Its not going to affect me if I collect these or not. Im awfully close on these, have been the past few months. Key words: past few months. Why is this such a rare occurrence? I literally used my snowed-in time to hunt the last few down, I spent 3 hours traveling between locations back and forth and not one spawned. Ok, a few spawned that I already had, but the point remains. They wouldnt spawn when I was in the PvE zone to begin with, why should anyone have to spend hours and hours looking for these? Is there a bug or something to make these trigger? Was the person that created this a bit special ed? If there are tips, ill gladly be open to them. If its all luck of chance then to hell with it all and should be tweaked.
1300+ CP |
Lørd Wrath | - Sorcerer - Palatine - Grand Master Crafter - 30000 Achievement Points
Launch Player - PC - NA - EP