AMAZING!Especially in PvP.
I am able to sustain well, deal good damage, CC enemies at opportune times and use howl for a great ranged damage against pesky blazing shield spam.
There are a few problems though.
I am unable to CC break and heavy attacks aren't restoring the 100% extra stamina from the passive. I am getting the same amount whether I'm in human form or wolf form.
Changes I'd love to see:#1: Sneak in wolf form plox?
#2: More or different ability morphs allowing them to really focus on the kind of wolf they want to be. The current ones are all nice but most of them just buff weapon damage or offer you yourself a little more healing. We need tankyness as pack leaders! And the ability to go all out damage berserkers. (40% bleed dmg doesn't seem to be faring well, I think attack speed or armor penetration would be amazing.)
Currently tankyness comes in the form of spamming your heal till you are out of magicka, Maybe a morph that boosts armor or max health when slotted instead of just offering a heal over time equivalent to a swallow soul that just hit a damage shield.

plz look into the shield stacking epidemic)
#3: Maybe some options in the cash shop that allow us to change what our wolf form looks like, add Fur colors/styles/lengths. Maybe some entire model alteration options. Such as undead/well groomed/starving/blood-crazed/spectral.
#4: Currently I feel having to save so much ultimate is getting in the way. Would it be possible to test something like transformation not being an ult? Or Lowering the current cost to something shorter like 125 to put it in line with how vampires are always vampires?
We gain no bonuses from being infected unless we are in wolf form. Granted we don't have any negatives either but I'd gladly take 50% poison damage out of form for the ability to be in form more often.
I know about the 33% reduction set but its not enough! and that set is only in medium, I'd like to be able to craft a heavy set like it for a more in your face bruiser wolf build. Or light armor for a magicka focused build (heal scaling, poison damage increase, (ranged howl as magic damage morph plz?).
That is all I have for now. I think wolves have alot of potential and they are already incredibly fun to be at the moment. Can't wait to see how they (and everything else) evolves.