(Current as of 1.6.2)
I've spent hours of time testing and researching the various forms of cost reduction available in both live and PTS. I posted a similar thread earlier on Magicka costs and am making this thread to expand on my findings.
On live, calculating cost of an ability is simple and easy to understand. You take the base cost and subtract from it any cost reduction jewelry enchants you have. From this adjusted base number you multiply it by the sum of the cost reduction percentages you currently receive. The math is exact and the benefit of using a particular set or enchant is quite clear.
1.0 thru 1.5 Cost Formula = (x-y)*z
where x = base cost, y = sum of your reduction enchants, and z = sum of your reduction percentages.
In 1.6 all cost reduction percentage modifiers now have a 12.3% penalty applied to them.
This means that *all* cost reduction set bonuses (Seducer, Vicious Ophidian etc.), passives (Light/Mediums Armor, Bow, Dual Wield etc.), racials (Breton) and procs (Crystal Fragments) were nerfed by roughly 1/8th without so much as a mention of it in the patch notes.
1.6 Cost Reduction Formula = (X*(100-W)/100)-Z)*(1-(Y/100)*0.877)
where x = Base cost, y is sum of your Reduction percentages, z is the Sum of your Reduction Enchants, and w is the champion point reduction percentage.
Jewelry enchant reductions also bugged. A VR14 magicka reduction neck provides 198 spell cost reduction (the tooltip says 200) yet the same enchant on a ring provides 212 spell cost reduction. Using all 3 enchants nets you 623 cost reduction to base before factoring non-champion cost reduction percentages.
All stamina reduction enchants give you slightly more than 212 stamina cost reduction (including the cost of dodge rolls).
The new Champion reduction abilities are not added to your cost reduction percentages and are not affected by this 12.3% nerf. and the champion reduction isn't made less powerful when stacking cost reduction enchants.
So what can the person who doesn't love figuring out formulas take away from this?
- All Cost reduction percentage bonuses were nerfed
- Cost reduction enchants are more powerful
- Spell Cost reduction on the neck slot is far weaker than on the ring slots[bug]
- Many of the 5 pcs Set bonuses like Seducer, Archmage and Vicious Ophidian are now 1/8th less powerful than they are in 1.5
Edited by Ezareth on February 15, 2015 3:57AM Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent:
ESO - The Year Behind
Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
Ezareth PvP on Youtube