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Thornblade - the most competitive NA campaign?

  • Poxheart
    LonePirate wrote: »
    Braidas wrote: »
    ep nightcaps map, claims skill

    Hmmm... I logged in this morning for mail and AD grabbed a fourth scroll and the final emperor keep. What is this EP nightcapping of which you speak? A typo perhaps?

    There is only 1 day left in the campaign. At this point AD could paint the map yellow and EP would still win.
    Unsubbed and no longer playing, but still checking the Alliance War forum for the lulz.

    Pox Dragon Knight
    Poxheart Nightblade
    The Murder Hobo Dragon Knight - Blackwater Blade
    Knights of the WhiteWolf
  • Lord_Draevan
    Another victory for Red Team!


    Edited by Lord_Draevan on January 31, 2015 1:25AM
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • Winnamine
    LonePirate wrote: »
    Braidas wrote: »
    ep nightcaps map, claims skill

    Hmmm... I logged in this morning for mail and AD grabbed a fourth scroll and the final emperor keep. What is this EP nightcapping of which you speak? A typo perhaps?

    If we're going to have a serious conversation, EP players need to stop claiming they don't nightcap and/or are not over-populated.
    You do and you are.
    The fact that every now and then another faction does it to you, particularly at the very end of a campaign when everyone is pushing for that last minute emp/reward tier before the leaderboards reset and all their hard work goes poof, does not change the fact that EP nightcaps religiously.

    On another note, some of the more serious EP pvpers are rerolling or making AD or DC alts because they want more competitive pvp rather than easy victories.
    Most EP won't change factions, leveling alts takes more time and work than a lot of people have or are willing to put into it, and of course, many players and guilds just want to play on the winning side, but maybe enough will to make a difference?
  • Lord_Draevan
    There's no denying we EP nightcap. To do so is like denying the sky is blue...
    but there's nothing wrong with nightcaping. Some people are in different time zones or have different schedules here in North America. Midnight in Eastern time is 8pm in Pacific, prime time for some. And that's just in North America, let alone the rest of the world.

    Is it frustrating? Yes it is, to log in and see your previous day's work undone is very annoying. I know how it feels, we EP had the exact same thing happen to us on Auriel's Bow back at launch.

    I know it's very fashionable to claim it's some big conspiracy, that guilds organise all of this on purpose, to think that hundreds of people modify their entire schedule just to annoy you, but it's most likely not. It's just people playing at different times.

    But sure, go ahead and believe it's all a nefarious plot to annoy you.


    Whatever makes you feel special and validated. :wink:
    Edited by Lord_Draevan on January 30, 2015 11:42PM
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • Roechacca
    Just stop ... I'm up to my hip waders in it already .
  • Columba
    Lol. Hilarious that EP is deluded enough to think that they are ever outnumbered on Thorne. Congrats, lag spammers. This win is such an accomplishment!
  • Winnamine
    There's no denying we EP nightcap. To do so is like denying the sky is blue...
    but there's nothing wrong with nightcaping. Some people are in different time zones or have different schedules here in North America. Midnight in Eastern time is 8pm in Pacific, prime time for some. And that's just in North America, let alone the rest of the world.

    Is it frustrating? Yes it is, to log in and see your previous day's work undone is very annoying. I know how it feels, we EP had the exact same thing happen to us on Auriel's Bow back at launch.

    Note: this was back when pop lock=600 players.

    But that's what happens when people from anywhere in the world can play on a North American or European server.

    I know it's very fashionable to claim it's some big conspiracy, that guilds organise all of this on purpose, to think that hundreds of people modify their entire schedule just to annoy you, but it's most likely not. It's just people playing at different times.

    That's my view, anyways. Go ahead and believe it's all a nefarious plot to annoy you if it makes you feel special.

    I understand why people need to play according to their time zone or schedule.
    However, I still have a problem with nightcapping.
    First, at least on Thorn, it's not really oceanic players, it's the same players who play during prime time, taking the entire map once the major guilds from the opposing factions have logged off, say around 4-9 am. Now, I wouldn't call that a conspiracy, exactly, but it is something.
    Second, regardless of who's doing it, taking an almost completely undefended map every morning isn't pvp. I don't understand how that's even fun, or how the players who do it don't see that they're hurting the campaign.
    For players who need to play at that time, there are other options, play on a less populated campaign, there won't be all that many AD or DC there either, but at least you won't be greatly outnumbering them, so maybe you can still have competitive pvp. Or make an alt on a less populated faction, that would work too.
    Lastly, it's more than just "frustrating" to log on every night and see yesterday's work completely undone. If EP takes the map every morning, and holds it all day until the other factions get on in the evening and can take things back, how can AD or DC ever win a campaign? We can't. You make too many points holding the map the entire day for us to make it up in the evenings when we're on, even if we could manage to take the map ourselves and hold it throughout the night, still, wouldn't be enough.
    Also, I feel your pain with Azura's Star. I'm AD, but I spent the first 90 days on Bloodthorn. It was painful.
  • Lord_Draevan
    Winnamine wrote: »
    Second, regardless of who's doing it, taking an almost completely undefended map every morning isn't pvp. I don't understand how that's even fun, or how the players who do it don't see that they're hurting the campaign.

    That's why I'm glad my schedule only lets me play on NA prime time: all 3 factions are high pop or pop-locked. Except on weekends, but I tend to PvE until the action picks up. As you say, uncontested maps are no fun.

    EDIT: This is apparently an absurd thing to say... guess the lol-ers disagree with uncontested maps being no fun. Shame. :disagree:
    Edited by Lord_Draevan on January 30, 2015 11:42PM
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • Sile
    This is like watching the people who talk big about getting Emperor on an empty server.

    While it would be nice to see population balanced, there is something fun and enchanting about being the scrappy underdog.

    What is depressing is seeing DC vets rerolling other factions because of the high burn-out rate of their comrades.
    The Kelly Gang
    Eternal Dear Leader of Bad People on a Shortbus
    OG Daggerfall Covenant
  • AFrostWolf
    I beg to differ. Non-Vet Blackwater Blade is very competitive.
  • Xiphyla
    Sile wrote: »
    This is like watching the people who talk big about getting Emperor on an empty server.

    While it would be nice to see population balanced, there is something fun and enchanting about being the scrappy underdog.

    What is depressing is seeing DC vets rerolling other factions because of the high burn-out rate of their comrades.

    Welcome back. Zyn miss you :o.

    Edited by Xiphyla on January 30, 2015 5:06PM
    AD : DiE (Inactive)
    DC : K-hole (Inactive)
    EP : ZDM (Inactive)


  • Scamandros
    As someone pointed out to me (and I have come to agree with) those who are doing the night-capping tend to be the same few bigger names plus pugs, while I don't remember the last time I saw some other notable EP players push to fare and beyond in such a long time. If they are doing as I believe they are and purposefully drawing a line of where to stop the offensive push for the sake of pvp morale, then they are the unsung heroes of Cyrodil while copping alot of hate in game and on the forums for stuff they aren't really responsible for.

    Although they don't aid in pushing us back to our home gates, they do show up to defend their emp keep ring. It sucks, but its a lesser evil. Fare mine to alessia farm is the new Alessia bridge and every push we are convinced will be the one that succeeds. And people still show up every night for it so it can't be that bad.

    This campaign was real close until some major Guilds started guesting other servers, without that I think this campaign would still be a close battle. Maybe something happens once us Aussies go to bed, but still before american primetime that I am not aware of. Otherwise this is not comparable to the merciless camping of say Bloodthorn DC that I remember. There are good days and bad, but less bad days this cycle.
    Blades of Vengeance

    Mighty Eagle by serjustin19 for your viewing convenience.
    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle.
    I fell out of my nest

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I screech I screech
    but no one hears me

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I started to wonder off
    I want to come back but lost my way.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I came face to face
    Of Mighty Lion

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I came to fall in love with Mighty Lion
    Who's claws is sharp and just

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Then suddenly
    Mighty Dragon Came

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Dragon roared aloud
    Who's mighty paws make earthquake
    that quivers underneath our feet

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Soon battle rages
    Between the Mighty Lion and Mighty Dragon

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    My heart grows heavy
    For who do I belong in Scourge PS4 EU

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I continue to battle.
    But Battle I must do within myself

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I screech, I screech
    Long and hard. I made a fuss

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Then suddenly
    As if I was dreaming

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I heard a screech
    But suddenly, I attack Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle had to defend

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I know I was fighting for Mighty Lion
    So I fought back.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I attack I attack
    But to no avail

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    The Mighty claws who's mighty claws
    Felt unnatural to me and very clumsy to me

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Why I have chosen to not stay with you
    I do not know. I am complicated at that.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I have destroyed Mighty Eagle
    My own kin in Scourge PS4 EU

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I crawled into a ball
    Weep to no avail

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Lost in my whirling thoughts
    My heart and mind is clouded

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I have served Mighty Lion over a year
    I thought Mighty Lion is were I belong anew

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I finally contacted
    Mighty Eagle

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle says they love me
    In reality I love them also.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I continued to clash
    At Mighty Eagle however

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    But clashing with Mighty Eagle
    Just not feel right

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I have made a wrong choice I now believe
    Terrible and unjust of what I did

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    For am I not a monster
    For attacking a faction who loves me instead

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I was wrong
    Mighty Eagle was right

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Come. Please take me back Mighty Eagle
    For I believe I now know

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Were I truly belong
    For indeed I thought

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    That Mighty Lion
    Is were I belong.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    O how I was so wrong Mighty Eagle
    I was gravely wrong and such a fool I was.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    You have met
    Princess Justine

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Princess Justine who attacked
    Mighty Eagle

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I know this was wrong
    And so to does Princess Justine

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    With our clashing together
    I now know were I truly belong in Scourge PS4 EU I believe.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Have you all not heard
    The famous saying. That is very wise and so very true?

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Let me repeat the famous saying
    that is very wise and so true

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    It is
    My Enemy, Enemy's, Enemy's
    Is my friend

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I come to thee Mighty Eagle
    And so to Princess Justine.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Who used to serve Mighty Lion
    But Now serve Mighty Eagle
    For the very first time in her career.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Princess Justine and are one in the same
    Were I go. She will go to. For she believes it is right choice

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    We are all yours
    O Mighty Eagle

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    No one else but you
    I feel peaceful. Unafraid

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I belong to you O mighty Eagle
    I am so relieved to hear myself to say that

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Princess Justine and I

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Now flies and fights alongside with Mighty Eagle
    Who's Mighty talons stand for sacred Freedom

    Written by Serjustin19
    Written on this day
    September 27. The day when My troubled mind is not clouded no longer.
    In the year of my troubles end
  • GorraShatan
    Sypher wrote: »
    EP has a bigger/consistent presence on the server compared to the other two alliances.

    Can't blame them, it's up to ZOS to facilitate population/scoring to make it even. Not the players responsibility.

    Frankly I think it's fine as is. AD player here, and I don't mind having to actually earn a win rather than getting pity points when we have fewer players.

    Part of this is that Thornblade wasn't the most competitive NA campaign for the entire 30 days. With PvP spreading around between the campaigns more, each campaign was very competitive for at least part of the last month. Frankly I think that's a great change.
  • Aoe_Barbecue
    Sile wrote: »
    This is like watching the people who talk big about getting Emperor on an empty server.

    While it would be nice to see population balanced, there is something fun and enchanting about being the scrappy underdog.

    What is depressing is seeing DC vets rerolling other factions because of the high burn-out rate of their comrades.

    Hory chet! It's been way too long man. We've needed you for so long lol. I'm still here too :). I'll solo PvP as the last blue at Ni-Mohk gate if I have to.
    Edited by Aoe_Barbecue on January 30, 2015 6:20PM
  • RedTalon
    Vorpan wrote: »
    I have a feeling that when the game goes B2P new players will ask which alliance is more dominant in PVP, and just go there. :\

    Then you will be lucky as you will have a lot of low hanging fruit to eat. I was hoping they'd mostly go AD. I'm not sure anyone can really say though what will happen.

    I think that when this campaign was close it was at its most entertaining. DC could have made a stronger effort, and was actually #1 for a few days this campaign. DC had a good shot at 2nd until a week ago when they threw it away slamming against an EP beyond their reach to give all of their points up to AD for I don't know what, spite? I was saddened to see a whole faction put their self-interest aside for whatever reason that still eludes me.

    AD also could have won if they would have kept their initial momentum. They have shown they can put up numbers as large as EPs and even larger on some days when they have tightened their ranks to do it.

    I think what it is with EP is we really have taken ownership of Thornblade. The PVPers here don't care about Azura's or any of the buff servers, this is our core focus. When things are quiet on TB we might hop off to another server to say hi, but we don't stay long. I don't feel like AD or DC have taken ownership of Thornblade, their interests lie at their buff servers, and that is fine but it dilutes your population at the defacto "official server of serious business competition".

    For me at-least when it became clear we where not going to win and kept getting pressued from both ad and ep, I decided to just focus on ap gains in the end and see what happens next cycle already got me rewards set so don't have to push just farm, and ep has the numbers to farm is what I think some in DC thought.

    I personally enjoy killing AD more then EP then again dislike high elves and the cat people, let my rp bleed into my pvp to much
  • Darklord_Tiberius
    Blud wrote: »
    Suru wrote: »
    Thorneblade Timeline (this cycle)
    1. Begining is competitive to the best of AD, and DC's ability
    2. DC lackluster since a relatively core group of DC players getting emperor, farming haderus carebears, and lack of tolerance for Thornblade Lag
    3. DC tries their best
    4. AD groups follow suit halfway through and get some players well deserved emperorships and to overall have more fun than on thornblade
    5. Thornblade still competitive in points between AD and DC
    6. AD as a whole doing the best they can to fight EP even tho we cannot match their numbers and maintaining second place

    It is competitive, and we can try our best, its just unfortunate when you know you will be playing for second place, a week into the campaign. ZoS could do somthing about this, but overall it was the decision for many players to partake in a mass exodus to EP, as well which created an unforeseen pop imbalance which we can try and deal with in terms of organization. Already seeing new AD groups in thorn which I am excited about :)

    Eventually some of the real pvpers in EP will get bored and re-roll to DC and AD to get more of a challenge.

    A lot of the EP are AD lol

    That is incorrect actually. A certain AD guild came over for a time and maybe only 10-15 stayed on EP. The top 5 PvP guilds on Pact have been playing EP since the start and never bounced around. There may be solo players that changed, but overall most EP are EP.
  • Aoe_Barbecue
    Lol I'm sure you've taken a survey right? Whatever the case, EP outpopulates DC immensely and AD noticeably, and for longer hours. Without EP's dedication to night capping the scores on Thornblade would be far more competitive, if that's something people still care about.
  • Columba
    Blud wrote: »
    Suru wrote: »
    Thorneblade Timeline (this cycle)
    1. Begining is competitive to the best of AD, and DC's ability
    2. DC lackluster since a relatively core group of DC players getting emperor, farming haderus carebears, and lack of tolerance for Thornblade Lag
    3. DC tries their best
    4. AD groups follow suit halfway through and get some players well deserved emperorships and to overall have more fun than on thornblade
    5. Thornblade still competitive in points between AD and DC
    6. AD as a whole doing the best they can to fight EP even tho we cannot match their numbers and maintaining second place

    It is competitive, and we can try our best, its just unfortunate when you know you will be playing for second place, a week into the campaign. ZoS could do somthing about this, but overall it was the decision for many players to partake in a mass exodus to EP, as well which created an unforeseen pop imbalance which we can try and deal with in terms of organization. Already seeing new AD groups in thorn which I am excited about :)

    Eventually some of the real pvpers in EP will get bored and re-roll to DC and AD to get more of a challenge.

    A lot of the EP are AD lol

    That is incorrect actually. A certain AD guild came over for a time and maybe only 10-15 stayed on EP. The top 5 PvP guilds on Pact have been playing EP since the start and never bounced around. There may be solo players that changed, but overall most EP are EP.

    Hmm. So the 20+ EP lag spammers we see every night that have names nearly identical to the AD lag spammers of 3 months ago just magically picked those AD names? Strains credulity.
  • Phaedrus
    Edited by Phaedrus on January 30, 2015 9:49PM
    Phaedrus Wolf
  • Aoe_Barbecue
    Why shouldn't they?
  • Sallington
    Phaedrus wrote: »
    DC has one fatal flaw. They will ALWAYS push EP, no matter what the map looks like or situation is they will attack EP. It makes them predictable.

    And AD should do the same. It should be a "whoever holds the most EP home keeps wins" campaign this time around.
    Edited by Sallington on January 30, 2015 9:23PM
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
  • Tripwyr
    Phaedrus wrote: »
    DC has one fatal flaw. They will ALWAYS push EP, no matter what the map looks like or situation is they will attack EP. It makes them predictable.

    This is hilariously false.
    Alacrity Founder | Forum Emperor
    World First Veteran Dragonstar Arena

    Tripwyr Manawrath - AD NA Sorcerer, Former Emperor of Haderus; Former Emperor of Hopesfire, First Cycle
    Tripwyr Flamewrath - AD NA Dragon Knight, Former Emperor of Thornblade, First Cycle
    Imperial Tripwyr - AD NA Templar, Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade
    Ripwyr - DC NA Templar
    Nyrv - EP NA Sorcerer

    I am of the firm opinion that subtracting "raging stupidity" from anyone's voice can only cause them to sound more like myself.
  • Cody
    thornblade is home to a bunch of egotistical jerks/guilds that take pride in impulse blobbing and "nightcapping" the map(looking at you EP)

    It is filled with lag and impulse blobbing. I myself don't consider that fun. That to me, is boring.

    thornblade being competitive? some don't consider it competitive due to all the "nightcapping" that goes on, or due to all the impulse blobbing.

    It really is a matter of opinion. I myself don't consider it competitive, I consider it having the highest population.
  • Gooey
    Blud wrote: »
    Suru wrote: »
    Thorneblade Timeline (this cycle)
    1. Begining is competitive to the best of AD, and DC's ability
    2. DC lackluster since a relatively core group of DC players getting emperor, farming haderus carebears, and lack of tolerance for Thornblade Lag
    3. DC tries their best
    4. AD groups follow suit halfway through and get some players well deserved emperorships and to overall have more fun than on thornblade
    5. Thornblade still competitive in points between AD and DC
    6. AD as a whole doing the best they can to fight EP even tho we cannot match their numbers and maintaining second place

    It is competitive, and we can try our best, its just unfortunate when you know you will be playing for second place, a week into the campaign. ZoS could do somthing about this, but overall it was the decision for many players to partake in a mass exodus to EP, as well which created an unforeseen pop imbalance which we can try and deal with in terms of organization. Already seeing new AD groups in thorn which I am excited about :)

    Eventually some of the real pvpers in EP will get bored and re-roll to DC and AD to get more of a challenge.

    A lot of the EP are AD lol

    That is incorrect actually. A certain AD guild came over for a time and maybe only 10-15 stayed on EP. The top 5 PvP guilds on Pact have been playing EP since the start and never bounced around. There may be solo players that changed, but overall most EP are EP.

    Lol, please name these five guilds. *gets popcorn*
  • Sile
    Sile wrote: »
    This is like watching the people who talk big about getting Emperor on an empty server.

    While it would be nice to see population balanced, there is something fun and enchanting about being the scrappy underdog.

    What is depressing is seeing DC vets rerolling other factions because of the high burn-out rate of their comrades.

    Hory chet! It's been way too long man. We've needed you for so long lol. I'm still here too :). I'll solo PvP as the last blue at Ni-Mohk gate if I have to.

    :open_mouth: You're alive! We were talking about you last night, along with Naw, Jones, and other cool cats. Talking about the DC glory days and where we're at now.

    The Kelly Gang
    Eternal Dear Leader of Bad People on a Shortbus
    OG Daggerfall Covenant
  • Blud
    This is my experience. I roll with an Aussie guild in AD. so I have nothing against night-capping. We play when we can play.

    Typically, we can get a group of us from 12-24. We go to a tower or keep, put a hole in the wall, then get zerged down by 50+ EP. Big d-tick for them. Go to another objective, rinse and repeat.

    After a while, people get tired of feeding AP to the red zerg.

    We do sometimes set up AP farms, but that can only work while the main zerg is somewhere else. As soon as they get whatever they were capping, they come down in numbers if they smell a little blood. That's how we know they must be bored. If there are 6 or 8 of us AP farming at a resource we can wind up getting zerged down by the 50+.

    Our guild doesn't have any emps or former emps, so we don't farm as well as some of the EP crews. I've seen groups of four to six former emps (mostly DKs) and their groupies all holed up in a tower with their burning oils working a good old AP farm. That must be fun.

    Anyway, the score says it all.

    Edit: It's frustrating because the pvp in this game can be so fun. It's tactical as a team and it's also based on skill as an individual. One person can make a difference and team players can also have an impact. But it's discouraging when no matter how hard you fight, you get worn down by some Guild Wars 2 type of blob tactic.

    Edited by Blud on January 31, 2015 12:45AM
  • Roechacca
    DC looks to be down 60% from its original low population since TB's start . It's a guessed percentage . But it is so low I don't recognize but maybe 4-5 names anymore in Zone Chat . From when I could easily recognize between 30-40 player names in the past . number of groups I see recruiting , one or two tops now .

    Is Thornblade competitive ? Not from this view . Not anymore . Soon you probably will have to request duels to see a DC player there . I said it would happen , it already has . AD will be next .
    Edited by Roechacca on January 31, 2015 12:53AM
  • Blud
    roechacca wrote: »
    DC looks to be down 60% from its original low population since TB's start . It's a guessed percentage . But it is so low I don't recognize but maybe 4-5 names anymore in Zone Chat . From when I could easily recognize between 30-40 player names in the past . number of groups I see recruiting , one or two tops now .

    Is Thornblade competitive ? Not from this view . Not anymore . Soon you probably will have to request duels to see a DC player there . I said it would happen , it already has . AD will be next .

    It's happening to AD already. There are a few DC we see nightly , like 3-5 guys. They just hang out at the edges of EP/AD skirmishes and gank whoever. We miss DC. There are times when we try to hit EP and wish DC would do something up north but nothing, so those remaining AD are just us sometimes. It's our guild, maybe 8-12 of us on a normal night and 2-3 solo guys who follow along. We wind up taking the full brunt of the full red zerg. Sometimes on a busy night there is a second group going, but because of EPs zerg, we often have to work together to try to get anything done, and still we can't match their numbers o spread them out most times.

    If we try to put up a distraction somewhere with a team of 4-6 guys, EP can still carry on with its main effort somewhere and respond with 20+ guys to our 4-6.

    It would really be nice to have DC hitting them somewhere else.

    Our zone chat is pretty quiet most nights.

    I would love to see some red and blue crossed swords up north so we could get our stuff back in the the south and push EP a little. Now EP just responds and just in time and in large numbers.

    Edited by Blud on January 31, 2015 1:05AM
  • Roechacca
    EP by next month will have people sitting cue only to finally get in much later then before that there is hardly any fighting on the map . Time between fights will increase until they get bored with PvP all together till march . Much to their dismay in March , B2P won't fix the balance issues and new over whelmed players will take off twice as fast as the die hard's did . By July , people will have the option to move over to consol and try a whole new mega server away from this problematic PC one . Pvp will become a after thought here .
  • Roechacca
    The first thing you'll see in March from the new players Is "Why am I fighting against all these Former Emperors?" Posts . They'll scream about how everyone already has them out leveled and starting Champion points . Just watch . I've seen this before so many times ... They won't stick around . Then ZOS will pull F2P next to try an save some people .
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