I found the travelers boots already pictured and a corset dress like a long version of what @Lanark posted. I seem to have misplaced it or maybe one of my add-ons sold or destroyed it while I wasn't paying attention so I don't have a pic.
Speaking of which - I think ZOS should now remove these 0 value junk items now that the Justice System is in place.
This is absolutely false, it only requires the 7 body pcs for the achievement. Also, it does not have to be the new Everyday Clothes, it can be the junk 0 value items that ZoS added to Containers a few months ago.
Ya know, someone with a guild or something should organize a community event fashion show or something ¬_¬
...I mean like; people show up in dress, others take pictures... Just a thought. <_<
(quietly raises a hand)
Don't 0 value items now sell for coin to a fence if stolen?Speaking of which - I think ZOS should now remove these 0 value junk items now that the Justice System is in place.
Name the time and place!
(though give me some time to loot more stuff. :-))
Thank you for the info! Those look very nice.
I hear you on the dyes. Trying to find a combination that looked good on my Healer's Habit set was a nightmare. Still not 100% happy, but I can live with it.
When I hit V14, I spent a couple of days trying out different styles on pretty much each piece of armor till I came up with a look that I liked. It was a lot of fun. :-) I think I ended up with 2 pieces of the same style, everything else was a combination.
bellanca6561n wrote: »
I appreciate it and many thank to others on this thread for not getting pissed at me for being off topic.
Getting back to the topic, I have to say it bothers me a bit that they still need to work on getting the reflective properties of materials to play nice with the shader. So many splendid color schemes in those screen shots. Yet the right color often looks strange due to the inexplicable shine...as if the material was meant for costumes for a Vegas act.
The theme here is clearly humble clothes of regular people...not The Rockettes
I found my Corset long dress. As I mentioned, I don't have any female chars, but my I had my costume mule put it on to show. He's in AD working with Raz so he's gotten used to wearing ridiculous outfits. Also @Samadhi looks like it is dyed? This one is undyed.
Never sure why "Motif Master Brown" comes out as a shiny gold, but it was good for covering up an issue with the top portion looking like it had a stain on it; will try and get an undyed screen at some point, but yours appears to have been stolen in better condition than mine.
Were the clothes able to be dyed from the beginning? I thought they were only specific colours. Or is that just the costumes?
RDMyers65b14_ESO wrote: »The person who said that these clothing items have no value obviously doesn't RP. I collect as much as I can and what I don't need goes into my RP guilds' bank which can't seem to keep clothing items due to the popularity. This has been one of the best things that ZOS has done for the RP community. Now, we need housing, barber shop and more guild slots.
And for some reason, no white dyes ever look clean. Even on the voidcloth and Lamae white, it still looks dirty. I guess that we have to wait for 3/17 to get the wedding dress which looks white white.
The clothes in this thread are new items that equip in the normal gear slots; as such, they can be dyed like any gear can, as well as mixed-and-matched.
Starting to feel like I should join such a guild to donate my spare copies to; love thieving, but get a whole lot of the same items over and over.
RDMyers65b14_ESO wrote: »The person who said that these clothing items have no value obviously doesn't RP. I collect as much as I can and what I don't need goes into my RP guilds' bank which can't seem to keep clothing items due to the popularity. This has been one of the best things that ZOS has done for the RP community. Now, we need housing, barber shop and more guild slots.
And for some reason, no white dyes ever look clean. Even on the voidcloth and Lamae white, it still looks dirty. I guess that we have to wait for 3/17 to get the wedding dress which looks white white.
olemanwinter wrote: »
I don't really group RP, but coming from a lot of single-player games, sometimes if I'm just crafting and tooling around in town it's nice to put some regular clothes on the character.
The trick to enjoying these sets for a non-roleplayer is addons that allow you to switch sets with a single click of the mouse!
As for white, the dye you get for completing AA trial is the best white I've seen so far.
bellanca6561n wrote: »Looks interesting if you like regular, everyday clothes.
But the game itself, without sneaking around or theft, looks better and much more appealing in my view.
The appeal of the new stuff is the fun people have acquiring it, bolstered by the unpredictable element of what you'll find.
This is all low-end. Sadly they become super prudish when it comes to highend gear.