Negate Magic nerfed.

Negate Magic: This Ultimate ability now removes enemy-placed effects when it is initially cast instead of constantly for the entire duration of the ability. Also, this ability’s cost has been reduced by 10%.

Not that is was still target capped in 1.6 now this...
Can i get another ultimate instead of that abomination please?
Edited by Derra on February 3, 2015 8:04PM
I live. I die. I live again.

Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Gorthax
    yea it really ruins the point of it. No more safe spot from AoE. Oh well. At least we got surge back........

    Useless class is useless

    EDIT: 100 dollars says that the npc negate is still able to remove skills laid outside of it that enter inside. even after the initial cast
    Edited by Gorthax on February 3, 2015 8:11PM
  • sabresandiego_ESO
    I play a sorc, and I have to admit that it was slightly too strong in large group PVP. This change is for the better, the devs are doing a great job at balancing.
    Ali Dreadsabre -Necromancer
    Ali Sabre -Nightblade
  • Derra
    I´d rather have them reduce the silence.

    It was a nice aoe protection when used defensively. Now its just pretty useless with the cost associated to it. 10% won´t cut it there if you can throw a 10k dmg aoe meteor that offers equal area denial with dmg for 200 ult.
    Edited by Derra on February 3, 2015 8:15PM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • sabresandiego_ESO
    Gorthax wrote: »
    yea it really ruins the point of it. No more safe spot from AoE. Oh well. At least we got surge back........

    Useless class is useless

    EDIT: 100 dollars says that the npc negate is still able to remove skills laid outside of it that enter inside. even after the initial cast

    Sorc is one of the strongest classes in the game bro... 1.6.1 is an absolutely awesome patch and shows the devs know what they are doing. Overpowered things are being brought in line, and weak things like surge are being improved.

    Ali Dreadsabre -Necromancer
    Ali Sabre -Nightblade
  • Snit
    There's a bright side, too -- we can slot Meteor and not feel bad about it ;)

    In any case, I'm so relieved that we got Critical Surge back, I can overlook this nerf.
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • Gorthax
    I play a sorc, and I have to admit that it was slightly too strong in large group PVP. This change is for the better, the devs are doing a great job at balancing.

    i play a sorc too. What is your point? Negate magic was AMAZING because you couldnt cast into it. hence the negate part of the ulti name......

    The fact that it was good in large scale pvp means it is not something to take lightly. Now it is just wait for it to be cast then proceed to spam the crap out of your aoe skills. Dance on the outside and attack the inside. Oh well, at least we have kamehameha and meteor to fall back to for ultis. R.I.P negate :D

  • Gorthax

    Sorc is one of the strongest classes in the game bro... 1.6.1 is an absolutely awesome patch and shows the devs know what they are doing. Overpowered things are being brought in line, and weak things like surge are being improved.

    you forgot /sarcasm :P I do not see how sorcs are the strongest class in the game. Are you on drugs right now? Please share :P

    Seriously though, I see a lot of people claiming this but fail to see it for myself. Or are you talking stamina sorcs? That must be what you mean. Or do you mean magicka sorcs who spam the crap out of shield stacking?

    I seriously fail to see how they are the please enlighten everyone.

    EDIT: Just seen you said weak things like surge..... @sabresandiego_ESO‌ I see now you are joking lol surge was never weak.....people complained so much at what they did to it that they made it back to how it was but let the heal apply to all three forms of it. They realized it was a poor decision to do what they initially did and actually listened for once lol
    Edited by Gorthax on February 3, 2015 8:22PM
  • Rook_Master
    Negate was OP. Get over it.
  • Derra
    It was no one wants to argue about that. But now i would not touch it with a stick. Not even a very long one. It´s simply went from best to worst in one change (in PvP).
    Edited by Derra on February 3, 2015 8:23PM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Gorthax
    Negate was OP. Get over it.

    Negate and OP should never be in the same sentence unless you just stood in it and tried casting spells lol then I can see where you would think it was OP.......
  • orxan.qayibovb16_ESO
    R.I.P negate and thk for all
  • Rook_Master
    Gorthax wrote: »

    Negate and OP should never be in the same sentence unless you just stood in it and tried casting spells lol then I can see where you would think it was OP.......


    So now it has been ruined because buffs and DoTs that have already been cast won't be removed? Makes perfect sense.
  • Gorthax
    Derra wrote: »
    It was no one wants to argue about that. But now i would not touch it with a stick. Not even a very long one. It´s simply went from best to worst in one change (in PvP).

    Actually I want to argue it. It really wasnt OP. Sorry that you couldnt cast AoE into a ultimate that says "dispels ground based enemy effects" (or something to that line) and silences those stupid enough to stand in it.

    So it was OP because you had to move around it? Or it was OP because if you wanted the kill you had to wait for it to fade?
  • Xsorus
    Gorthax wrote: »

    you forgot /sarcasm :P I do not see how sorcs are the strongest class in the game. Are you on drugs right now? Please share :P

    Seriously though, I see a lot of people claiming this but fail to see it for myself. Or are you talking stamina sorcs? That must be what you mean. Or do you mean magicka sorcs who spam the crap out of shield stacking?

    I seriously fail to see how they are the please enlighten everyone.

    EDIT: Just seen you said weak things like surge..... @sabresandiego_ESO‌ I see now you are joking lol surge was never weak.....people complained so much at what they did to it that they made it back to how it was but let the heal apply to all three forms of it. They realized it was a poor decision to do what they initially did and actually listened for once lol

    Because he's actually played on the PTS since 1.6 has been released?

    Sorcs are the strongest class in the game on PTS, they have amazing damage/defense/mobility...
  • Gorthax

    Because he's actually played on the PTS since 1.6 has been released?

    Sorcs are the strongest class in the game on PTS, they have amazing damage/defense/mobility...

    Yea so Have I lol so whats the point? Like I said, I have tried different things and can not see how they are the best.......enlighten me. Do it. I have tried different things and always come up short. Like I have said in previous posts, until it goes live I can not properly test it. I do not have access to all kinds of gear to test different things out. Just what I had copied over. So from my perspective it is not true. Or, like I said, are you talking stamina sorcs/shield stacking sorcs? Stamina sorcs blow away magicka sorcs all day.


    So now it has been ruined because buffs and DoTs that have already been cast won't be removed? Makes perfect sense.

    I actually take back my statement :P I read it wrong. Never mind lol the fact that it was doing that is seriously broken. I apologize ^_^
    Edited by Gorthax on February 3, 2015 8:40PM
  • Kalman
    Maybe there won't be so many bubbles anymore.

    Typical scene in Cyrodiil:

  • Black_Wolf88
    Gorthax wrote: »
    Oh well. At least we got surge back........
    dont know that for sure yet without any proper testing. sounds better then it was before this patch, but how good or bad it really is will be determined in the next couple of days, maybe even hours.
    "The key to immportality is first living a life worth remembering." -Bruce Lee
  • Jahosefat
    It seems zos is picking apart the common "zerg train" strats in an effort to encourage more small group play. 1.6.1 may become the land of the roaming sorcs... (f'yeah!).
    Joeshock- AD NA AB Thorn Chill Sorc New Eden Low Sec Roamer

    Fight not with monsters lest ye become one
  • Derra
    Jahosefat wrote: »
    It seems zos is picking apart the common "zerg train" strats in an effort to encourage more small group play. 1.6.1 may become the land of the roaming sorcs... (f'yeah!).

    Except that negate was also the tool to dismantle those trains :persevere:
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Garion
    Well THANK YOU Zenimax for even further *** over sorcs. You are clearly trying to pigeon hole us into playing solely as single target DPS - us sorcs that prefer to play with a support build in PvP may as well start levelling our templars now because we are now entirely useless.

    It's incredibly high cost (when compared to other ultimates in 1.6) and is now effectively useless as it will provide basically a ~1 second respite from damage. You are essentially encouraging people to run in zergs because you are making it impossible for small scale groups to take on larger groups.

    Thanks so much for ruining the game for me. Can't believe I've paid for this *** for a year.
    Edited by Garion on February 3, 2015 8:55PM
    Lastobeth - VR16 Sorc - PvP Rank 41 (AD)
    Lastoblyat - VR16 Templar - PvP Rank 14 (AD)
    Ninja Pete - VR16 NB - PvP Rank 10 (AD)
    Labo the Banana Slayer - VR14 Sorc - PvP Rank 12 (EP)

    Member of Banana Squad | Officer of Arena
  • ItsRejectz
    ZOS logic: We hear that you want sorcerer buffed, so here is a nerf
    Xbox EU - GT: o69 Woody 69o

    VR16 Sorc: Vlad V Impaler
    VR16 Sorc: Yes it's Woody
    VR16 NB: Prince of Wallachia
    VR16 Templar: Sir Lancelot the Brave
    VR16 DK: I'm Better Than You

  • Dan_Fazzyub17_ESO
    Thank god. AvA battles will no longer be determined solely by how many Sorcerers your group has.
    Kirin Blaze - Ebonheart Pact - Imperial Dragonknight
    Kïrïn Bläzë - Daggerfall Covenant - Imperial Dragonknight
    Kìrín Blàzé - Aldmeri Dominion - Imperial Dragonknight
    Vehemence - Omni - COMBUSTION
  • Garion
    Thank god. AvA battles will no longer be determined solely by how many Sorcerers your group has.

    Instead they will be decided by numbers.
    Lastobeth - VR16 Sorc - PvP Rank 41 (AD)
    Lastoblyat - VR16 Templar - PvP Rank 14 (AD)
    Ninja Pete - VR16 NB - PvP Rank 10 (AD)
    Labo the Banana Slayer - VR14 Sorc - PvP Rank 12 (EP)

    Member of Banana Squad | Officer of Arena
  • Jahosefat
    Derra wrote: »

    Except that negate was also the tool to dismantle those trains :persevere:

    It was also their major defensive (and offensive) tool against other tightly packed groups. I believe many Zerg-Zerg battles were decided by which group had the most negates up at the time (and made the best use of them); which has encouraged pvp groups to stack sorcs so they can have 5+ negates on hold all the time.

    This will at least expand the roll of sorcs in larger groups and will force a new style of gameplay onto larger groups (that will hopefully be more interesting and dynamic).
    Joeshock- AD NA AB Thorn Chill Sorc New Eden Low Sec Roamer

    Fight not with monsters lest ye become one
  • Armitas
    Thank god. AvA battles will no longer be determined solely by how many Sorcerers your group has.

    Yeah. Raid pvp had become very much like an AA run. Raids sounded like this in TeamSpeak... (quoted verbatim from my last large raid)

    Ok everyone on the crown.
    Going out in 3...2...1
    Negate 1
    Negate 2
    Negate 3
    Negate 4
    Negate 5
    Negate 6
    Is Negate 1 back up?
    Negate 1
    Negate 2.

    Something needed to put an end to that, it was long overdue. I am not making any comment as to the specific nerf given to sorcs, but rather that I agree that the above style of raiding needed to end.

    If there is a better way to tackle this without hurting the sorc this would be a good place to bring it up.
    Edited by Armitas on February 3, 2015 10:16PM
    Nord mDK
  • Saint_JiubB14_ESO
    Since the sorc 1.6.1 thread was hijacked by forumblades, I'll just put this here.

    Surge-Still Not Fixed
    Probably good for single-target DPS with cooldown reduction, but DoTs will still screw it up and it can't be used against multiple targets. Most sorc skills have AoE components to them.

    Since a large emphasis for this patch was reducing player stacking there should be no reason to have a cooldown on surge.

    They went in the right direction, they just need to go farther.
    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

    Winston Churchill
  • Feidam
    Since the sorc 1.6.1 thread was hijacked by forumblades, I'll just put this here.

    Surge-Still Not Fixed
    Probably good for single-target DPS with cooldown reduction, but DoTs will still screw it up and it can't be used against multiple targets. Most sorc skills have AoE components to them.

    Since a large emphasis for this patch was reducing player stacking there should be no reason to have a cooldown on surge.

    They went in the right direction, they just need to go farther.

    Based on the theme of some of their changes to well most things, I don't think you will see a change to how the spell aid affected by aoe. I fully expect that change to stick.
  • Mantic0r3
    without any cd you would be unkillable, who is supposed to outdps you? without cd you could lifeleech from up to 60 targets per cast.. the 0.25 is pretty much only there so you only get 1 heal per single instance cast or up to 4 with dots
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