Mricci1988 wrote: »Hello everyone!
Just purchased a new account right now with ESO and was wondering if I could ask a silly question to the community at large.
Is ESO a good game? - Yes from levels 1 - 50
I am coming to ESO from GW2 / EVE Online and I was curious to know what type of content there is.
-Nothing is really the same by comparison....look forward to a new experience
In Guild Wars 2 we had a large amount of content to work towards on character advancement:
-The same applies here from levels 1 -50
- Ascended Gear
- Legendary Weapons (That actually were legendary - I heard in ESO its just a color difference and some slight stat differences - not skin differences which saddens me)
- World vs. World (which looks like is in ESO)
-There is a faction based PvP area but, I wouldn't consider it world vs world
- Fractals (which looks like there is similar to trials in ESO?)
- World bosses (not sure if there are big dragons in ESO but would be cool!)
-nope...but yes that would be cool if done right.
I understand that in 1.6 there will be a lot of changes to be seen for sure and that excites me a lot...namely the Champion system - very smart move and I feel like it is a great step towards end-game content.
-This doesn't really add to end game, it only adds a different type of exp to be gained
However this can be short lived where I cannot spend all my years grinding out champion points
-Stop now....slow down and enjoy levels 1 - 50 and hope that after rolling 2 or 3 characters that 1.7 changes the VR levels, etc.
What the meat of the game? I heard the leveling was good but Cadwells was brutal and pointless?
-Lots and lots of quests, beautiful site and zones. Group content is really pointless other than doing group dugeons one time at level. Caldwell's or what I refer to as VR level content (it needs to just be removed entirely)
What should I expect once the "fun leveling part" is over?
-To quit and spend lots of time in the forums asking for something to be done/changed with VR levels and endgame content
What about sorcerers? I wanted to make a melee sorcerer however I am hearing not to as they are garbage now as a melee?
-DO what you like, just make sure you understand its how you play and not so much about the skills. You can only have so many skills on the bar at a time.
I thought it would be awesome to do a dual wield so bad ass...a sword swinging spell slinging mage.
-Maybe, just understand that each encounter, quest or mobs/boss may require a different strategy.
You can play any way that you want, but this doesn't guarantee success
How does this game compare to GW2?
-I think its A LOT different than GW2, almost to the point that they are hard to compare. The only similarities is that they are played online and in a month or so, both are buy to play.
All answers or replies in itallics...welcome and have fun.
Fixed it for you.
Some traits used to be a problem in early game (exploration on everything, divines on heavy etc). But now? So many people have researched them that you just need to shout out in zone or a large guild and you'll have them in no time. But you're right about nirnhoned.starkerealm wrote: »
No, getting past your 6th or 7th trait takes some work, because inevitably at least one trait will be a complete pain to get a hold of. And then Nirnhoned.
Some traits used to be a problem in early game (exploration on everything, divines on heavy etc). But now? So many people have researched them that you just need to shout out in zone or a large guild and you'll have them in no time. But you're right about nirnhoned.
Mricci1988 wrote: »Hello everyone!
Just purchased a new account right now with ESO and was wondering if I could ask a silly question to the community at large.
Is ESO a good game?
I am coming to ESO from GW2 / EVE Online and I was curious to know what type of content there is.
In Guild Wars 2 we had a large amount of content to work towards on character advancement:
- Ascended Gear
- Legendary Weapons (That actually were legendary - I heard in ESO its just a color difference and some slight stat differences - not skin differences which saddens me)
- World vs. World (which looks like is in ESO)
- Fractals (which looks like there is similar to trials in ESO?)
- World bosses (not sure if there are big dragons in ESO but would be cool!)
I understand that in 1.6 there will be a lot of changes to be seen for sure and that excites me a lot...namely the Champion system - very smart move and I feel like it is a great step towards end-game content.
However this can be short lived where I cannot spend all my years grinding out champion points
What the meat of the game? I heard the leveling was good but Cadwells was brutal and pointless?
What should I expect once the "fun leveling part" is over?
What about sorcerers? I wanted to make a melee sorcerer however I am hearing not to as they are garbage now as a melee?
I thought it would be awesome to do a dual wield so bad ass...a sword swinging spell slinging mage.
How does this game compare to GW2?
Hmm, yes, if you want to find them on your own then you're completely right. I just figured if the game is almost a year old, the best course of action is asking other players about the traits you can't find, not waiting until they happen to drop.starkerealm wrote: »
There's some oddball stuff, like Infused on a Greatsword, light Impen, and, I want to say infused heavy, that are actually fairly unusual. You can get them off dedicated 8 trait crafters, but getting them on your own requires getting lucky with your drops or finishing exactly the right quests. It's not exactly consistent, and if you go to other crafters you might not even notice it, but they just don't drop.
Irronically, Divines are pretty easy to complete off quest rewards for one of the alliances, but I forget which one.
WraithAzraiel wrote: »The meat after max level is finding what part of end-game makes you happy. Do you want to do Trials and Veteran Dungeons and strive for a spot on the leaderboards? Do you want to dive into AvAvA in Cyrodiil and maybe someday try for Emperor? Do you want to do both?
newtinmpls wrote: »
Truthfully, neither of those appeals in the least. I'm not here to compete or war or anything like that. I'm here to explore and adventure with my spouse. And maybe share some adventures with some friends.
I will add that I currently run eight characters on my primary account, and three on my second account, and I enjoy doing things with a new/younger character that I have already done. Of my first eight characters, all of them were technically sorcerers, and only with the second account am I branching out. A bit. We'll see how that goes.
So far I'm exploring and taking my time, and some stuff I do "over" and I am enjoying it.
My best friend logged over 3000 hours in Skyrim. For me, I expect to log many many hours in ESO.
Hmm, yes, if you want to find them on your own then you're completely right. I just figured if the game is almost a year old, the best course of action is asking other players about the traits you can't find, not waiting until they happen to drop.
I might have been thinking about Infused instead of Divines on heavy? One or both of these. I remember my research chart was pretty empty at the bottom back then. But I was swimming in Well-fitted medium, of course... But I remember asking in three different guilds about Impenetrable light head and nobody had it.
kevlarto_ESO wrote: »To me yes I find the game fun and being a fan of elder scrolls I think it complements the franchise well played all elder games since Dagger fall, it is all matter of opinion.
That is the saddest thing I have ever heard anyone say about a MMO. Seeing as MMO's are ment to be enjoyed for longer than a level race.. I mean think about it.. That is like saying "Yeah it was great then I beat it" Might as well have credits roll at level 50 then. Every MMO I have played in the past 15+years I have never had anyone say that about it.Sallington wrote: »Levels 1-50, it's the best MMO on the market in my opinion.
jelliedsoup wrote: »
Difference of opnion is rife. I've played since daggerfall and find this game the most restrictive.
Mricci1988 wrote: »Hello everyone!
Just purchased a new account right now with ESO and was wondering if I could ask a silly question to the community at large.
Is ESO a good game?
I am coming to ESO from GW2 / EVE Online and I was curious to know what type of content there is.
In Guild Wars 2 we had a large amount of content to work towards on character advancement:
- Ascended Gear
- Legendary Weapons (That actually were legendary - I heard in ESO its just a color difference and some slight stat differences - not skin differences which saddens me)
- World vs. World (which looks like is in ESO)
- Fractals (which looks like there is similar to trials in ESO?)
- World bosses (not sure if there are big dragons in ESO but would be cool!)
I understand that in 1.6 there will be a lot of changes to be seen for sure and that excites me a lot...namely the Champion system - very smart move and I feel like it is a great step towards end-game content.
However this can be short lived where I cannot spend all my years grinding out champion points
What the meat of the game? I heard the leveling was good but Cadwells was brutal and pointless?
What should I expect once the "fun leveling part" is over?
What about sorcerers? I wanted to make a melee sorcerer however I am hearing not to as they are garbage now as a melee?
I thought it would be awesome to do a dual wield so bad ass...a sword swinging spell slinging mage.
How does this game compare to GW2?
Mricci1988 wrote: »Hello everyone!
Just purchased a new account right now with ESO and was wondering if I could ask a silly question to the community at large.
Is ESO a good game?
I am coming to ESO from GW2 / EVE Online and I was curious to know what type of content there is.
In Guild Wars 2 we had a large amount of content to work towards on character advancement:
- Ascended Gear
- Legendary Weapons (That actually were legendary - I heard in ESO its just a color difference and some slight stat differences - not skin differences which saddens me)
- World vs. World (which looks like is in ESO)
- Fractals (which looks like there is similar to trials in ESO?)
- World bosses (not sure if there are big dragons in ESO but would be cool!)
I understand that in 1.6 there will be a lot of changes to be seen for sure and that excites me a lot...namely the Champion system - very smart move and I feel like it is a great step towards end-game content.
However this can be short lived where I cannot spend all my years grinding out champion points
What the meat of the game? I heard the leveling was good but Cadwells was brutal and pointless?
What should I expect once the "fun leveling part" is over?
What about sorcerers? I wanted to make a melee sorcerer however I am hearing not to as they are garbage now as a melee?
I thought it would be awesome to do a dual wield so bad ass...a sword swinging spell slinging mage.
How does this game compare to GW2?