Im PLayer from the 1st day.... srsly ZoS you failed so hard. Not the Paymentsystem failed. You failed. Player left the Game because of Bugs, Lies, Exploits and Lags not because of the subscription fee.
What did you do? You said - lags didnt belong to the US Servers. You were right. Its still lagging - after nearly 1 year. EVERY DAY!
Your quests are bugged. The bosses inside are bugged. Nerien Eth for example. There are BUGS which exist from the 1st day and are NOT fixed yet. You talk about playingexperience... you experience bugs EVERY DAY!
Cant you understand people leave the game BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOUR BAD WORK? In your broadcasts you tell the people what they want to hear. You lie. Thats why people leave! You say their XP will be saved.... no it wont. You say - 6 month subscription is deleted because of less interest - you also lie. You say you will install Patches and ADD-Ons every 2-3 months. You lie.
You had the choice - improve yourself or change to f2p/b2p and get the last few euros out of every player until he leaves the game.
You are destroying eso step by step.
1st step - bugs
2nd step - dupes
3rd step - exploits
4th step - lags
5th step - pay 2 win
do you really think people who left because of these reasons or didnt start eso because of these reasons will start it when its for free? maybe some will....and leave again when they have to pay. the rest wont give a ***.
You didnt fix the problems. MORE PLAYERS MORE LAGS .. and most of them wont even pay for it.
you say its b2p? eso is @ 10-15 euros .. sry thats not b2p thats f2p. maybe you try to sell the new edition and after that it will be f2p for sure and your pay2winshop will rise.
sry but im out. search for some idiots buy your crap from the pay2win ingame shop. put your crowns where the sun doesnt shine. im done with you.
Edited by b-l-a-d-eb16_ESO on January 21, 2015 7:22PM