hey all you pvpers
im tired of endgame pve/pvp im starting a new Nightblade
what level would be good to start going hardcore pvp in the non veteran campaign
i will play mostly solo
thank you
I literally did this as well last night, jumped straight into Blackwater at lvl 10 and having a pile of fun.
Crown a covenant emperor this day brothers you will be rewarded!
After I leveled out of Blackwater I was informed by my Covvie friend that a DC Emperor was crowned, this was back when DC had like 5 players active. I'm guessing they called in a guild but I was happy, when I played on BWB, EP was dominant to the point of gate camping, but DiG pushed for emperor the last day of the campaign and I got my DC buddies to help distract EP, and there I was. Level 43 emperor.
If you want a real challenge, roll DC on BB. They have like.. 10 players, not even kidding.
im about to make a DC character. I am tired of playing the dominant faction(EP).
Plus there are some real d***s EP side I want the opportunity to kill.
If only DC's PvE zones did not suck.....:(
Cody, come play AD with me! I'm a level 23 Sorceror; right now I'm just running around solo. Been having fun though!
Cody, come play AD with me! I'm a level 23 Sorceror; right now I'm just running around solo. Been having fun though!
Unknown sorcerer?
tinythinker wrote: »Yeah when I first logged into BWB last night, after having been on Haderus (and a little on Chillrend) the past 4-5 days, it didn't look good. DC seemed a little disorganized and outnumbered while a group of mostly 40+ level EP were just zerging around Bleaker's using the outpost as an AP farm. Saw a good bit of snipe and even a couple of batswarms. I started thinking that despite getting some easier kills I might have more fun and get more AP back on Haderus.
Then DC got it together/got enough players in one place long enough to almost take Chalman and to actually take Bleakers before EP used its numbers advantage (it was consistently two bars AD, three bars EP, one bar DC as all of this was happening) to push Emp. In between the push at Chalman by DC and the EP Emp push were some instances of good open field fighting and some really fun pitched battles. Made me glad I stayed and to look forward to going back.
Basically, it's the same as any other campaign in the fact that you have to have populations close enough to each in other in size for the most competitiveness and fun. The more level playing field of BWB in terms of scaled attribute totals and such doesn't change that. I hope to see more people on later today/this evening.
Maybe we could post a thread on this forum for a "Lock the Pops" challenge for BWB, and invite PvP guilds and solo players to use or roll low level alts to get full populations for the campaign at a particular day and time. Would be interesting to see how playing with more even/balanced characters would effect the outcome and strategies, and whether this and having fewer abilities unlocked makes a difference in terms of latency. Plus it just sounds like something different for those tired or put off by the current state of things in AvA. Seems like there are a lot of players in that category.