Compared Magicks Dps vs Stamina


To max spell/weapon power for DPS:
4 martial knowledge+2 adroitness+2 Cyrodil light+3 torug's pact
(x5 spell damage+x1 max health)


x4 shadow walker+x3 dreugh king+ x4 Morag tong
(x5 weapon damage+x2 max stamina+x1 regen stamina)

As you can see stamina>magicka

Suggestion:add new magicka set or rewamp old to be compare for stamina and magicka users

Weapons:(all gold) On Pts each weapon add both stats :weapon and spell damage
*Without passives

Destruction Staff 1144 damage
x2 daggers 1373 damage
2h sword 1346 damage

Staff damage(magicka users) < weapon damage (stamina users) on ~20,017%

Suggestion: up staff damage to be compare with weapon damage

Entropy:+20% spell damage
Rally:+20 % weapon damage

Dawnbreaker:+8% weapon damage
Magicka users:None (really?!:D)

Entropy:while slotted your spell damage is increased by 8%(minor buff).And remove major buff at all.

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