Currently as is, it takes years to grind all Champion Points (assuming Zenimax doesn't add more of them). Each point is earned 400K experience (subject to change), and there are 3600 points in total.
Most points directly make your character stronger (less dmg, more dmg etc), while some are just useful for crafting etc.
This, combined with the time it takes & the ability to eventually unlock all passives essentially makes Champion System a form of Vertical Progression that mostly just looks at the amount of time you spend playing.
What are your thoughts on the subject? Do you like it, if so, why? Would you have preferred some other form of progression (Vertical or Horizontal)?
Let me know your thoughts
KhajitFurTrader wrote: »CS is horizontal, not vertical. As it is, very small increments in power level per point invested is the hallmark of horizontal progression. It's designed as "nice to have, in the long run". So I like it as it is.
So just out of curiosity...everyone who voted for this system is ok with zos taking away your character progress with stat nerfs and armor nerfs and forcing you to get it back in system that will require you to gain about 200 points at 1 every 5 hours by grinding. You guys are cool with that ? Based on testing by alot of people pvp and dungeons still only give you enough exp to get 1 cp a day if your lucky.
dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO wrote: »you dont need maxed out cp!!!
Grinding all the points will never be necessary. everything is a percent based increase so, your glass cannon magic build is not going to be broken because you dont have all the points increasing your (low) base health regain, your caster wont be broken because you have not yet maxed your physical damage, physical crit, blade damage, axe/mace damage, bow damage, all three armor increases... etc. A LOT of the system is honing into specific builds not just general things every build needs; although there is also lots of great stuff good for every build.
I cant fathom anyone who has actually gone onto the pts and tested this saying to themself " gezz i really am going to need every single stat maxed".
ps can anyone explain why pve players are upset about a new challenge after getting all the gear they want and then facerolling all the content with record times? dosent a new challenge seem the least bit interesting? Im very happy about how this looks for pvp.