer1 wrote: »
There is your problem. That is NOT THE POOL AT ALL.
That is your current character's Champion XP Bar. That is PER CHARACTER as I said in my first post.
You are confused.
onlinegamer1 wrote: »I don't know any other way of saying this:
That screenshot shows something called the "Champion XP Bar". It shows your CHARACTER'S INDIVIDUAL PROGRESS towards earning another Champion Point. The bar is a 400,000 XP bar (like your main XP bar is a 1,000,000 XP bar). The highlighted portion of the bar in the screenshot is merely showing the CURRENT XP which THAT CHARACTER has earned towards that 400,000 end point.
Again, the default UI of ESO does NOT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM show you your Enlightenment Pool. You have to use an AddOn for that.
nerevarine1138 wrote: »
I'm aware that it doesn't show the actual amount of XP in the total enlightenment pool in numerical form.
BUT the image posted is technically showing, visually, that the character is earning Champion XP at an enlightened rate. The light coloring of the remainder of the bar indicates that.
Just to make sure that you don't jump down my throat again: I agree with you. The OP is horribly confused about how enlightenment works and is displayed. But the actual image he linked does show enlightenment.
onlinegamer1 wrote: »
There is your problem. That is NOT THE POOL AT ALL.
That is your current character's Champion XP Bar. That is PER CHARACTER as I said in my first post.
You are confused.
henryabelarwb17_ESO wrote: »
henryabelarwb17_ESO wrote: »Geez... You are WRONG! look at the image again and compare the two... if u dont get it you are an idiot
henryabelarwb17_ESO wrote: »Blimey! The darker shade of colour represents the pool, I always check it when I am enlightened, fter it reches the end of the dark orange the enlightment ends... its the POOL!!!!!
But I've been enlightened for 6 CP's straight, since friday. every time I hovered my mouse over the CP bar, it said enlightened and everytime I got exp, I got 4x more toward my CP gain. This is my first and only character, and friday I hit VR1.
This doesn't seem normal, and although most people would stay quiet about it and enjoy it, I'd rather make sure I don't misunderstand it.
The shaded, unfilled (by exp) portion of the bar does indeed show you how much enlightenment you have remaining, but only as far as your next CP. You can't see beyond that without addons.
It is possible for the bar to be partially shaded with enlightenment, as shown in the last pic above.
But if your amount of shaded Enlightenment is changing when you change characters, that sounds like a bug.
The linear distance from the end of the EXP portion of the CP bar and the end of the shaded enlightenment portion of the bar should, in theory, be consistent among all alts if enlightenment is account-wide.
dido9880ub17_ESO wrote: »Well it depends on how much of the bar is left to be filled. It will be different on different alts and if the amount of enlightenment is less than the xp needed to get a cp on one character is more or less than needed on another the amount of unenlightened xp will be different.
dido9880ub17_ESO wrote: »Well it depends on how much of the bar is left to be filled. It will be different on different alts and if the amount of enlightenment is less than the xp needed to get a cp on one character is more or less than needed on another the amount of unenlightened xp will be different.
henryabelarwb17_ESO wrote: »
This stuff is so hard to explain... lets say i logge don my 1st alt and had 100,000 pool, when i log on 2nd alt like 2min after with no exp gain etc... the pool becomes like 20k... hope u understand
We understand, and has been explained to you multiple times by multiple people.
It doesnt show your enlightenment pool, that is your champion pool, which people have also told you, multiple times...cmon man.
We understand, and has been explained to you multiple times by multiple people.
It doesnt show your enlightenment pool, that is your champion pool, which people have also told you, multiple times...cmon man.
henryabelarwb17_ESO wrote: »
Call it what you like... The thing is it should not shorten... if you have a full bar that will get you to the next CP point why shuld it get shorter when you switch on an alt????
OP, what I have noticed is that, if you have less than 100K of enlightenment left, it will display differently on different toons depending on how much XP they've already earned towards a champion point.
For example, say I have 50K enlightenment left and I'm on Alnibis, who is 50% towards her next CP. The bar will show enlightenment all the way to the end (because there is enough enlightenment to grant her that point).
If I switch to Potion Ivy, who is only 25% of the way to her next CP, the bar will show enlightenment up to the 75% point (25% + 50K) and then it will be black to the end.
Is that what is happening to you? Because it sounded from what you described that the opposite was happening.
Even though I hit VR1 friday, my "pool" seems to be lit for 6 CP's non stop... in 3 days...
lol I am not going to explain it to you, when everyone has. If you dont get it, you dont get it, although I wouldn't call people an idiot since you dont know how to explain or understand things.
Since its stored for a whole day up to 12 days and you can earn 1 cp per hour as enlightened. Its working normally. Also explained this earlier. See link provided in my other post.
henryabelarwb17_ESO wrote: »So I had to make a visual representation of how the bar changed when i switched between Alt1 to Alt 2
It should not act that way...