yea it really ruins the point of it. No more safe spot from AoE. Oh well. At least we got surge back........
Useless class is useless
EDIT: 100 dollars says that the npc negate is still able to remove skills laid outside of it that enter inside. even after the initial cast
sabresandiego_ESO wrote: »I play a sorc, and I have to admit that it was slightly too strong in large group PVP. This change is for the better, the devs are doing a great job at balancing.
sabresandiego_ESO wrote: »
Sorc is one of the strongest classes in the game bro... 1.6.1 is an absolutely awesome patch and shows the devs know what they are doing. Overpowered things are being brought in line, and weak things like surge are being improved.
Rook_Master wrote: »Negate was OP. Get over it.
Negate and OP should never be in the same sentence unless you just stood in it and tried casting spells lol then I can see where you would think it was OP.......
It was no one wants to argue about that. But now i would not touch it with a stick. Not even a very long one. It´s simply went from best to worst in one change (in PvP).
you forgot /sarcasm :P I do not see how sorcs are the strongest class in the game. Are you on drugs right now? Please share :P
Seriously though, I see a lot of people claiming this but fail to see it for myself. Or are you talking stamina sorcs? That must be what you mean. Or do you mean magicka sorcs who spam the crap out of shield stacking?
I seriously fail to see how they are the please enlighten everyone.
EDIT: Just seen you said weak things like surge..... @sabresandiego_ESO I see now you are joking lol surge was never weak.....people complained so much at what they did to it that they made it back to how it was but let the heal apply to all three forms of it. They realized it was a poor decision to do what they initially did and actually listened for once lol
xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »
Because he's actually played on the PTS since 1.6 has been released?
Sorcs are the strongest class in the game on PTS, they have amazing damage/defense/mobility...
Rook_Master wrote: »
So now it has been ruined because buffs and DoTs that have already been cast won't be removed? Makes perfect sense.
dont know that for sure yet without any proper testing. sounds better then it was before this patch, but how good or bad it really is will be determined in the next couple of days, maybe even hours.Oh well. At least we got surge back........
It seems zos is picking apart the common "zerg train" strats in an effort to encourage more small group play. 1.6.1 may become the land of the roaming sorcs... (f'yeah!).
Dan_Fazzyub17_ESO wrote: »Thank god. AvA battles will no longer be determined solely by how many Sorcerers your group has.
Dan_Fazzyub17_ESO wrote: »Thank god. AvA battles will no longer be determined solely by how many Sorcerers your group has.
Saint_JiubB14_ESO wrote: »Since the sorc 1.6.1 thread was hijacked by forumblades, I'll just put this here.
Surge-Still Not Fixed
Probably good for single-target DPS with cooldown reduction, but DoTs will still screw it up and it can't be used against multiple targets. Most sorc skills have AoE components to them.
Since a large emphasis for this patch was reducing player stacking there should be no reason to have a cooldown on surge.
They went in the right direction, they just need to go farther.