Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

The Road Ahead

  • dramsb14_ESO
    For the sake of the game, the road ahead should involve having full on resources applied to fixing the game. Lag, crashes, etc are not helping. Less emphasis should be placed on trinkets, dohickies, and dlc, and more on fixing issues, some of which have plagued the game since beta. I don't know how one could put it more plainly.
  • Elsonso
    For the sake of the game, the road ahead should involve having full on resources applied to fixing the game. Lag, crashes, etc are not helping. Less emphasis should be placed on trinkets, dohickies, and dlc, and more on fixing issues, some of which have plagued the game since beta. I don't know how one could put it more plainly.

    In a company of a few hundred people, there are probably on the order of 10 people who are even qualified to address lag and crashes. I say "lag and crashes," but they are two different things and the people who can work on lag are probably not the people who can work on crashes. They appear to be looking for more people in this general area, so the last ESO Live is the place to reference if someone is qualified to help and wants to save ESO. :smile:

    I can honestly say that, looking at the bigger picture, I think ZOS has every motivation to do the best that they can to address and fix the lag, crashes, and performance problems. Sooner, rather than later. I expect something this year. Obviously, there is no way that I can possibly predict when that could be. In a traditional software development model, I would say at console launch, but this is agile development and that makes predictability very difficult when viewed from outside.

    Paul Sage has already talked about performance and lag in the forum here, and he is closer to the action than Firor. The Road Ahead may mention performance and lag, but it will be less detailed, or a repeat, of what Sage has said. Unless, of course, there is something new to say.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Seraphyel
    I can honestly say that, looking at the bigger picture, I think ZOS has every motivation to do the best that they can to address and fix the lag, crashes, and performance problems. Sooner, rather than later. I expect something this year. Obviously, there is no way that I can possibly predict when that could be. In a traditional software development model, I would say at console launch, but this is agile development and that makes predictability very difficult when viewed from outside.

    What did they do the last year? "Their best"?

    Sorry, but their best seems to be quite unsatisfying.

    I bet Imperial City will be the first DLC after the consoles, some kind of launch DLC. The funny thing about this is just that Imperial City was meant to be right here "soon" after PC launch.
  • Titansteele
    I currently do not know if it is worth subscribing, cosmetic fluff like mounts and dresses do not really interest me. I want some kind of idea as to how often DLC will be released so I can make an informed call on if the plus membership is worth it or not. The DLC is the main reason for plus membership in my eyes. As it stands at the moment I feel we are being asked to blindly place trust in ZOS in the hope that DLC will appear in a timely fashion that doesn't mean my hard earned cash is flushed down the toilet.

    There was a time that I felt that trust could safely be placed however I am now very much on the fence with it. It is starting to feel that it is no coincidence that ZOS spelt backwards is SOZ.

    Guild Leader of The Twelve Knights, AD PVE, PVP and Trading Guild on the EU Mega Server

    "That which does not kill us makes us stronger"
  • Thaizo
    Soul Shriven
    I'm a relatively new forum user so forgive me if this has been asked before: are the console players going to be playing/intermixing with us PC players (everyone playing in the same megaserver)? I'm just curious is all.

  • Seraphyel
    Thaizo wrote: »
    I'm a relatively new forum user so forgive me if this has been asked before: are the console players going to be playing/intermixing with us PC players (everyone playing in the same megaserver)? I'm just curious is all.


    No, every system has its own servers. PS4, One & PC are all separated.

    @ Titansteele - good post.
    Edited by Seraphyel on April 2, 2015 1:43PM
  • wraith808

    That picture though! If you'd had any text, I wouldn't have subjected anyone else to it! LOL :smile:
    Quasim ibn-Muhammad - VR 12 Redguard Dragon Knight
    Taladriel Vanima - VR 5 Altmer Nightblade
    Ambalyo iyo Bogaadin - VR 1 Redguard Sorceror
  • Elsonso
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    I can honestly say that, looking at the bigger picture, I think ZOS has every motivation to do the best that they can to address and fix the lag, crashes, and performance problems. Sooner, rather than later. I expect something this year. Obviously, there is no way that I can possibly predict when that could be. In a traditional software development model, I would say at console launch, but this is agile development and that makes predictability very difficult when viewed from outside.

    What did they do the last year? "Their best"?

    Sorry, but their best seems to be quite unsatisfying.

    I bet Imperial City will be the first DLC after the consoles, some kind of launch DLC. The funny thing about this is just that Imperial City was meant to be right here "soon" after PC launch.

    Yeah, I do think they have been working on lag, as a priority, since last year. My biggest fear is that it is not one fix, but several fixes. That can delay things considerably. All I can say is that if it was a simple problem to fix, it would have been fixed already. Fixes are like babies. They come when they are ready and rushing them rarely shortens that time with optimal results.

    I also think that the Imperial City will be the first DLC that they release. It was expected in Updated 6, and was widely announced as delayed so that Justice and Champion could share the Update with Tamriel Unlimited. Given the comments in the last ESO Live, I see a possibility that it is "on deck" and they will be able to push it out relatively quickly, when they decide to do it.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  •  Jules
    If they leave 5-6 months with no new content for this game, that'll be apprx a year after sanctum ophidia was released. And there's still not been a single pvp content release. Only fixes and tweaks. There's just no way they can really think people will still be around playing the same old content.

    IGN- @Juies || Youtube || Twitch
    EP - Julianos . Jules . Family Jules . Jules of Misrule. Joy
    DC - Julsie . Jules . Jukes . Jojuji . Juliet . Jaded
    AD - Juice . Jubaited . Joules . Julmanji . Julogy . Jubroni . Ju Jitsu

    Rest in Peace G & Yi
    Viva La Aristocracy
  • Nightscar
    Wolfshead wrote: »
    It is funny that some of you say the have nothing to tell us well to be honest the have content that is done all ready which is just wait to go on PTR and live server like Imperial City, Spell Crafting, Murkmire, Wrothgar, Removing VR to complete Champion system and complete Justice system.

    And gave us half done "contnet" like Champion system and Justice system and not complete it before console is beyond stupid for the are no one console the want to buy a game with half done thing on and not post any road ahead just tell me atm the dont know what doing and if for some reason wont add new content this year to game ESO will not survive for i for one will not sit here for whole year with no one content for have done that in WoW and it is not even fun after a month do same thing over and over again.

    OK I literally got a headache trying to read this ... Lol!
    Does no one proof read anymore?
  • Nightscar
    Wolfshead wrote: »
    It is funny that some of you say the have nothing to tell us well to be honest the have content that is done all ready which is just wait to go on PTR and live server like Imperial City, Spell Crafting, Murkmire, Wrothgar, Removing VR to complete Champion system and complete Justice system.

    And gave us half done "contnet" like Champion system and Justice system and not complete it before console is beyond stupid for the are no one console the want to buy a game with half done thing on and not post any road ahead just tell me atm the dont know what doing and if for some reason wont add new content this year to game ESO will not survive for i for one will not sit here for whole year with no one content for have done that in WoW and it is not even fun after a month do same thing over and over again.

    OK I literally got a headache trying to read this ... Lol!
    Does no one proof read anymore?
  •  Jules
    Nightscar wrote: »
    Wolfshead wrote: »
    It is funny that some of you say the have nothing to tell us well to be honest the have content that is done all ready which is just wait to go on PTR and live server like Imperial City, Spell Crafting, Murkmire, Wrothgar, Removing VR to complete Champion system and complete Justice system.

    And gave us half done "contnet" like Champion system and Justice system and not complete it before console is beyond stupid for the are no one console the want to buy a game with half done thing on and not post any road ahead just tell me atm the dont know what doing and if for some reason wont add new content this year to game ESO will not survive for i for one will not sit here for whole year with no one content for have done that in WoW and it is not even fun after a month do same thing over and over again.

    OK I literally got a headache trying to read this ... Lol!
    Does no one proof read anymore?


    IGN- @Juies || Youtube || Twitch
    EP - Julianos . Jules . Family Jules . Jules of Misrule. Joy
    DC - Julsie . Jules . Jukes . Jojuji . Juliet . Jaded
    AD - Juice . Jubaited . Joules . Julmanji . Julogy . Jubroni . Ju Jitsu

    Rest in Peace G & Yi
    Viva La Aristocracy
  • Fissh
    Road Ahead:
    Roll an alt for CP farm
    Play PvP for PvE BiS gear.

    Trials - 3 in a year. With a rollback (1.6) to make the same 3 different (minimal mechanic emphasis now exist).
    Trials - Horrible CP
    Trials - Horrible Gear
    Trials - Pure DPS burns, mechanics for the most part dont even matter....stay out of red...WEEEE! And sap/stuns/mezzes? No need.
    Pledges - Forever Farm because drop rates are simply silly.

    Road Ahead: This game is dead for endgamers and only supports RP/Casuals. Guess that is the prep for the console monkey.
  • Elsonso
    Jules wrote: »
    If they leave 5-6 months with no new content for this game, that'll be apprx a year after sanctum ophidia was released. And there's still not been a single pvp content release. Only fixes and tweaks. There's just no way they can really think people will still be around playing the same old content.

    I think that this had no small part in the B2P decision.

    Content is stuck in a log jam behind console, and they have made no secret about this. Honestly, B2P lets people play a game that they would not subscribe to. As many have stated, no content means no subscription. However, some people will stay around, even with a large gap in content, just because there is no subscription. This does have some benefit for ZOS.

    Once console is out, I expect a lot of content in a relatively short span of time. Perhaps every other month until they exhaust the backlog of stuff they have already started working on.

    They might spread it out more, depending on what else they have going on.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Seraphyel
    Content is EVERYTHING. It's everything for a B2P-MMORPG and it's everything for a F2P-MMORPG.

    Without content you have no players. And you just said what's the issue with all of that: due to the missing sub fee, you don't even have to pay for it to play it.

    You know what that means? Even less content because of that.

    Content makes or breaks a game and ESO has got nearly no content within 1 year and it won't get content for another 4-5 months.

    Be sure that this WILL break the game at least for the PC playerbase.

  • Wolfshead

    Omg you have nothing to say so have post you post 2 time that is just show that you have nothing really import to say yet a other troll that just need to post something for just sack that just show that most people that have post here dont really know how B2P mmo work as Seraphyel say content is everything in game that is B2P-MMORPG and F2P-MMORPG.

    And thing is that ZoS have content that is done it would nice to know when are go to start send them out for 1 year would out a really content is bad it is really bad to be honest and just gave us half done feature is even worst.
    If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled; for you are in Elysium, and you're already dead
    What we do in life, echoes in eternity
  • Gidorick
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    I can honestly say that, looking at the bigger picture, I think ZOS has every motivation to do the best that they can to address and fix the lag, crashes, and performance problems. Sooner, rather than later. I expect something this year. Obviously, there is no way that I can possibly predict when that could be. In a traditional software development model, I would say at console launch, but this is agile development and that makes predictability very difficult when viewed from outside.

    What did they do the last year? "Their best"?

    Sorry, but their best seems to be quite unsatisfying.

    I bet Imperial City will be the first DLC after the consoles, some kind of launch DLC. The funny thing about this is just that Imperial City was meant to be right here "soon" after PC launch.

    I'm REALLY hoping their best is yet to come. I want to believe that they were yanked off of their plans to
    1. change end game from Vet to CPs
    2. Create Crown Store
    Now that those things are pretty much done, now they can put forth their best... erm... after console release is done.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Rodario
    I can give you a quick summary of the next road ahead right now:

    "We ain't got nutin'. Ask again 'round June...ish."
    Victoria Lux - Templar Tank
  • Marthenil
    Rodario wrote: »
    I can give you a quick summary of the next road ahead right now:

    "We ain't got nutin'. Have some pets. Buy some mounts. Buy it on your console as well.
    Ask again 'round June...ish."


    EDIT: Fixed it for me as well.
    Edited by Marthenil on April 4, 2015 8:47AM
  • Seraphyel
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    I can honestly say that, looking at the bigger picture, I think ZOS has every motivation to do the best that they can to address and fix the lag, crashes, and performance problems. Sooner, rather than later. I expect something this year. Obviously, there is no way that I can possibly predict when that could be. In a traditional software development model, I would say at console launch, but this is agile development and that makes predictability very difficult when viewed from outside.

    What did they do the last year? "Their best"?

    Sorry, but their best seems to be quite unsatisfying.

    I bet Imperial City will be the first DLC after the consoles, some kind of launch DLC. The funny thing about this is just that Imperial City was meant to be right here "soon" after PC launch.

    I'm REALLY hoping their best is yet to come. I want to believe that they were yanked off of their plans to
    1. change end game from Vet to CPs
    2. Create Crown Store
    Now that those things are pretty much done, now they can put forth their best... erm... after console release is done.

    I just can't and won't believe that anymore. If I compare SquareEnix patches on FF XIV with those on ESO... they added maybe ten times more things in 1 year than ESO and that is really sad.
  • Faulgor
    What's odd to me is that a lot of the new content seem pretty much done. They've shown The Imperial City, Wrothgar and Murkmire at QuakeCon last year, so even at that time they have been working on them for quite some time. Since then, they have started at least 3 new projects (Mephala's Realm, Clockwork City, Abah's Landing) and developed them to the point where they can show us several demos.
    Same with armor styles - all we got was Dwemer, but at QuakeCon they already showed Xivkyn, as well as concept art of verious other styles. Around the B2P announcement and launch, they have shown new PvP armors, Boss helmets, Glass armor, Thief Guild and possibly Dark Brotherhood armor already finished.
    They seem to be working all the time, but it's somehow never ready for release.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • WillhelmBlack
    I'm pretty sure one of the devs said in a podcast that they need to let the game wade or wallow in its own **** for a while, something along those lines anyway.
    PC EU
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