Don't be so selfish and only think about your own good, think about the others too because this is what a healthy community does.
fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »When you assert personal opinions as facts .. eg. your assertion Justice was delayed due to people complaining about the plans .. and then proceed to argue a point of view based on those baseless assertions .. not a good way to try to kick off a discussion, I would suggest.
On the subject of CS there's a very good reason why ZOS' original ideal of 30 CPs caused an outcry, from many who took the previous "your XP will be tracked" as being true.
The game wasn't strong enough in most mmo players mind to pay a monthly sub, and that's why it's going b2p. My opinion at least.
Alphashado wrote: »
I've seen you here for a very long time. We have been here posting on this board since the day it was created. Sadly things have changed.
Not many of us old vets believe the game went B2P because of subs. Most of us believe it happened due to consoles and Zenny's greed in relation to console launch. So that left a very bad taste in the mouths of even the most avid supporters. Including myself.
You are right of course in many ways. I look at this forum today and it's worse than I have ever seen it since day one. I was just imagining today what the peeps at ZoS think when they read this and other forums. This is likely what they think: "WTF is wrong with these people? They begged us and demanded a change to the VR system and now they are all going crazy telling us how much they hate the changes".
However, ZoS has done nothing but throw gas on the fire by being so secretive and making comments like this: “Our fans are our biggest inspiration, and we’ve listened to their feedback on the entertainment experience they want,” said ESO’s game director Matt Firor. “We know that Elder Scrolls fans want choice when it comes to how they play and how they pay, and that is what they will get."
The question those of us that have been around for a while asked of course is which fans were you listening to exactly? Because it certainly wasn't all of the loyal subscribers in here.
So now many people have left. A new crowd is moving in. Due to everything that's going on with B2P, the CS, consoles, etc this forum has become toxic. Yes I know they are all toxic, but there was once a time that I proudly labeled this community as one of the most mature and friendly I have ever seen.
Not anymore. There is a changing of the guard. Now, honestly... It's just depressing.
Over the past few weeks, a lot has changed in the ESO universe. Lots of people canceled their subs over the F2P announcement, others might have returned and again others like me just did nothing and gave it some thought while sun bathing.
The first question that I asked myself upon return was quite simple and still required some self critique. What did we do wrong as a community that we deserved such a harsh punishment and the knife in our all backs by ZO?
First I tried to blame us for the lack of support, but then again this forum always had some decent discussions going and a lot of people kept playing even though the client still lacks the multi core threading, while lots of features like Justice, Spellcrafting, new solo zones are still not even close to implementation.
Then again I was looking back at the reasons why so much content didn't come and I found someone responsible for it, us! How often did ZO announce something new and parts of the community had nothing better to do than trashing it.
A good example is the justice system. Right after its announcement several people created threads like "oh no, now I can die - oh no, now the merchant can die...". This caused a huge delay in the justice system, such a big delay that we still wont have the pvp part in 1.6. Its fully understandable to me that players were offended by these forum threads where others denied them their content, so they left.
Another example is the CS. It was supposed to be a fresh start, but a lot of people didn't understand this and demanded a special snowflake touch. Therefore the CS had to be rebalanced and re-tuned so that it was delayed even further while putting new players in such a big disadvantage that they would never pay a sub for outdated content.
There are many more examples to this, but the truth is we as a community have failed as much as ZO did as a company. Our constant fighting over content updates, the constant "no I don't want this guy to have this...., no I don't want pvp since I don't pvp, no I don't want group content as I don't group..., I am subbed since day one so I am special ..." made it impossible for ZO to really develop the game that they once had planned. Besides that we were very hostile towards new gamers or those who might not share the same ideology about MMOs.
If you compare this to for instance the old days at Ultima, then such hostility just didn't exist and because of this that game is still alive and kicking while ESO is just like SWTOR on its way down.
While this may sound harsh to some people at this forum, it is what it is. The inexperience of ZO in regards of MMO design and our own entitlement to have more than everyone else, to be more important than the other gamer ruined ESO so that we all, the gamers, but also the Devs have to touch our own noses here.
We brought this down on ourselves guys, learn from it and be more kind to others in your next MMO. Accept that not all content might be for you, accept that there are group and solo gamers, just like there are pve and pvp players.
Don't be so selfish and only think about your own good, think about the others too because this is what a healthy community does.
fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »When you assert personal opinions as facts .. eg. your assertion Justice was delayed due to people complaining about the plans .. and then proceed to argue a point of view based on those baseless assertions .. not a good way to try to kick off a discussion, I would suggest.
On the subject of CS there's a very good reason why ZOS' original ideal of 30 CPs caused an outcry, from many who took the previous "your XP will be tracked" as being true.
Over the past few weeks, a lot has changed in the ESO universe. Lots of people canceled their subs over the F2P announcement, others might have returned and again others like me just did nothing and gave it some thought while sun bathing.
The first question that I asked myself upon return was quite simple and still required some self critique. What did we do wrong as a community that we deserved such a harsh punishment and the knife in our all backs by ZO?
First I tried to blame us for the lack of support, but then again this forum always had some decent discussions going and a lot of people kept playing even though the client still lacks the multi core threading, while lots of features like Justice, Spellcrafting, new solo zones are still not even close to implementation.
Then again I was looking back at the reasons why so much content didn't come and I found someone responsible for it, us! How often did ZO announce something new and parts of the community had nothing better to do than trashing it.
A good example is the justice system. Right after its announcement several people created threads like "oh no, now I can die - oh no, now the merchant can die...". This caused a huge delay in the justice system, such a big delay that we still wont have the pvp part in 1.6. Its fully understandable to me that players were offended by these forum threads where others denied them their content, so they left.
Another example is the CS. It was supposed to be a fresh start, but a lot of people didn't understand this and demanded a special snowflake touch. Therefore the CS had to be rebalanced and re-tuned so that it was delayed even further while putting new players in such a big disadvantage that they would never pay a sub for outdated content.
There are many more examples to this, but the truth is we as a community have failed as much as ZO did as a company. Our constant fighting over content updates, the constant "no I don't want this guy to have this...., no I don't want pvp since I don't pvp, no I don't want group content as I don't group..., I am subbed since day one so I am special ..." made it impossible for ZO to really develop the game that they once had planned. Besides that we were very hostile towards new gamers or those who might not share the same ideology about MMOs.
If you compare this to for instance the old days at Ultima, then such hostility just didn't exist and because of this that game is still alive and kicking while ESO is just like SWTOR on its way down.
While this may sound harsh to some people at this forum, it is what it is. The inexperience of ZO in regards of MMO design and our own entitlement to have more than everyone else, to be more important than the other gamer ruined ESO so that we all, the gamers, but also the Devs have to touch our own noses here.
We brought this down on ourselves guys, learn from it and be more kind to others in your next MMO. Accept that not all content might be for you, accept that there are group and solo gamers, just like there are pve and pvp players.
Don't be so selfish and only think about your own good, think about the others too because this is what a healthy community does.
If your still 'team Zos' after the past month or so then you are either :-
a, The biggest fanboi in existence.
b, Never read the forums or anything else.
c, Using mommies credit card.
d, A kiss ass.
e, Just an idiot.
@Audigy, are you saying we are to blame for Zenimax's terrible PR department and their inability to manage ESO?
We complained on the forums, we pointed out our concerns, some of them valid, some of them not. I am sorry, but have you ever read through WoW's forum? Or any other MMO's? Game Forums are meant for us, the community, to express our concerns, frustrations and compliments towards the game.
I think you are taking the forums way too seriously.
You honestly believe that masses of people quit the game because of what is going on here? People who want to interact in a friendly environment do so in-game, within their guild and not here.
Plus, the rebalance of the CS happened before they announced the 30 CP thing. So no correlation there. And do you really think it is too much to ask for gratification for progress that will be deleted (70 CP with no deletion of VR is not what anybody asked for)? Do you think it is right that ZOS constantly announces sth as a new great thing while completely silent about the fact that it is a major screwover?
If ZOS staff care at all about the forum, they have brought the vile atmosphere on themselves. Their latest PR posts have been insulting with their vagueness, saying nothing at all while trying to sell something to us with no valid arguments for it.
But I guess I am asking the wrong person. You would probably take a reset to zero if it was for the good of the game, right?
We brought this down on ourselves guys, learn from it and be more kind to others in your next MMO. Accept that not all content might be for you, accept that there are group and solo gamers, just like there are pve and pvp players.
Don't be so selfish and only think about your own good, think about the others too because this is what a healthy community does.
VR as initially implemented was a classic 1990s group-or-die move which would have been fine had 1-50 not been presented as quite clearly a soloable game with OPTIONAL group content.Which is mostly due the hostility in our community. We had a good system on release with VR´s, but people didn't like to group even if it was only with passer byes.
'Maybe'???Lord_Kreegan wrote: »Here we go again, blaming the customer for the product...
Did ESO's customers conceptualize the game? No.
Did ESO's customers design the game? No.
Did ESO's customers code the game? No.
Did ESO's customers do the formal testing of the game? No. [Evidently, neither did ZOS.]
Do ESO's customers make the management decisions for the game? No.
Have they ever? No.
Have they influenced the game? Maybe.
fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »'Maybe'???
You blame ZOS for everything and point out they, not the players, designed it .. can I remind you VR was in ZOS' own words their "vision", they scrapped it in the face of MASSIVE hostility from the players, and you simply try to brush off players from being part of the problem (to address the OP's point) with a maybe?
I get you're a hater, I don't much liek ZOS myself, but trying to paint it as black-and-white bad developers good players is, frankly, anti-fanboism at its finest.
Indeed, which is why ZOS had to abandon VR, it appealed to a small minority while the majority clearly either stopped playing or quit VR grinds and leveled alts .. and if it was the latter ZOS clearly recognised that was only a short-term thing that would see far more leave a couple or so months later.There is no formula for success, but there is a formula for failure: trying to please everybody all the time.