I am not going to be playing again because I can't even sift through the nonsense of this patch and I'd rather not have to relearn everything about this game. I have about 150K gold and a good amount of mats.
I ask that you present your argument as to why I should give you my stuff in a sonnet. Best sonnet wins.
I came back for the free crowns
No more payments to these clowns
I shall carry your items with honor and pride
As I watch their console hopes slide
But I shall still play, for free as I say
Until the servers shut down in a dismal display.
@yodased we'll split the mats 40/60 in your favor?!Ya'll have no respect for what a sonnet is:
Let me ease the trouble in your mind
This 1.6 patch it will confuse
Which makes your happiness hard to find,
Your items if given I will completely use.
The gold, the materials et al.
Will cause this yoda to quite happy;
Giving your items, a feat not small
Writing poetry is not my thing, sort of sappy
I haven't crafted as I should so my bags are bare
Too much PvP has left my wallet empty,
You are a good person, with items to share
With your mats and money I have goods aplenty:
You asked for a sonnet and I have delivered
So give me your things, so I can be a master wizard.
14 lines, a-b rhyme sometimes in iambic pentameter. Didn't you pay attention in english class? Sheesh
You really should give yourself some time to get used to the patch. It's actually a lot of fun IMO.
You should also state what server you are on if you are offering stuff to people.
I came back for the free crowns
No more payments to these clowns
I shall carry your items with honor and pride
As I watch their console hopes slide
But I shall still play, for free as I say
Until the servers shut down in a dismal display.
I'm not the best poet, especially this early in the day
But I'll give it a go, now what could I say...
I have toiled and frolicked and adventured and plundered
Only one thing remains that has left me bewildered
You see, I spoil my alternate characters with equipment and gear
From level 1 to v14, stuff that will last them through the years
I'm afraid to look at my bank because I know that it's sad
Those stacks of materials seemed endless, but alas things are bad
If only I farmed more instead of spending all my time in Cyrodiil
but now I'm alone crying on this sad, lonely hill
Maybe one day I will recover my treasure
Until then, I'll leave this poem here for good measure
Ya'll have no respect for what a sonnet is:
Let me ease the trouble in your mind
This 1.6 patch it will confuse
Which makes your happiness hard to find,
Your items if given I will completely use.
The gold, the materials et al.
Will cause this yoda to quite happy;
Giving your items, a feat not small
Writing poetry is not my thing, sort of sappy
I haven't crafted as I should so my bags are bare
Too much PvP has left my wallet empty,
You are a good person, with items to share
With your mats and money I have goods aplenty:
You asked for a sonnet and I have delivered
So give me your things, so I can be a master wizard.
14 lines, a-b rhyme sometimes in iambic pentameter. Didn't you pay attention in english class? Sheesh
I am not going to be playing again because I can't even sift through the nonsense of this patch and I'd rather not have to relearn everything about this game. I have about 150K gold and a good amount of mats.
I ask that you present your argument as to why I should give you my stuff in a sonnet. Best sonnet wins.
thesongoftimeb14_ESO wrote: »Instead of giving you reasons to give it to me, I would rather give you a few suggestions. Instead of giving it away, why not just let it sit there? Its not going to go anywhere, and someday you might decide to come back. What if you find out you have a niece, or nephew who want to play? You might let them use your account. There are hundreds of possibilities that could change in your life, and how often does it happen when you ask yourself, why didn't I hold on to that instead of throwing it away?