no i´m not arguing this time about healthbars of opponents not beeing properly displayed
but the fact that regardless of the used HUD even with the base/original HUD shields and hitpoint regularily bug out to a point where you can only guess if your health pool is hit or still covered by shields wich becomes even more horrible if you are using the original HUD as it shrinks the players healthbar to 3-5 pixels width with 99.9999% of the bar covered by nonexisting shields.
so for the records:
- it is not related to the used HUD/UI so do not ask us to disable addons to falsify our problem as it is happening as regular with your own UI as with player modifications
- the problem contain several states [pics just from yesterday
- using /reloadui does NOT help
- the problem affects the group/raid windows aswell - so i guess it is some deeper problem
Edited by Tankqull on March 16, 2015 7:43PM spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused
Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"