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We will be performing maintenance on the PTS on Wednesday at 4:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC).

You ruined the only char ive ever played.

  • ItsRejectz
    I feel his pain.. Using probably the most versatile class in game must be a real struggle. Also getting the strongest finisher in game to the class only makes it worse. With all these options, I can see why it's incredibly hard to use the templar....

    Xbox EU - GT: o69 Woody 69o

    VR16 Sorc: Vlad V Impaler
    VR16 Sorc: Yes it's Woody
    VR16 NB: Prince of Wallachia
    VR16 Templar: Sir Lancelot the Brave
    VR16 DK: I'm Better Than You

  • LonePirate
    Fenris wrote: »
    Yes, magicka builds feel weaker now - but in comparison to stam builds they are more equal. Melee stam builds should ALWAYS out DPS ranged magicka builds anyways.

    Melee stamina builds out DPS my DK's melee range class skills. How is that fair? DK's do not have ranged class skills like the other classes.
  • Aimelin
    Fenris wrote: »
    Lots of magicka builds are complaining about these changes that are meant to upgrade stam builds to become comparable. It is quite ridiculous. You lost blinding flashes, frustrating I know. But we gained a strong execute. We needed one of those. Dark Flare is now an AOE defile debuff. That is huge. We lost a few of our magicka morphs, but was it really fair for ALL class abilities to be magicka based? I dont mind giving up a few to make stam builds viable.

    Yes, magicka builds feel weaker now - but in comparison to stam builds they are more equal. Melee stam builds should ALWAYS out DPS ranged magicka builds anyways. They sacrifice being able to do damage at a safe distance for more damage and more risk. Im getting tired of these "you ruined this" and "zos ruined that" threads. Im excited for these changes - My stam DK can use some of his fire attacks now. My templar's main heal might be useful in comparison to the resto staff (lingering ritual). DPS magicka templars have an execute. All classes have more of a reason to go into melee, so builds might start to vary a little bit away from destro/resto combos. Softcap removal might cause some glass cannon crazyness, but we will stop all having the SAME stats. Im tired of all melee DPSers being "softcapped stam, softcapped HP, 240ish weapon damage (over softcap), and then about 60% crit. Now we might see some uber high resource pools, some 1 shot wonders with a crazy high weapon damage, and some characters that crit on nearly every hit but are fairly behind aside from that.

    equal? make my crystal frags uninterruptable and then we'll talk, caus making wrecking blow uninterruptable to make it "more" viable is just laughable, were plenty of situations on a kd'd oponent to use that skill, even before 1.6 it was pretty good coming out of stealth, specially since you can start casting a second one before the first one even finishes ...
  • Sleevez340
    Stopped reading after you said that eclipse is a wasted slot.

    Clearly never used Eclipse in pvp, and if you did it wasnt to any great length. Otherwise you would realize it is a wasted slot. Sure, its really powerful, its REALLY POWERFUL if your fighting ppl that dont pvp. Anyone with half a brain will cc break this, or have immovable up already to stop you from even casting it. Now you just have an ability that cant be casted. On the flip side tho, it heals you! Even better, except even if you cast it after a projectile launches the heal triggers on the cast (reflect) not on the dmg it does, so the person will just roll dodge the projectile. And again its only magic projectiles which there is a very limited number of.

    The only useful point of eclipse is to catch someones soul assault. But you will spend all your time waiting to time that and die in the interim.

    Sure slot this skill when your defending a keep and hope a few noobs dont notice or when youre attacking to help with the transitus mages, thats the limited use of this skill.

    If you think its something so good you think im a moron, your just blinded by the fact that you cant help believing youre always right.
    Kaiser Dragon ~ VR14 Bosmer Templar
    Dark Priest
    Aldmeri Dominion
  • Cody
    The templar is the strongest class in 1.6 currently. Its a good thing too, the class needed its time to shine.

    Are you complaining about the fact your LA user dies in just a few hits unless they use damage shields? that should have always been the case.

    i myself was generally pleased with 1.6. My only concern is overabundance of damage shield spam/stacking, but I have decided to take a positive outlook and hope it gets fixed before launch.
  • Dredlord
    Fenris wrote: »
    Dark Flare is now an AOE defile debuff.

    When did they make Dark Flare an AoE? I don't recall that in any of the patch notes.

    On live solar flare and dark flare always put the damage increase debuff on mutiple targets, you could see them glowing from it.

    Maybe to compensate for the change to empower they decided to make the defile debuff aoe instead
  • Holycannoli
    johnyeh87 wrote: »
    I agree with you on the "dumping all your attributes into health". I did the math, if you compare attributes to armour enchants, you gain more out of any attribute compared to armour...

    Stamina/Magicka, if you place all 62 points in 1, you get 6882. If you use all 7 armour pieces enchants as Stamina or Magicka, it only gives you a total of 5348. So you lose out on your max stamina/magicka if you place them in armour enchants instead of attribute points. The same thing goes for health, 7564 health for 62 points in health attributes VS 5880 7 armour enchants.

    But I would still place 62 points in health attributes and leave the enchants to placing stamina/magicka... Reason is, if you want to get different gear and change from stamina build to magicka, you simply use different enchants. Yes you do lose out on max stamina/magicka, but you gain more health regardless of what enchants you use.

    Losing out on max Stamina/Magicka

    Gaining more health
    Able to switch gear and change from stamina build to magicka build or vice versa.
    Also you can change armour types and not have to worry about attributes changing.

    Pros outweigh cons by a lot.

    This is what I've done from launch to 1.5 but I don't see it working without soft caps.
  • likewow777
    I felt this way when 1.6 first came out, but looking back, it was mostly because I thought I could play the same way as before. I've always dumped all attribute points into health and enchanted armor with increasing health/magicka. Stamina sustain is never an issue on live, and I'm primarily a tank. On 1.6, I had to re-enchant everything to give stamina and thought at first that was terrible. But, I have to say, after using the character and understanding how the new changes affect playstyle, I honestly find my 1.6 Templar to be more powerful. Champion Points in the right areas definitely have helped. To test, I've gone back and forth between 1.5 and 1.6 and tried doing the same things (I do PvE mainly, so it was Craglorn for me). It's either as easy, or easier, on 1.6, for me that is.

    I mainly use heavy armor, 5/2, so I can understand with the modifications to light armor, it can feel like it's impossible. I'm not saying 1.6 has been a resounding success. I mean, I'm not happy with losing Radiant Aura, but I am happy that Channeled Focus now gives back insane quantities of magicka. Losing Blinding Flashes is unfortunate, but Radiant Destruction does so much damage, I think I'm alright with it. Plus, Flashes was always pretty situational. Now, every Templar, healers included, can add to damage from afar. I mean, who doesn't want a class skill that makes you feel like you're firing a kamehameha (DBZ reference).
    "War doesn't build character, it reveals it."
  • asteldian
    The templar execute does bonus damage if you say kamehameha as you press the button. True story!

    Seriously, there are things to complain about in 1.6 but templar magicka builds are not one of them, they are the best they have ever been
  • C0pp3rhead
    Re: Magicka v. Stamina Templars

    Complaint: stamina melee damage is significantly higher than magicka ranged damage.
    Is this true? Probably.
    Is this a big deal? Probably not.

    During your average boss fight, mechanics (big red circles, cleaves, fireballs, etc.) force you to move around. 1.6 changes the way that health, damage, and armor are calculated. Hence, mechanics will become even more important in 1.6, even in dungeons where they were not so important before.

    In Aetherian Archive, the 1st boss is meant to do enough damage to kill you unless you are in the yellow "safe" column of light. Players found that the Templar healing ultimate could prevent death, and later they found that damage mitigation provided by Nova, Veil of Blades, etc. also prevented death while dealing damage. However, In 1.6, you will be moving around quite a bit in order to avoid death.

    The result:
    Ranged damage is a more constant & reliable source of DPS than melee damage. Certainly, both ranged and melee players have to run around dodging big red circles, but the melee players must run more. Many bosses will teleport around the room or use AoE damage that keeps players at a distance. During these times, melee dps = 0, but ranged dps will most likely continue in a constant fashion. In the event of a big red circle, players in melee range will be forced back, while most players at range will step to the side. Ranged dps will most likely continue steadily while melee dps will suffer.

    "Things which are alike in nature grow to look alike, and the speaking stones have lain a long time lookin' at the sun. Some believe they descend with the lightning, but I believe they are on the ground and are projected downward by the bolt."

    Fear my moustache powers.

    Tastes-New-Blood - V14 Argonian Templar
    Giblets N Bits - V2 Imperial Nightblade
    Skruyue N'Alyutu - V1 Altmer Sorcerer
    Jolbie Firecrotch - L31 Nord Dragonknight

    Vehemence - - Valhalla's Guard
  • bosmern_ESO
    >Templars currently terrible and only used for healing
    >ZoS makes Templars suitable for DPS
    >Complains saying ZoS ruined the class and they can only heal

    If you really think the Templar updates are bad I think there is no hope for you.
  • Cinbri
    If you really think the Templar updates are bad I think there is no hope for you.
    They nerfed usefull abilities and buffed useless abilities=almost same balance...almost.
    Btw those AD/DC Templars who thinking that templar is strongest class- i wanna see your battles on pts vs players with really high skill such as Elo'dryel & co.
  • Digiman
    Sleevez340 wrote: »
    Thanks ZOS. Ive been on the PTS for a bit now, playing with new changes to my Templar.

    I can say for myself, this looks like the end of my ESO career. I loved my Templar on day one of release last year, when he was a bit gimped. I had no mana regen, stamina wasnt really an option at that point to do anything decent in pvp. But It looks like now youve basically ruined him all together, and spat in my face. Now I guess if i was to continue playing I would be forced, literally FORCED, to heal in PvP and deal with the fact that I WILL be killed in 1 hit from a crit charge if my life is not at 100%, or I must use a 2hander stamina build and deal with the fact that my magicka is low, borderline useless, and still no passive skill regens for anything close to worthwhile gains.

    I ask why? Why did you do this? Why cant I still enjoy my templar with its current skills? I enjoy blinding flashes, let me keep it. Why not get rid of something that has limited to no use, Eclipse. Utility? Yeah sure it has that, but its cc breakable and there is VERY limited use for it in pve, its a waste of a slot in pve, and pvp. Between cc break and immovable (Which is manditory for pvp). Why is it that "too many ppl use light armor in cyrodiil, so its nerfed"? What are you doing to this game?

    You have effectively taken magicka out of the game as an option for people, because the only reason to stay magicka is being stubborn, saying you play the game "the way you want", which is really just a prideful acceptance of being a gimp. Which NO ONE will ever say is fun and mean it.

    Too many sweeping changes in a game that you still cant fix the basics of. Seriously getting skill locked (Grayed out skill bar) and not being able to do anything for 10-20 seconds. This bug has existed since release. SINCE RELEASE, some ppl have this misconception that you can press Esc twice and it will fix it, thats not true. If it works then you actually got the OTHER bug that you can fix. Your going to have to rescale all the difficulty in this game to compensate for that when you finally fix it.

    Anyway I want to enjoy this game, but you just keep taking everything that i enjoy. You either break it, or remove it all together.

    Cyrodiil has had too many ppl using light armor, and thats now nerfed. So you might as well just preemptively nerf 2h because the only ppl that wont be using that is healer, but im sure they will have it on their second bar, to quickly one shot ppl between heals.

    Templer DPS is at an all time high? But you seem to speak a hint of logic, apparently ZoS is on a crusade to cripple magicka builds.

    I didn't think many people would suffer from the effects of light armor apart from sorcerers, but looks like I was wrong.

    Anyway it just goes to point out that shields will be the only way survive while in light armor and if you don't have that your screwed.
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