The mechanic for the dolmens changed after launch. Before the change, you had to close all four pinions or the waves wouldn't stop spawning. Now, it's four waves total. They need to make it back to where it was, where you had to close the pinion to get the trash to stop spawning. The dolmens with more than 3 people are way too easy.
Actually, "Pinion" is the typo. Those are actually PiOnions that you're closing. They're called that because each of them gives a 3.14159265359% chance of a general spawning, and when you close one it makes Molag Bal cry a little bit, just like cutting an onion.
Haha, it would certainly mess with my solo dolmen runs. I always leave all four pinions when I'm alone, it's simply more convenient.starkerealm wrote: »
So I wasn't insane for remembering that the dolmens used to do that.
Reverting back would be a pretty hilarious way to mess with players that save the Pinions for the end.