Want to heal in Tamriel? Want to have fun while doing it? Want to defy convention and heal with the non meta class? Nightblade healer is where it's at.
A Nightblade healer is a super active playstyle that can heal and help quite a bit with dps at the same time.
Build notes:
After 1.6, I have already healed Vet DSA, HRC HM, and SO with this build and much more.
This build involves a decent amount of weapon swapping and is non-stop action.
This build revolves more around quantity of spells cast instead of power of spells cast.
Revolves largely around HoTs
Race: I personally am Argonian. It's not bad, but if I could race change, I'd be a Breton.
Armor: I personally love 5 pc healer's habit, 5 pc seducer, master resto staff (precise if you are a lucky dog). If you have Worm cult, you might want to consider swapping that for seducer and changing out the healer's habbit set to maximize spell power with things like 2pc adroitness, 2p cyrodiil's light and 2 pc torag's pact instead of Master Resto staff. I have not tested the latter though as I am a huge fan of the Master Resto staff.
If you plan on using crafted sets, Make 1 large piece of it heavy and another medium. This will increase your survivability greatly and your resource pool noticeably with the undaunted passive.
Try to have infused on your large pieces (head, legs, chest) and divines on your small pieces.
Enchant your jewellery with all spell cost reduction at first until you get enough champion points into cost reduction or are a Breton. If you are at the point that you find it impossible to run out of magika, experiment with changing one or more of these glyphs to spell damage.
Enchant all large pieces (Head, Pants, Chest) with health, and all else with magika.
Skill Bar 1:
Funnel health- great HoT to keep rolling on small groups at all times. Also helps contribute to dps while healing. Be sure to weave with light attacks if you have time to spam this between refreshing HoTs and big heals.
Refreshing path - another small hot that contributes a small amount of dps. Used mainly for the shadow passives and as a supplemental HoT
Healing Ward- This is single target oh Sh*t button and will save many many lives if used when someone stands in red or tank drops taunt.
Healing springs- This should be the go to heal considering its magika efficiency and it's ability to stack with itself. A couple casts of this will bring anyone inside the radius to full quickly.
Inner Light - additional magika and crit chance. Still an awesome ability. Use on both bars to prevent having to retoggle.
Ultimate: Soul harvest - What? Why? Two reasons: the passive ultimate gain is pretty nice. The assassination passives are also very good and worth having. If you are on a single target fight and running with another NB with an assassination ability slotted, it would benefit you more to put soul siphon in this spot because of siphon tree passives. I rarely actually use soul harvest, it's just there for the passives and I switch weapons to deploy Veil. Soul Harvest can in fact be the better ultimate to use in some situations. If you are trying to add more dps and don't need the mitigation of veil, Soul Harvest increases your damage done by 20%... which means funnel health heals for more too!
Skill Bar 2- This bar can be modified to suit your needs pretty easily
Structured Entropy- Great for the major sorcery buff for single target! Pop this right before veil and watch everything melt.
Mutagen- I try to keep this up on 4 man groups all of the time and use it a lot during 12 man fights where the group is spread out. It's a pretty powerful HoT with a built in Oh sh*t factor.
Sap Essence- great to help get large mobs under control and also gives major sorcery buff which is great.
Combat prayer- decent sized nuke heal, but more useful for the buffs that it gives to armor and damage. Try to keep the buff on your group as much as possible especially in dps race fights.
Inner Light- see above
Ultimate- Veil of blades. Still an awesome source of damage mitigation and damage. Also somewhat useful for the synergy that heals low health allies. I replace this with barrier in fights that I know nobody will be able to stand in the veil for long due to movement. Try popping Entropy right before using veil and watch it melt things.
Suggested situational changes to bar #2:
For Single target fights, putting impale on this bar is a huge help to dps. No need for sap essence in that case. If you are doing huge aoe mobs, swap out structured entropy for something like siphoning attacks to ensure your magika pool stays good.
Rotation/ Goals: keep as many HoTs rolling on as many people as possible (e.g. Mutagen, healing ward, refreshing path) use healing springs to catch up if your HoTs fall behind. Use healing ward as emergency single target heal. Keep yourself buffed with major sorcery as much as possible. Keep allies buffed with combat prayer. Use veil often.
Mundus: there are a few viable options as far as mundus goes, but right now, I am enjoying the Mage. Shadow is also somewhat viable after 90 Champion points. Ritual would be a decent pick here also.
Champion points:
Go for things like magika cost reduction, magika regen, increased healing done, increased crit values, light armor boosts, damage taken reduction, etc... the first 30 point passive you really, really want is the apprentice. There are so many ways to go about this that all depend on how many points you actually have. I'm not going to go very in depth here.
Attribute points:
Put enough points into health to maintain 20k health with skills on your bar and food buff without emperor. Then put the rest into magika. For me, that's about 42 points into magika and 20 into health. This puts me right above 30k Magika with blue food.
Side note: Go werewolf... because why not? Instant 15% stamina regen in combat without putting any points into it or leveling it. Absolutely no downside if you don't ever transform. This might help you block that 1 last hit and save your life so you can keep saving lives.
He's the healer Tamriel deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hurt his tank. Because he can heal them to full. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful rejuvinator. A Cloaked Healer.
@Omfgitsbatman PC/NA
Ticktick-Argonian Nightblade Healer/Magicka DPS
Tinytick- Imperial DK Tank
Wuches Y'Shaur- V16 High Elf Sorc Magicka DPS
Ticktator- Dunmer DK Magicka DPS
Tick Head- Dark Elf Magicka NB DPS
Mercs Of Sovngarde (EP/NA): AA (HM), HRC (HM), VSO (HM), VDSA, VMSA complete
Vet Maw 4/5