We were playing from Norway, Germany and Holland and we were on ts and had the exact same spikes, so location did not make a difference..
Hello All, we've had all kinds of discussions over the past few weeks about PVE LAG. Lets help ZOS by identifying all of the Countries that are having problems with PVE LAG and see if we can get this resolved ASAP.
I am on the NA Server, located in Utah(USA). I also know of people playing in Michigan, Minnesota and Oklahoma who are having PVE LAG issues.
Hello All, we've had all kinds of discussions over the past few weeks about PVE LAG. Lets help ZOS by identifying all of the Countries that are having problems with PVE LAG and see if we can get this resolved ASAP.
I am on the NA Server, located in Utah(USA). I also know of people playing in Michigan, Minnesota and Oklahoma who are having PVE LAG issues.
I am in Utah as well (SLC) and rarely see any lag in PVE. When i do, its just a minor jump in ping that rarely affects my gameplay, never do i see the long term freezes and sync issues that i do in PVP, but thats PVP.
Hello All, we've had all kinds of discussions over the past few weeks about PVE LAG. Lets help ZOS by identifying all of the Countries that are having problems with PVE LAG and see if we can get this resolved ASAP.
I am on the NA Server, located in Utah(USA). I also know of people playing in Michigan, Minnesota and Oklahoma who are having PVE LAG issues.
I am in Utah as well (SLC) and rarely see any lag in PVE. When i do, its just a minor jump in ping that rarely affects my gameplay, never do i see the long term freezes and sync issues that i do in PVP, but thats PVP.
Heh, SLC here too. Sugarhouse area. The things I am seeing are spell cast delays. Every once in a while my wifes game will freeze up when she's in a really populated area like Rawl. We are running identical systems so it's not our hardware or ISP as we usually have the same lag spike times as those we game with in Michigan, Minnesota and Oklahoma.
Hello All, we've had all kinds of discussions over the past few weeks about PVE LAG. Lets help ZOS by identifying all of the Countries that are having problems with PVE LAG and see if we can get this resolved ASAP.
I am on the NA Server, located in Utah(USA). I also know of people playing in Michigan, Minnesota and Oklahoma who are having PVE LAG issues.
I am in Utah as well (SLC) and rarely see any lag in PVE. When i do, its just a minor jump in ping that rarely affects my gameplay, never do i see the long term freezes and sync issues that i do in PVP, but thats PVP.
Heh, SLC here too. Sugarhouse area. The things I am seeing are spell cast delays. Every once in a while my wifes game will freeze up when she's in a really populated area like Rawl. We are running identical systems so it's not our hardware or ISP as we usually have the same lag spike times as those we game with in Michigan, Minnesota and Oklahoma.
Maybe not ISP specifically. But what company does the ISP route through. Most major ISP's use the same companies to route their data. For example, my place uses a small little known provider on a slower internet connection and i get no PVE lag. When at different friends houses using Century link or Comcast with a much much much faster connection i will see syncing issues, rubberbanding, etc....
I think ping has very little to do with the issue, sure you will see ping spike to 999+ but that's what it does whenever there is packet, syncing, connection issues.
If it is a routing issue, good luck getting companies such as L3 communications to do anything about it, even if ISP's, game companies, data centers, the ALMIGHTY HIMSELF complains. The routing companies have nothing to lose as there isn't much of an alternative for companies to switch to.
Is this helpful to ZoS? Will they even look at this? OP doesn't work for ZoS so... waste of time?
27 march - EU Server.
Veteran Darkshade Caverns.
Total slideshow for all group members.
Player 1 - Norway
Player 2 - Norway
Player 3 - Finland
Player 4 - UK
We all had the same issues.
Mobs lagging.
Players lagging.
Animations lagging.
Skill execution lagging. (up to 5 second delays)
Animations disappearing.
Animations freezing.
In game latency indicator not functioning properly. Was showing white values and all bars full, but actual latency felt to be deep in the red.
Seen a few rare latency spikes in PvE dungeons before (past 9 months), but nothing as severe as this.
At least our group got a good laugh, but this wont be that entertaining long term : P
Anyone else seeing the same thing recently? (post update 6 / tamriel unlimited)
Hello All, we've had all kinds of discussions over the past few weeks about PVE LAG. Lets help ZOS by identifying all of the Countries that are having problems with PVE LAG and see if we can get this resolved ASAP.
I am on the NA Server, located in Utah(USA). I also know of people playing in Michigan, Minnesota and Oklahoma who are having PVE LAG issues.