Damage shields break a lot of mechanics. The heavy armor passive constitution is also affected by your own shield.
Bump cause needs fixing, I've personally never had a problem with damage shields just because I've been lucky enough not to run into someone who spams them to stay alive and doesn't fight back, if I ever did run into someone like that I'd just ignore him and move on... But yeah.
If they want to fix damage shield stacking they can just make disease effect the efficiency of the shield. Problem solved.
damage shields should NEVER take over the role of heavy armor immovable, or just the role of heavy armor in particular.
for the peeps that want to know why i make such a big deal about damage shields; sypher has explained one of the reasons.
It allows someone in the lightest armor to basically be a tank due to flawed and broken mechanics, and, since these damage shields can be stacked/spammed, it has the potential to take all the fun out of combat and can make combat frustrating and very imbalanced. Just try to fight someone that spams never ending damage shields with all this flawed and broken crap tacked on.... just go ahead and give it a go, see what I and many others have been complaining about.
ZOS, PLEASE fix all of the damage shield issues before 1.6 goes live.
kkampaseb17_ESO wrote: »
kkampaseb17_ESO wrote: »
Sry. Three weeks is about the time they have until the re-release of tamriel unchained. Nobody will come back to a game that is more broken than when they left it
That they don´t care about the current playerbase when a bugged patch hits live is pretty clear by now...
kkampaseb17_ESO wrote: »
Sry. Three weeks is about the time they have until the re-release of tamriel unchained. Nobody will come back to a game that is more broken than when they left it
That they don´t care about the current playerbase when a bugged patch hits live is pretty clear by now...
kkampaseb17_ESO wrote: »
timidobserver wrote: »I think you should have to collapse/destroy the shield before CC would work. If my shield completely negates the damage of your destructive touch by causing it not to reach me, then what exactly is CCing me.
indigoblades wrote: »I keep hardened ward up continously in pvp/pve and i get cc'd all the time in both. Maybe those specifics skills arent working right but i know for a fact shields dont block CC, or how would get cc.
Also while testing my v1.6 sorc in spell car, which is even more shield dependant than ever.... every fight they got cc stunned at least once with near full shields.