I am just want to ask if anyone noticed anything different in CPU utilization while playing on PTS?
I'm having troubles since the launch, i am on AMD hardware and i always had terrible FPS in pvp.
It was usually 1 core on max rest in around idle. However yesterday i remember being on PTS and i seen that
4 cores were in use, each was around 25%-40% usage. Today this was gone and i was back to 1 core at max. So i did delete the whole
documents/PTS folder, and after that i was able to get that nice smooth lood spreading equally on 4 cores.
Is this the change i am waited for sicne April last year? Or its just something on my end and ill have the same low FPS once 1,6 hits live?
What did you guys experience? Or if anyone from ZoS could confirm that there was a change or not id be happy!
(i did try to pull this on the live server and i had no luck, tried to copy sharedcache/usersettings, and also tried to delete the whole folder. none of this triggered that kind of utilization i was able to get on PTS)
Sorry for my bad english, and please dont tell me to get an intel CPU, i had enough of thoose type of comments in the last year.