I love VR14s whining they've nothing to do to get XP .. my VR10 will never see VR14 for that reason.
PainfulFAFA wrote: »Idk where all this QQ is coming from.
I got 3 CP yesterday taking out enemy resources on my own in the hour that i was logged in.
The exp in cyrodiil is nice.
Idk about the trials though.
PainfulFAFA wrote: »Idk where all this QQ is coming from.
I got 3 CP yesterday taking out enemy resources on my own in the hour that i was logged in.
The exp in cyrodiil is nice.
Idk about the trials though.
DeathDealer19 wrote: »they increased trials xp finally, but they have already ninja rolled it back to what it was which is nothing.
onlinegamer1 wrote: »
They lowered from 1100% more than it used to be to 100% (double) what it used to be.
I love VR14s whining they've nothing to do to get XP .. my VR10 will never see VR14 for that reason.
You can get to VR14 if you bother to complete the content in Craglorn. Not all of us at VR14 got here by skipping content, we completed it ALL and did not grind and mindless exploit the game to get here. As such, we do NOT have anything to do other than PvP or repeatables. If you find that offensive that is on you, not those of us who actually worked our booties off to get here.
They were not enlightened. 1.3K per, wen divided amongst 12 people its around 200 per person, but with two people and exp increase its a huge number which was exploited fo xp cp.
You can get to VR14 if you bother to complete the content in Craglorn. Not all of us at VR14 got here by skipping content, we completed it ALL and did not grind and mindless exploit the game to get here. As such, we do NOT have anything to do other than PvP or repeatables. If you find that offensive that is on you, not those of us who actually worked our booties off to get here.
7788b14_ESO wrote: »That's why the game ends at 50 for me. Reward is not equal to time spent to achieve it for me.
DeathDealer19 wrote: »So what happened? didn't get to play yesterday. From what I gather some people got like 50k xp from first pull of HRC and this was deemed nerfable? Did anyone stop and realize that these players had enlightenment which multiplies xp by 4? and then did anyone realize without enlightenment this would go down?? Right now there is NOTHING in the game for vr14 players to do with out enlightenment to get CP unless you want to run DSA 12 times a day. 1 CP a day isn't going to cut it for me. 3600 CP at 1 per day? Im not planning on progression for the next 5 years. the way this game is going ill be amazed if I sub for 6 more months.
This is a sad time for ESO. I love this game and have since day 1 but now were just spiraling down the F2P and pay to win hole that ZOS said they would never go down. And max level characters are slapped in the face and left with nothing to do to progress in this new system.
Id really love one person from ZOS to reply or at least PM me and tell me what a VR14 character is supposed to do with no enlightenment to gain CP at a reasonable rate. And no 1 a day is NOT a reasonable rate. We were told an avg of an hour of gameplay per CP and that's just nowhere near what they gave us. We have no quests left, no new content for 6 months, and the content we do have gives almost 0 xp. We cant even grind like zombies since there is nothing left to do because everytime we find a reasonable way to get a normal amount of XP per hour, its ninja nerfed without the slightest notification or reason.
Again, Id love someone at ZOS to tell me what im expected to do to gain some XP/CP. I have 5 vr14s im not making any more. I have no content left in cadwells gold or silver. Nothing left in craglorn. You wont let me grind. So what do I do? what is keeping me paying 15$ a month? What is motivating me to overlook the pay 2 win xp pots youre going to roll out? (which is just disgusting) you already pay 15$ a month for no actual content, and now we expect you to spend real money for XP? is that the future?
You can get to VR14 if you bother to complete the content in Craglorn. Not all of us at VR14 got here by skipping content, we completed it ALL and did not grind and mindless exploit the game to get here. As such, we do NOT have anything to do other than PvP or repeatables. If you find that offensive that is on you, not those of us who actually worked our booties off to get here.
Listen to this guy, he knows what he's saying.
I got to VR14 by doing all PvE quests in all zones, plus PvP'ing a bit. And it was damn hard to do Craglorn because for months the only groups you could find were to grind XP in Magical Anomalies, or Hircine's Haunt, or Rkundzelft. Grind spots hurt the game as a whole as they discourage actual content completion. If a significant number of players stop doing trials because they can farm the first mob group, it will hurt the game.
Once they have found a way to stop exploiters resetting the instance to farm the first trash mobs, I'm sure they will reinstate the 1100%. This would be doable by having a couple of restrictions on entry:
- Only a group of 5+ can enter the instance
- When the group enters, a lockout timer starts which prevents you from leaving to reset the instance and entering again. The timer is cleared when you kill the last boss so you aren't prevented from running the whole thing more than once.
Charming I'm sure. That would work fine for me, and I suggested it myself as well. But I was presenting an alternative solution that may address the issues that others have posted with that suggestion, particularly your own comment saying that some groups may not manage to defeat the boss, and Audigy's comment that some players may just skip all trash and only do bosses. It's also an alternative to the "daily" lockout that has been suggested, which locks out the exploiters but not the genuine raiders.
Stop these silly suggestions. No artificial barriers are needed. There have been many posts about linking XP rewards to the boss kill. Problem solved.
Charming I'm sure. That would work fine for me, and I suggested it myself as well. But I was presenting an alternative solution that may address the issues that others have posted with that suggestion, particularly your own comment saying that some groups may not manage to defeat the boss, and Audigy's comment that some players may just skip all trash and only do bosses. It's also an alternative to the "daily" lockout that has been suggested, which locks out the exploiters but not the genuine raiders.
PainfulFAFA wrote: »Idk where all this QQ is coming from.
I got 3 CP yesterday taking out enemy resources on my own in the hour that i was logged in.
The exp in cyrodiil is nice.
Idk about the trials though.