Maintenance for the week of February 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 17
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance on the PTS on Wednesday at 4:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC).

1.6 is a bad idea IMO

All i know at this point is that i don't care for the 1.6 on PTS at all. I like about 5% of the changes and most of em are just the visual things that changed, some other minor things like a few class skills, but thats it.

I'd actually be more happy if 1.6 doesn't come out at all and they just push 1.6 back 3 months to make it a new zone / endgame content patch instead of what it is now ...
~~~ EP ~~~
Mariiana- VR16 Templar
Mariiahna VR16 NB
Roheel VR14 DK
Xinthuur VR4 Sorc
  • LtCrunch
    Did we really need another thread like this? REALLY? This post is not useful or informative for anybody. I would give it an LOL but that would contribute to a badge,so you don't even get that.
    Edited by LtCrunch on February 4, 2015 6:39AM
    NerdSauce Gaming
    Laughs-At-Wounds - Sap tanking since 03/30/14
    ßrandalf - Light armor tanking since 03/03/15
    Brandalf Beer-Belly - Tanking drunk since 12/30/16

  • Mariiana
    How i see it... the more they see that people dont like it, and the more posts there are about it, there is a TTIINNYY chance that my short term dream of 1.6 not going live will come true
    ~~~ EP ~~~
    Mariiana- VR16 Templar
    Mariiahna VR16 NB
    Roheel VR14 DK
    Xinthuur VR4 Sorc
  • Feidam
    I have rather enjoyed the patch on the PTS so far. Sure there are few issues, but all in all I like it. It's on the pts so make sure you /feedback them make they will fix some your issues.
  • Mariiana
    Feidam wrote: »
    I have rather enjoyed the patch on the PTS so far. Sure there are few issues, but all in all I like it. It's on the pts so make sure you /feedback them make they will fix some your issues.

    It would be easier for me to /feedback the things i like lol

    but for real... yea i hear you, i probably should , but i feel like the odds of them taking out the things i disagree with are actually smaller than them not making 1.6 go live.....actually it would almost be the same thing i suppose

    i guess ill do it anyway tho
    ~~~ EP ~~~
    Mariiana- VR16 Templar
    Mariiahna VR16 NB
    Roheel VR14 DK
    Xinthuur VR4 Sorc
  • Seraphyel
    Content? There won't be any new content until August, September, October.

    Console launch = June - till then we won't see any content

    Console players have at least 2-3 months of content with 1.6 --> June +2/3 months = ~ September or more.

    It would be good if we see new content at least in Sep.
  • Wizzo91
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    Content? There won't be any new content until August, September, October.

    Console launch = June - till then we won't see any content

    Console players have at least 2-3 months of content with 1.6 --> June +2/3 months = ~ September or more.

    It would be good if we see new content at least in Sep.

    ESO will die, on PC at least - if they really go through with 7 months of no new content many players will leave.

    In the summer a huge amount of PC gamers will be bored, take a break and most likely never come back.

    Wizzo - Stamina DK - 50 - DC
    Wizzox - Magicka NB - 50 - DC
    Vilest Wizz - Magicka Sorc - 50 - DC
    Wiser Wizz - Magicka NB - 50 - DC
    Wizzo X - Magicka NB - 50 - AD
    In Rainbows - Stam Sorc - 50 - AD
    Fake Plastic Tree - Stamplar - 50 - EP

    6XX CP

  • Seraphyel
    The thing is, the PC playerbase seems to be not worth compared to the console players.

    Zenimax focus is on the console launch since a few months, that's even what they say.

    I know that the playerbase on the PC is totally ignored, but there is no reason to push out new content in June or July when console players are leveling. It sounds idiotic but that's the way it is.
  • Mariiana
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    The thing is, the PC playerbase seems to be not worth compared to the console players.

    Zenimax focus is on the console launch since a few months, that's even what they say.

    I know that the playerbase on the PC is totally ignored, but there is no reason to push out new content in June or July when console players are leveling. It sounds idiotic but that's the way it is.

    first things first, "they say" the new content wont be lvl based anyway so pushing it out while they are lvl'ing wounld'nt hinder anything.

    secondly i totally agree that PC players are getting ignored, and its only gonna get worse with them having 4 systems to worry about.

    Seraphyel wrote: »
    Content? There won't be any new content until August, September, October.

    Console launch = June - till then we won't see any content

    Console players have at least 2-3 months of content with 1.6 --> June +2/3 months = ~ September or more.

    It would be good if we see new content at least in Sep.

    And yea i understand that what i was saying i want is

    New content > 1.6
    ~~~ EP ~~~
    Mariiana- VR16 Templar
    Mariiahna VR16 NB
    Roheel VR14 DK
    Xinthuur VR4 Sorc
  • GaBacon
    I like it just fine.
  • Dreyloch
    Mariiana wrote: »
    How i see it... the more they see that people dont like it, and the more posts there are about it, there is a TTIINNYY chance that my short term dream of 1.6 not going live will come true

    Nah, that's not gonna happen. They put way too much time and effort into these changes. If you can't adapt and change w/e it is you fear. Then maybe it's time for another game. /shrug

    Everyone playing this game will need to change armor sets, runes, what they use for spells and abilities across the board. PvE AND PvP. So get on PTS and figure it out.
    "The fear of Death, is often worse than death itself"
  • Mariiana
    Dreyloch wrote: »
    Mariiana wrote: »
    How i see it... the more they see that people dont like it, and the more posts there are about it, there is a TTIINNYY chance that my short term dream of 1.6 not going live will come true

    Nah, that's not gonna happen. They put way too much time and effort into these changes. If you can't adapt and change w/e it is you fear. Then maybe it's time for another game. /shrug

    Everyone playing this game will need to change armor sets, runes, what they use for spells and abilities across the board. PvE AND PvP. So get on PTS and figure it out.

    i mean the time involved shouldn't dictate if a crappy patch comes out or not...

    but yea i know, and iv'e been out there.... ill adapt just fine, i mean i heal on a Templar. how much can that really change lol

    one thing that might be hard is adapting to the changes on DK, i havent tried my dk out yet on pts but from what i heard its a whole lot different, which sucks cuz im just starting to get used to him in live lmao >.<
    ~~~ EP ~~~
    Mariiana- VR16 Templar
    Mariiahna VR16 NB
    Roheel VR14 DK
    Xinthuur VR4 Sorc
  • s7732425ub17_ESO
    I feel like many of the players who have not played PTS will really dislike the game once 1.6 comes around. I also feel like they will be changing a bunch of stuff up once the forums explode from the complaints.
  • Mariiana
    I feel like many of the players who have not played PTS will really dislike the game once 1.6 comes around. I also feel like they will be changing a bunch of stuff up once the forums explode from the complaints.

    i sure hope so lmao
    ~~~ EP ~~~
    Mariiana- VR16 Templar
    Mariiahna VR16 NB
    Roheel VR14 DK
    Xinthuur VR4 Sorc
  • AlnilamE
    Well, the thing is, people didn't like the vet ranks, so ZOS decided to change things and created the Champion System. That took a huge amount of resources out of new content development and poured it into the game systems.

    Those resources have been spent and will never come back, so we might as well go on with it and hope that they have some new content in 1.7.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Mariiana
    I dont really mind the idea behind the CS , but for the people that didnt like vet ranks cuz they took too long are really not going to like how the CS works...

    Imagine how many more hours it will take to get all the passives from each tree for the 30,70,and 120 points invested ( dont know if those are the exact values) and how far ahead a player with all those will be from a new players will feel like they really cant catch up, and will still need to "grind" to catch up so they can compete in PVP or endgame content, probably even more so than they do now.
    ~~~ EP ~~~
    Mariiana- VR16 Templar
    Mariiahna VR16 NB
    Roheel VR14 DK
    Xinthuur VR4 Sorc
  • Darklord_Tiberius
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    Content? There won't be any new content until August, September, October.

    Console launch = June - till then we won't see any content

    Console players have at least 2-3 months of content with 1.6 --> June +2/3 months = ~ September or more.

    It would be good if we see new content at least in Sep.

    Your opinion and nothing factual. Bet you think Global warming isn't real either, cause you know, that's your feeling. Basically everything you say is irrelevant.
  • Darklord_Tiberius
    Mariiana wrote: »
    I dont really mind the idea behind the CS , but for the people that didnt like vet ranks cuz they took too long are really not going to like how the CS works...

    Imagine how many more hours it will take to get all the passives from each tree for the 30,70,and 120 points invested ( dont know if those are the exact values) and how far ahead a player with all those will be from a new players will feel like they really cant catch up, and will still need to "grind" to catch up so they can compete in PVP or endgame content, probably even more so than they do now.

    This isn't a system to grind to max and smash face. Obviously, you have never played a game with type of system with long term progression; for that we forgive you. What we do not forgive you for is starting another useless thread without anything of substance other than you whining about how you hate it.
  • Mariiana
    Mariiana wrote: »
    I dont really mind the idea behind the CS , but for the people that didnt like vet ranks cuz they took too long are really not going to like how the CS works...

    Imagine how many more hours it will take to get all the passives from each tree for the 30,70,and 120 points invested ( dont know if those are the exact values) and how far ahead a player with all those will be from a new players will feel like they really cant catch up, and will still need to "grind" to catch up so they can compete in PVP or endgame content, probably even more so than they do now.

    This isn't a system to grind to max and smash face. Obviously, you have never played a game with type of system with long term progression; for that we forgive you. What we do not forgive you for is starting another useless thread without anything of substance other than you whining about how you hate it.

    Haha obviously i didnt mean to grind to max... what i mean is grind till u get certian ones like say 12% spell crit for only having 30 points into the system ....which could be done, while enlightened, spellscar grind for 15-20 min boom Champion point. ( which many people have said is quite possible , at least right now )

    And if it was so useless you shouldnt have even wasted ur time reading the comments or replying ...
    ~~~ EP ~~~
    Mariiana- VR16 Templar
    Mariiahna VR16 NB
    Roheel VR14 DK
    Xinthuur VR4 Sorc
  • Winnower
    i hate it too, but its not going away. at the worst i can use any of my 6 lotro accounts or do GW2.
    VR14 Templar, VR14 DK, VR8 DK, VR7 NB, VR1 Sorcerer;
    All 3 Alliances;
    2 Pre-order Imperial Accounts, yes that means 16 characters on NA alone
  • Snit
    1.6 contains a lot more good than bad.

    People are stressed because ZOS has already said this is the last major update for a while. They'll be focused on the B2P and Console transitions. So anything they screw up now will likely remain so for months and months.

    Speaking for myself, this patch is a few tweaks from fantastic. But they're important tweaks ;)
    Edited by Snit on February 4, 2015 8:23PM
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

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