Let's talk about...
Stamina Sorcs in 1.6.
I've been leveling one on live, and I've tested a VR14 Template (both Imperials in 7/7 medium, DW/ 2H/ Bow). It's true that very few sorc abilities have useful stamina morphs, but you only need a few good ones to make up two skill bars

My conclusions so far regarding stamina sorcs:
- The biggest issue remains the
nerf to critical surge. It heals for less than half of its output on live (with tremendous variance, depending on context). Even with medium armor's decent mitigation, the char feels squishy
Conjured Ward is great for magicka builds, but useless for for stam builds
Bound Armaments is nice, and it definitely helps
- Similarly, the new
Lightning Form works great for this build. That was a fantastic change. The only downside is that it's difficult to time your heavy attacks when your appearance is just a big clump of zaps. You get no visual feedback from your own animations, and you don't realize how important that is until it's gone
Resource Management is tough, as sorc passives focus on magicka. The new Dark Exchange morph helps a bit, but a channeled ability is a lot more useful after combat than during
Damage Output seemed fine with either DW or 2H. I've not done extensive tests, here, so I don't really know how they'd measure up in trials, for example
My suggestions:
- Remove the
cooldown on crit surge, or at least ensure it does not proc on DoT's (Lightning Form can actually reduce your healing now). Perhaps give the skill a cap of 4 or 6 targets, so we don't see sorcs streaking through groups of 20
- Make
Capacitor (Storm Calling Passive) apply to Stamina Recovery, if Stamina > Magicka
- Make at least one
pet scale with the greater of Max Stam or Max Magicka, too, to encourage build variety
This is a build in which I am interested, and I've spent time fooling around with. But I'm not an expert in it by any means -- my main is a classic pajama-clad caster sorc. I hope people whose mains are Stamina Sorcs will chime in with additional, better information.